Cowboys' defense could use some "Law" and order


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superpunk said:
And yet, the fact remains, Chad Johnson hasn't lined up against Hall. Neither did Chad line up against Newman THIS YEAR, which was what Dr. Z's quote was evaluating. So, in essence, you're taking the word of a player that hasn't lined up against either CB, over a guy who has watched tons of film.
:lmao2: Dr.Z watches it media film or coaches film:lmao2:

Again I'll take Chad Johnson's opinion over Dr.Z and the intern staff he has pushing stats :lmao2:
superpunk said:
By all accounts players see less of their peers than you, I, or Dr. Z, lest you forget, they're actually playing in the games on sunday.
By all accounts:eek:

By all accounts Chad Johnson can be the only person considered a professional or expert amongst the above group when it comes to studying CBs........................
superpunk said:
I remember an interview once that said that the average NFL player, when voting for the pro-bowl, has about as much insight as the average fan, because if they're not breaking down game film, they don't really see other players. All they have to go on is the same media coverage each of us gets. So, they vote for the names they hear. Maybe it was Parcells that said that, I can't remember.

I comprehended just fine, yet you still fail to make any sense.
Well wake up.............Chad Johnson isn't an average NFL player:lmao:

I question your comprehension skills and you claim I don't make sense. Its a conundrum...............:confused:


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Charles said:
Dr.Z watches it media film or coaches film

I don't know. But he charts players, through the course of the season, and grades them out. He's a pretty credible source, even if you don't want to acknowledge it, since it's devastating to your feeble argument.

Again I'll take Chad Johnson's opinion over Dr.Z and the intern staff he has pushing stats

Link to his staff of indentured interns, pushing stats for him?

Again - Chad Johnson faced neither player last year, and has never matched up against DeAngelo Hall. There is no reason to believe he has any more background on either player than you or I. Unless he gets his rocks off in the offseason by breaking down coaches film of players he's not going to face, I'd say he's probably catching highlights on these guys.

By all accounts:eek:

By all accounts Chad Johnson can be the only person considered a professional or expert amongst the above group when it comes to studying CBs........................

Yet he didn't line up against EITHER CB last year. So why, pray tell, would he ahve studied them?

I question your comprehension skills and you claim I don't make sense. Its a conundrum...............:confused:

I was trying to sugarcoat what I really thought of your argument. Next time I'll be more blunt.


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superpunk said:
Check the thread. I don't live in Atlanta.
Sorry thought you were guru, but I could have sworn I saw you location note "The middle of nowhere, the center of everywhere..." on the wall in an Atlanta Strip club
superpunk said:
And it doesn't matter if Newman was the one matched up against those receivers on every play. Except for Smith(who Newman was locked up almost exclusively with - only a few plays off him), every receiver listed was the team's leading receiver against the Cowboys. If Newman wasn't covering them, then he was doing an even BETTER job against the other receivers.

I pay for the Sunday Ticket. I saw every snap, of every game last year. Reading comprehension....
So majority of the fans ignored Newman from their Pro Bowl list, the average NFL players while filling out the ProBowl ballots heard mostly DeAngelo Halls name and SI is the only outfit that got it right.

Take your homer glasses off. I am a big Newman fan, but I won't overatt him. He's a very good CB. He is not the best in the league. Deion Sanders late in his caeeer while with Dallas had similar stats (not giving up yards or TDs to WR) but he wasn't the best. Stats don't tell the whole story. Never have never will.

Deion gave up yards and TDs when he was the best in the game early in his career. He got burnt, but he made plays when his team needed them the most to win, Newman hasn't reached that level.

Newman is very good but far from the best.


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Charles said:
Sorry thought you were guru, but I could have sworn I saw you location note "The middle of nowhere, the center of everywhere..." on the wall in an Atlanta Strip club

So majority of the fans ignored Newman from their Pro Bowl list, the average NFL players while filling out the ProBowl ballots heard mostly DeAngelo Halls name and SI is the only outfit that got it right.

Take your homer glasses off. I am a big Newman fan, but I won't overatt him. He's a very good CB. He is not the best in the league. Deion Sanders late in his caeeer while with Dallas had similar stats (not giving up yards or TDs to WR) but he wasn't the best. Stats don't tell the whole story. Never have never will.

Deion gave up yards and TDs when he was the best in the game early in his career. He got burnt, but he made plays when his team needed them the most to win, Newman hasn't reached that level.

Newman is very good but far from the best.

I watched him. I don't need stats. The guy is rock solid, and as shut down as they come. Maybe he's not the best, but he's at least top 5. I'd like to see him notch a few more INTs, but he's about as good as they come.


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superpunk said:
I don't know. But he charts players, through the course of the season, and grades them out. He's a pretty credible source, even if you don't want to acknowledge it, since it's devastating to your feeble argument.
Stop..........making up arguments!!!

I agree he's a credible source. I never stated Dr.Z or SI were a bad outfit or less than credible source..........I just believe an elite WRs opinion on CBs in the league carries more weight than Dr.Z and SI. Pretty strong argument IMO:laugh2:

Interseting conversation strategy.........make something up, pin it on someone....then knock it down:lmao2:

In the words of Mutombo "Get that out here":nono2:

superpunk said:
Link to his staff of indentured interns, pushing stats for him?
I suggest you take a tour of CNN/SI or ESPN. They give pretty good tours. I have, you'll be surprised at the process.
superpunk said:
Again - Chad Johnson faced neither player last year, and has never matched up against DeAngelo Hall. There is no reason to believe he has any more background on either player than you or I. Unless he gets his rocks off in the offseason by breaking down coaches film of players he's not going to face, I'd say he's probably catching highlights on these guys.
So if Troy Aikman said Ed Reed was the best safety in the league and SI claimed it was Roy Williams whom would you believe?

superpunk said:
I was trying to sugarcoat what I really thought of your argument. Next time I'll be more blunt.
You don't have to wear kid gloves...............


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Charles said:
Stop..........making up arguments!!!

I agree he's a credible source. I never stated Dr.Z or SI were a bad outfit or less than credible source..........I just believe an elite WRs opinion on CBs in the league carries more weight than Dr.Z and SI. Pretty strong argument IMO

Your argument was, that Chad Johnson, who "actually lines up against these guys", would have a more justified opinion than a guy that only watches film. When informed that Chad Johnson did not, in fact "line up against these guys", it changes to "Well, you don't have to line up against someone to have an opinion." Dance, dance, dance...if you don't have to line up, than Chad Johnson's opinion is no more valid than Dr. Z's, since he has not, in fact, "lined up against these guys" either. Difference is, Dr. Z is paid to cover the entire league, and does some really interesting stuff on it, and Chad Johnson is paid to study a specific opponent each week, not take an overall view.

You take the opinion of a guy who has a very narrow view of the league (i.e. his opponent each week), and we'll hang with the guy who covers the entire league, and has an excellent reputation. I'll let you decide which one has a broader scope on the league.

So if Troy Aikman said Ed Reed was the best safety in the league and SI claimed it was Roy Williams whom would you believe?

Given the fact that Roy Williams never matches up against Ed Reed, therefore making this situation entirely different, There's no reason to dignify this with a response. I will tell you this - both had better back their claims up with some facts, not just "Chad Johnson said so". Bringing that weak **** to me won't cut it.