Cowboys Fans in Dallas SUCK

theebs;1637197 said:
again. You are generalizing. Real true cowboys fans live outside of texas?

So what am I, I guess I am a softie know nothing who goes to the games for the pretzels.

theebs, he does have a point. More people fly into Texas Stadium from outside Dallas to see the Cowboys play than those who live here. Away games are typically filled with Cowboys fans. The ones I always saw at Giants Stadium, RFK and Arizona were always rabid. The ones who go to Philly are just suicidal though :)
Wood;1639230 said:
I was at the game and posted a message about how suprisingly loud he crowd was. I was expected fans who sit with their legs crossed while eating grey poupon. But what I found was a crowd that was every bit as loud as any Eagles game I have been too. Maybe the original poster was seated in the rafters unable to know what was going on close to the field because it was loud especially when Giants had the ball.

I was at the last home opener ever at the vet in 02 against dallas. I was 15 yards from the field on the 30 yard line and it wasnt any louder in there than it is at all the games I have been to here in Dallas.

Its like stanley spadowski said, he is dead on. These rumours get started and there there is this perception that nobody cares and that there is no noise.

Totally untrue. Is it the loudest stadium in the league? No, neither is philly, not even close. Is it bad, no not even close. Its just another way for people to have something negative to say about this organization.

I was at the bills-jets in 98. I saw bills fans drag about 5 jets fans out of a luxury box and preced to beat the hell out of them. That carried over into the parking lot, because the guys in the luxury box, jets fans, were opening the door and throwing stuff at the bills fans the whole game.

Go look up that game, I think it was december 13, 1998, parcells-wade phillips...flutie mania. I think 60 people got arrested in the parking lot. If that is the way good fans act, then I would probably stay home, In a few years when my son goes with me to the games I dont want him around that crap. And having to avoid 10 man brawls on your way to the car has nothing to do with football or being a fan. It is that toughest guy in the bar crap, I hate that crap. bunch of guys who wear cologne to the gym fighting at the stadium...their all tools.
Wood;1639230 said:
I was at the game and posted a message about how suprisingly loud he crowd was. I was expected fans who sit with their legs crossed while eating grey poupon. But what I found was a crowd that was every bit as loud as any Eagles game I have been too. Maybe the original poster was seated in the rafters unable to know what was going on close to the field because it was loud especially when Giants had the ball.

what section were you in?
StanleySpadowski;1637289 said:
I really believe that two things have increased the boorish behavior at most venues.

First the internet. Stories of ill-treatment at the opposing team's stadium spread like wildfire on the internet whether they're almost always embellished or not. They treat us badly, we'll treat them badly.....

Second is the increase in ticket prices. Most would think this would improve the crowd behavior, getting a white collar and seemingly more well behaved crowd on hand but it doesn't. All that's really happened though is a more transient crowd. Instead of a couple of games a year, Joe twelve-pack can only afford one and ****** if he's only going to one game he's going to get liquored and enjoy himself, damn the consequences. Someone's more than willing to sell him a ticket because there's money to be made.

I hope the home of Cowboys never falls prey to the rabid jerkishness that's become the trademark of most stadiums in the north east.

I went to Notre Dame/Penn State and was appalled at the overall behavior in the stands. Language that would make a sailor blush chanted by parts of the crowd. I've always had positive experiences as a visitor to Beaver Stadium in the past and assumed that the home of a class act like Paterno would remain a bastion of civility. I was wrong.

The profanity really bothers me, especially when there are kids around. There were some Cowboys fans near my tailgate who were just plain obnoxious with the language and middle finger gestures to the Giants fans. That's just not cool at all. It's one thing to have fun and haze the opposing team in a good natured way, but that other stuff's just uncalled for. I'm sure alcohol played a part as well.
Crown Royal;1637400 said:
I think there are some acoustical issues there, too. I was at the Indy game last year, and I know that everywhere I looked people were on their feet screaming, but I don't think it was too loud on television.

Also, regarding other fans - I LIKE having opposing teams near me. I learn a lot about their team and get some good information.

The Indy game last year was perhaps the loudest game I've ever been to at Texas Stadium. I wish that same exact crowd would come back to every game. My friend and I couldnt hear a word the other was saying. We were yelling in each other's ear and couldnt hear it. That's how loud it was. :)
Taps-n-1;1637516 said:
Again, it's become one of those popular myths.

TX Stadium is/was an incredibly stark and ascetically unremarkable facility from the day Billy Graham opened the place in the summer of 71. It's like walking into the inside of a giant cement truck. I think that, more than anything, spawned the "Dallas fans suck" mentality.

I do know, that there's almost never a time that I don't have to lean, lips-to-ear, to the person next to me to be able to hear each other. Rarely do I leave a game w/o a sore throat, regardless if I was standing and cheering, or sitting and trying to simply converse with my neighbors.

The Cotton Bowl was no different.

You dont think there are going to be more Club Seats, Suites and VIP areas in the new stadium for the "wine and cheese" crowd to occupy? C'mon!!! You're smarter than that. Jerry is catering to the wealthy crowd with the new stadium just like Murchison did with Texas Stadium. That's why the crowd changed from the Cotton Bowl days.
Well Jeff, I hate to hear that But the times I'm there its the same thing, There just not Rabid fans like they are out east, look guys its nothing to get all bent out of shape about I'm sure the guys here on the board get loud but in Dallas its a place to be scene more then an outing like in Giants stadium or Washington. The people in Dallas are fickle they hate Jerry and If the boys are winning there there, I was told its harder to get Stars tix then its to get Cowboys tix, It doesn't mean you have to curse or throw batteries I go to Giants stadium every year and there really cool with me so , hey what can you do

Cowboy Jeff;1639203 said:

Pretty much what I say every season. Most of the "fans" suck. When the Giants had the ball on their own 20 (right in front of me) I went o pull out my airhorn to try and cause a false start. I had one guy in an Aikman jersey sitting next to me say, "You are NOT using an air horn. It's bad enough I have to hear you yell and use a cowbell." I turned to him and unloaded, "You're going to hear this cowbell ALL GAME LONG when we are on defense. You're not a Cowboys fan. You know nothing about strategy. You are a liability to the Cowboys. Do everyone a favor and stay home next time. Watch it on TV or go to the opera!!! An empty seat makes more noise than you!!!" My wife was chuckling, but she could see how pissed I was at the pathetic apathy of the fans. You're 100% right about the fans sucking big time. They disgust me!!! The new stadium is only going to be worse. Higher ticket prices and more seating capacity means more "wine and cheese" patrons who are going to watch a ballet. Unless the Cowboys cheat and pipe-in sound, this new stadium will be much much worse. Just watch America's Game 1971 Dallas Cowboys and see what Duane Thomas had to say about moving from the Cotton Bowl to Texas Stadium.
section 34 is plenty loud...standing for nearly the whole game
1/2 dozen cowbells close to me. now sometimes i do wish we would
get loud sooner ( like when coming out of a TV timeout and we are
on defense). as for crowd behavior....we seem to have plenty of
crude, vulgar and unimaginative fans.
poke;1639342 said:
section 34 is plenty loud...standing for nearly the whole game
1/2 dozen cowbells close to me. now sometimes i do wish we would
get loud sooner ( like when coming out of a TV timeout and we are
on defense). as for crowd behavior....we seem to have plenty of
crude, vulgar and unimaginative fans.

that's the end of the stadium near 1 & 36 where I usually sit. They can make some noise. Most of the rest of the stadium leaves much to be desired.
Please, jealousy wont get you anywhere, every things bigger in Texas except CROWD noise, I have too experienced the low crowd noise, what can you do.
There spoiled thats all

Originally Posted by GimmeTheBall!
Well, youse guise from the north got it straight, you betcha.
Ah cahn rememba those bee-U-Tee-Full pizza pies up deah. Tha best. Tha best ah tell ya!
Yo, everything is bettah in the north. Da food, da peoples da fans.
Lucky we have you to tell us the right way to doose things. Hey, watch it dayah! I'm writtin' heah, I'm wirttin' heah!! Don't push youse guise!!!

ilovejerry;1638247 said:
Please, jealousy wont get you anywhere, every things bigger in Texas except CROWD noise, I have too experienced the low crowd noise, what can you do.
There spoiled thats all

I can't decide which post, mine or yours, had the most spelling errors.
N.Y. public schools? My excuse was the Texas juvenile justice system had lousy academics.

Hey! Ahm walkin' heah! I'm walkin' heah!
~ Ratzo Rizzo
CowboyJeff;1639212 said:
Yo Tony!!!! What exit????

Yo, Vinnie! Whut can ah do? It fell off da truck, ya gotta problem wit dat?


Gotta love them pushy, loud and know-it-all Northeasterners

cobra;1639051 said:
I like our civilized and classy fans at Dallas sporting events.

We aren't a bunch of ******** mooks like in Washington and Philly. Getting drunk and yelling curse words all game is an embarassment. I enjoy games much more when I am surrounded by classy fans.
Amen. I can't believe the original post was complaining about fans not trash talking and harrassing opposing fans enough. :rolleyes: What a joke.

Maybe if we learn to be really good fans, we can get a jail built in the new stadium and be just like the old Vet. :rolleyes:
GimmeTheBall!;1639394 said:
Yo, Vinnie! Whut can ah do? It fell off da truck, ya gotta problem wit dat?


Gotta love them pushy, loud and know-it-all Northeasterners


You lookin at me??? You lookin at me??? Ah You lookin at me??? I know a friend who knows a friend who knows someone that can do someting. You know: Dem Tings :D
Chocolate Lab;1639404 said:
Amen. I can't believe the original post was complaining about fans not trash talking and harrassing opposing fans enough. :rolleyes: What a joke.

Maybe if we learn to be really good fans, we can get a jail built in the new stadium and be just like the old Vet. :rolleyes:

That jail at the old Vet was definitely deserved. Everytime I went there I felt like I was entering Gaza wearing an IDF t-shirt.
Honestly, I thought it was pretty loud on TV on Sunday night. Much louder than it usually was.
Na My spell checker was off, If I didn't have that. I wouldn't be able to post a thing. plus its a little hard when you have two little kids climbing all over as you type.:)

GimmeTheBall!;1639384 said:
Please, jealousy wont get you anywhere, every things bigger in Texas except CROWD noise, I have too experienced the low crowd noise, what can you do.
There spoiled thats all

Originally Posted by GimmeTheBall!
Well, youse guise from the north got it straight, you betcha.
Ah cahn rememba those bee-U-Tee-Full pizza pies up deah. Tha best. Tha best ah tell ya!
Yo, everything is bettah in the north. Da food, da peoples da fans.
Lucky we have you to tell us the right way to doose things. Hey, watch it dayah! I'm writtin' heah, I'm wirttin' heah!! Don't push youse guise!!!

I can't decide which post, mine or yours, had the most spelling errors.
N.Y. public schools? My excuse was the Texas juvenile justice system had lousy academics.

Hey! Ahm walkin' heah! I'm walkin' heah!
~ Ratzo Rizzo
CowboyJeff;1639378 said:
that's the end of the stadium near 1 & 36 where I usually sit. They can make some noise. Most of the rest of the stadium leaves much to be desired.

Section 36 is where I've had my season tickets the last few years and that section is loud. Obviously it depends on the game and the situation, but the whole stadium can get rowdy when it needs to. During that Indy game last year, the whole place was was standing and screaming for 3 full hours. It's the most proud I've ever been of the TX Stadium fans. The atmosphere really helped the team that day.
BigDave95;1639891 said:
Section 36 is where I've had my season tickets the last few years and that section is loud. Obviously it depends on the game and the situation, but the whole stadium can get rowdy when it needs to. During that Indy game last year, the whole place was was standing and screaming for 3 full hours. It's the most proud I've ever been of the TX Stadium fans. The atmosphere really helped the team that day.

My throat is still recovering from that game.
what section were you in?

We were in section 2 - about 15 rows from the field. It seemed everyone were on their feet almost every play. Like I said, I have been to the dreaded Vetern stadium in Philadelphia for eagles game and Foxborough to see a Patriots game and THIS cowboy crowd was every bit as loud as the other stadiums I have been too. I know it is hard for some of you to stomach that because you have been riding the cowboy fans for so long about being to quiet at the game...but this time your wrong. When shockey left the field about 500 fans shouted insults, profanity, the finger.....I mean what else do you want the home crowd to do....start throwing batteries like they do in philly?
I noticed the lack of crowd noise when we were on defense, and I also didn't see any of our players trying to get the crowd fired up, either.

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