News: Cowboys Fans Get What They Wished For – Can’t Handle It


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The ones buying the tickets and Cowboy merchandise.

Majority of posters on this forum don’t get any closer to a cowboy game than their TV screen.

I think you are mistaken my friend.

I have been to numerous Cowboys games, both at Texas Stadium and at AT&T Stadium. There are also many posters on here that are season ticket holders. In fact, if you look at one of the threads about PSLs there are a lot of posters that have given very good info on both how the whole PSLs and season tickets work, where there seats are, and how much they have to pay for the seats.

So no, it is totally erroneous on your part to assume that the posters here just watch the games on TV, many are season ticket holders or buy individual game tickets during the season.

I personally usually pick 2 Cowboy home games a year to attend and I drive up from Austin to do it. And I am widely considered one of the most negative posters on this site. So don't judge a book by its cover, some of the most negative posters on this forum are also some of the most passionate Cowboy fans there are want nothing more than for the team to win, we just don't think this coaching staff and front office knows what it takes to accomplish that.


Junior College Transfer
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Cowboys Fans Get What They Wished For – Can’t Handle It

...The hue and cry from fans were for a return to the golden years. To a time when the offseasons were boring and the team was built through the NFL Draft. The examples of the Steelers and Patriots were often given as was a reference to “The Patriot Way” or “The Steeler Way” and how players either “bought in” to the team mantra or they were gone. The clubs were built from the inside out, with solid lines in the pits and solid off-field personalities. There is a focus at creating competition at each roster position. The teams signed thier own first but didn’t overpay. Then they looked for younger players with upside or savvy vets looking for a chance at winning. Not splashy, but effective.

Oh if ONLY the Cowboys would have enough discipline to enact such an approach. Heady stuff to think about back in the day. Then Jason Garrett and the front office brain trust sold Jerry on just such an approach. The team became active in free agency only after the initial wave of signings. They became second-tier buyers just like the Patriots and Steelers. They focused on re-signing their own players and any free agent contract was constructed in such a manner the team could extricate itself with minimal if any cap pain. Competition was created across the roster at as many positions as possible.

Finally! Cowboys Nation could now get back to enjoying being a Cowboys fan. Right? Not so fast. The cry each season for the Cowboys to sign big name free agents to “put them over the top” has been deafening. Every player that had a “good” season is now “the answer” for big D. Quickly aging safety Earl Thomas? Trade away the draft and give him an extension Jerry! Consistently underperforming slot WR Sammie Watkins? Throw $40-$50 million over 3 years at him JJ! Cowboys need OL help? Solder would only take approximately $60 million over 4 years, Jerry, what are you waiting for!?!?!? Team wrecker Suh is the 1-Tech you’ve waited all your life for Jerry!...
What a DRAMA queen.
I could almost hear "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the foreground.
Really, now. Compose yourself!


Junior College Transfer
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I think you are mistaken my friend.

I have been to numerous Cowboys games, both at Texas Stadium and at AT&T Stadium. There are also many posters on here that are season ticket holders. In fact, if you look at one of the threads about PSLs there are a lot of posters that have given very good info on both how the whole PSLs and season tickets work, where there seats are, and how much they have to pay for the seats.

So no, it is totally erroneous on your part to assume that the posters here just watch the games on TV, many are season ticket holders or buy individual game tickets during the season.

I personally usually pick 2 Cowboy home games a year to attend and I drive up from Austin to do it. And I am widely considered one of the most negative posters on this site. So don't judge a book by its cover, some of the most negative posters on this forum are also some of the most passionate Cowboy fans there are want nothing more than for the team to win, we just don't think this coaching staff and front office knows what it takes to accomplish that.


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The ones buying the tickets and Cowboy merchandise.

Majority of posters on this forum don’t get any closer to a cowboy game than their TV screen.

There are TONS of people that are HUGE Cowboy fans that have never been to the stadium. I know several, and they are NOT lesser fans than you or I. They buy hats and mugs and jerseys, have special rooms decked out in Cowboy decor, visit this site and others daily, obsess over details, watch and record all the games and special shows, etc., etc. They ALL matter! Get over yourself, man!


Go Seahawks!!!
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"The fanbase" isn't negative, "the fanbase that is posting" is.

The article mistakes different people posting at different times for different things as the same people contradicting themselves.
This is spot on. No decision is supported 100% by all fans. When discussing each issue, a certain portion of the fanbase is going to disagree with it and it doesn’t mean the fans are contradicting themselves.


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That's not the real issue and you know it. The issue is even when they've had the talent and the opportunity, they've failed. Failed even to reach an NFC championship game. Much less make it to a SB.

Been that way for over 20 years. Saddled with that level of FAIL, people will grasp at anything that looks like a way out.

But, as we all know, there is no way out. Its just the current state of the Cowboys. Nobody give a blank anymore. Its just something to do. Or not. Up to you.

What do you now say after Dez's catch has now been declared a catch and would have resulted in a win against Green Bay that WOULD have taken Dallas to the NFC Championship game? Naw, it just doesn't mean a thing to you then...


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What do you now say after Dez's catch has now been declared a catch and would have resulted in a win against Green Bay that WOULD have taken Dallas to the NFC Championship game? Naw, it just doesn't mean a thing to you then...
Hate to break it to ya but Rodgers would have marched down the field and scored on us had that been a catch. We were never going to win that game no matter what.


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Hate to break it to ya but Rodgers would have marched down the field and scored on us had that been a catch. We were never going to win that game no matter what.
There's a greater chance that wouldn't have happened than it would have. Scoring in the NFL is tough. Had the catch been ruled correctly, Dallas most likely wins that game. There's never any guarantees, but the odds would've been in their favor.


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all will be fine. Fans are frontrunners and have short memories. This draft is so very key in the teams development. This team will be a monster this year or next. At some point those youngsters grow up and the light comes on. It takes time. Look at the Rams. Yes..the HC helps..but Goff had the light finally come on for him...and look what happened.


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Hate to break it to ya but Rodgers would have marched down the field and scored on us had that been a catch. We were never going to win that game no matter what.
I tend to agree. Marinelli loved to play prevent Defense that year especially...and Rodgers would have likely stuck a knife in us. We will never know.


Go Seahawks!!!
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There's a greater chance that wouldn't have happened than it would have. Scoring in the NFL is tough. Had the catch been ruled correctly, Dallas most likely wins that game. There's never any guarantees, but the odds would've been in their favor.

GB scored on 5 of the 8 possessions they actually tried to score on. On their 9th and final possession, they were just trying to run the clock out and got into FG range. Odds are, they would have scored.

The question would be whether Dallas would have converted the 2 point conversion and made it a 3 point lead or a 1 point lead, assuming of course Dallas actually punched the ball in. I think it is likely Dallas does score the TD and the 2 point conversion would be 50/50. I think it would have been our first 2 point conversion attempt on the season.

If they convert on the 2 point conversion then there is a chance Dallas wins in overtime. If not, I think the most likely scenario is GB wins in regulation with a FG. I think it would take luck to stop Rodgers from scoring there.

Reverend Conehead

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Another dumb article for the offseason. The truth is there are a lot of different fan opinions, and that's fine. You'll never have a unified voice as fans. The author seems to have that unrealistic expectation.


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There are TONS of people that are HUGE Cowboy fans that have never been to the stadium. I know several, and they are NOT lesser fans than you or I. They buy hats and mugs and jerseys, have special rooms decked out in Cowboy decor, visit this site and others daily, obsess over details, watch and record all the games and special shows, etc., etc. They ALL matter! Get over yourself, man!

Get over myself? You need to take your own advice. Notice (obviously, you didn’t) that I said ticket holders and those who buy merchandise.

I think it’s obvious that I was referring to those groups of fans as those who matter TO JERRY. I agree, all fans matter, but the ones who have Jerry’s attention are those who spend the money on anything and everything Cowboys.

Go take your meds, dude...


Well-Known Member
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I think you are mistaken my friend.

I have been to numerous Cowboys games, both at Texas Stadium and at AT&T Stadium. There are also many posters on here that are season ticket holders. In fact, if you look at one of the threads about PSLs there are a lot of posters that have given very good info on both how the whole PSLs and season tickets work, where there seats are, and how much they have to pay for the seats.

So no, it is totally erroneous on your part to assume that the posters here just watch the games on TV, many are season ticket holders or buy individual game tickets during the season.

I personally usually pick 2 Cowboy home games a year to attend and I drive up from Austin to do it. And I am widely considered one of the most negative posters on this site. So don't judge a book by its cover, some of the most negative posters on this forum are also some of the most passionate Cowboy fans there are want nothing more than for the team to win, we just don't think this coaching staff and front office knows what it takes to accomplish that.

I appreciate the cordiality you show in your response. I know there are a lot of posters here who have been to games (myself included),but I’d venture to say that the majority have not been to one. Sure, I could be wrong (my wife can cite several examples), but I really don’t think so.

My point is that Jerry may hear the complaints, but he only LISTENS to those who spend their money. For what it’s worth, I believe every owner feels that way.

On an unrelated note, I also live in Austin (as do several others on this site). I’d welcome the chance to have a “zone” get-together somewhere in town.


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Get over myself? You need to take your own advice. Notice (obviously, you didn’t) that I said ticket holders and those who buy merchandise.

I think it’s obvious that I was referring to those groups of fans as those who matter TO JERRY. I agree, all fans matter, but the ones who have Jerry’s attention are those who spend the money on anything and everything Cowboys.

Go take your meds, dude...

A VERY small fraction of the fanbase matter to Jerry--those that invest five figures or more in season tickets, $80 Pizza and stadium "art", but most of his money besides that is from TV.

Go take your own meds, dude, I just have a different spin on it. Sue me!


Well-Known Member
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This is spot on. No decision is supported 100% by all fans. When discussing each issue, a certain portion of the fanbase is going to disagree with it and it doesn’t mean the fans are contradicting themselves.

True, although there's also truth in the other side. Many of those complaining about the "low key" approach to free agency were also constantly voicing frustration with Jerry's old penchant for bankrupting us with splashy moves. Then there's the "Red Headed Love Puppet" crowd, who blame every shortcoming, every loss, every embarrassment, on clapping and red hair. Negative threads often go thirty pages or more, while upbeat, hopeful subjects usually merit 14 posts.

Kinda hard on the lazy, Kool Aid guzzling , Good Time Charlie's like me! Why can't we all just get along, asked the naive, absurdist stoners....