Signed by Cowboys Cowboys Hiring Brian Schottenheimer as HC

I dont see anything wrong with shot, he is as good as moore ,mike , or any of the others that came up.
Some coaches would not come here and work in this circus.

you guys act like 3 5-12 seasons are coming, and I can see them making the playoffs in 25, if jerry would add a couple of good FA.
Draft a good RB.

See nobody that the jones boys would hire, and would come here is going to be making SB runs lol
I mean MM ,JG, wade, parcells , etc none of them got past the div round ! That is the future, no matter who they hire.
Shot is plenty good enough to make playoffs and do the usual .
If you are 51 years old like me, you’ve grown tired of blindly supporting Jerry’s decisions. From Campo to paying Dak at some point enough is enough. Really sucks being a loyal person but these decisions are completely ridiculous and embarrassing.
Yeah, harder and harder to be excited about cowboys football….find myself watching other games and kind of side rooting for other teams since I still love football in general but Jerry is making me want to dislike the Cowboys to spite him. It’s hard, I can’t just cut ties I’ve felt for 30+ years…. need to stop buying merch at least or going to games.
Guess I just don't understand what in-house brilliance or leadership Schottenheimer displayed to be elevated to this position? What did he actually do this past year? But I'm sure Jerry will tell us, as soon as he can find a camera & a microphone.

It is sad that the greatest achievement of Brian S.'s life (deserved or not) is marred by the fact that it's being almost universally hated-on.

And that he will henceforth be known on this board as "BS."
It doesn’t matter if our beloved fuhrer hired INSERT BIG NAME COACH HERE, because he’s already tried all kinds of head coaches some tough like Parcells and a lot of camp cupcake head coach and the end result is the 30 year drought (conf championship game). And to mk matters even worse, the fuhrer is getting more bitter and doubling down on screwing this franchise, something he’s been doing for 30 years.
If you are 51 years old like me, you’ve grown tired of blindly supporting Jerry’s decisions. From Campo to paying Dak at some point enough is enough. Really sucks being a loyal person but these decisions are completely ridiculous and embarrassing.
Same age. I'm just glad I witnessed the 90's dominance.
If you want some entertainment go to 105.3 the fan right now...they are going live on this!!!
As BAD as it seems. What has this team done that gives you confidence? All this is actually an outlier. Im not saying its a home run but I'm not sure it is total failure either.
The biggest challenge for anyone following this franchise is stopping themselves from thinking they know what Jerry Jones will do without first accepting (and comprehending) what he has done in the past. The trap is thinking what he should do. It is more likely he will do the opposite.
They eventually offered a contract to McCarthy and he declined (without having anything for sure in waiting), Bones Fassell left, Al Harris left…..people are seeing they don’t want any part of this idiocy. I really hope their attendance and sales plummet, I hope Jerry loses money badly, this man has made himself the freakin villain and he’s had YEARS of patience by us fans and professionals pointing out his deficiencies but he’s too narcissistic and stubborn to ever listen and admit he needs to change his ways. Dude is a lost cause.