Cowboys Joes Analysis of Game


Cowboys Make me Drink
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zrinkill;4145639 said:
Actually you complained about how long it took and that Romo was only partly leading them.

Shall I post the links?


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zrinkill;4145639 said:
Actually you complained about how long it took and that Romo was only partly leading them.

Shall I post the links?

Yes I did say about how long it was taking, but did I also say that just alittle more baby steps Romo needed to take? Did I not say Romo did well when he lead the offseason workouts and woohoo? Did I not say Romo needed to be more vocal and get on the players? Did I not say Romo showed more maturity when he got married and that was a good thing? Want me to post the links, about these baby steps?:cool:

Did I not say I wanted Romo to lead us to the superbowl and win, with some championships, but time is running out since he is 31? Did I not say that romo admitted that the team wasnt his, even after T O left to a degree?

Did I not say that romo said he didnt need to get onto the players, but mainly on the sidelines, we just didnt see it?

Did I not say that as the leader of the team, the QB needed to step up?

Want me to post the links? :cool:

So, read my lips, now that romo has taken steps this year, offseason workouts, getting married, and last 2 weeks, playing with pain and this week getting onto players on the field of play, chewing them out. So, final baby steps are done. Now, Romo is elite, but at same time, like Hos said, other players need to step up, but they are. Like felix playing hurt, spencer who admitted last year he mailed it in, but came through finally in this game, but didnt hardly show up in the jets game, dez playing with pain and coming through with some big plays, our new defensive coordinator who is kicking players rear ends to play and play hard. All of this is coming together, with players coming back after the bye week, like scandrick, austin, carter a week or 2 later, hopefully beuhler on kickoffs, (even though we have found our kicker i think in bailey), witten and ware, who saw even though he was being held, had to push harder to get that big time sack, and to heck with the cotton picking refs. When players see your star qb playing hurt, and playing to win, they give their all too. Ogletree I am not sure about though, but other players are coming on too, (still questionable on costa because gurode said that will happen, even though its against the NFL rules to mock qb cadance) but things are coming together, which feeds off of a elite qb.


The Duke
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cowboyjoe;4145545 said:
in my estimation romo is a totally different player then he was in 2006.
Your estimations of Romo have been so off and wrong that I put no stock in them at all. You'll have to earn that. You could have gone a long way towards that by simply admitting you have been wrong.


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I could make a case that wearing your cap backwards is more aerodynamic. Akin to wearing a football helmet.



Salty *******
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cowboyjoe, thanks for your thoughts. I think you've been slow to appreciate what Romo brings, but that's alright. I think the rest of your analysis is right on.

As an aside, where are you moving to? After you had your Cowboys lair all set up, I hope you get to put it up again.


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For a discussion, one has to set his view out there. You did just that, Joe...and it's always good to see a solid Cowboy fan trying to do just that.

Halloween is coming up this next month. Between you and I, with his stronger hand in directing this team, the rest of the league is in for a few 'tricks.' And it took more than a functional role, for Tony Romo to become the force that this team was lacking. He won respect in all courts, by showing and continuing with the guts to receive that confidence and respect.

That part has changed, and you hit it on the head. Not only has he suffered on field injuries again, but he has led his team through them and won. Both his team's tight lipped support, but the media's as well. That was a major journey for the present Dallas Cowboys.


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cowboyjoe;4145602 said:
go listen to this, his thinking on leadership has changed:

This is what I have been preaching all about romo needing to take just a few baby steps now and romo has stepped up big time.
part 2

Here, Joe, I think the intent is to show that a person's whole journey reflects his decisions along the way. For example, battle field heroism is reflected in immediate praise and acclaim. Such are the facts of America's most recent Medal of Honor winner. Who disobeyed a battlefield order, and risked his own safety to protect the lives of his buddies.

That is what Tony Romo did recently. That, as you imply, brings a whole lot of focus upon those acts of heroism. What Tony did, mimicks those very traits on the battlefield.

What some of the others are implying, is that his life as a 'soldier' was being forged in principals...a ways back. Just as in the real life situations of soldiers today.

I think we all would agree, Tony has been a soldier through the entire time of his own 'wars.'


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There are only three directions the Romo doubters, haters, realist, skeptics or whatever can go.

#1 - Call it the Dirk Nowitzki phenomenon. Call him soft and call him names and then when he proves you were wrong you go with the "Dirk" finally gets it. It was not that the amateur message board poster extraordinaire was wrong, the high level All Star was not cutting it and then suddenly he is proving the extraordinaire poster was correct all along.

#2 - Cowboys will win in spite of Romo.

#3 - Romo has a bad game or two in the near future like all QBs do and the Romo is a choker comes back into play immediately.

There are several posters including the OP who I respect and enjoy reading, but when it comes to Romo you can't trust them. ;)


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gbrittain;4146496 said:
There are only three directions the Romo doubters, haters, realist, skeptics or whatever can go.

#1 - Call it the Dirk Nowitzki phenomenon. Call him soft and call him names and then when he proves you were wrong you go with the "Dirk" finally gets it. It was not that the amateur message board poster extraordinaire was wrong, the high level All Star was not cutting it and then suddenly he is proving the extraordinaire poster was correct all along.

#2 - Cowboys will win in spite of Romo.

#3 - Romo has a bad game or two in the near future like all QBs do and the Romo is a choker comes back into play immediately.

There are several posters including the OP who I respect and enjoy reading, but when it comes to Romo you can't trust them. ;)



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I think Tony has always been good enough to win with. Give the 2007 team this defense and Tony may be viewed far differently by the masses. But people that understand football know what Tony can and cannot do. The problem is people expecting him to be Peyton Manning. He is not! But he is plenty good enough. And when this ornanization and players stop WAITING for him to do it all...then we will go to the next level. Stop waiting on Tony to take us to the next level and start doing YOUR part by running the right routes...attacking the ball in the air...snapping the ball at the right time..and opeining holes in the run game. He got ALL of those bad snaps recovered. But I guess that should be expected of him?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
gbrittain;4146496 said:
There are only three directions the Romo doubters, haters, realist, skeptics or whatever can go.

#1 - Call it the Dirk Nowitzki phenomenon. Call him soft and call him names and then when he proves you were wrong you go with the "Dirk" finally gets it. It was not that the amateur message board poster extraordinaire was wrong, the high level All Star was not cutting it and then suddenly he is proving the extraordinaire poster was correct all along.

#2 - Cowboys will win in spite of Romo.

#3 - Romo has a bad game or two in the near future like all QBs do and the Romo is a choker comes back into play immediately.

There are several posters including the OP who I respect and enjoy reading, but when it comes to Romo you can't trust them. ;)

SPOT ON !!!!


That Guy
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cowboyjoe;4145545 said:
2. Was Romo married in 2006? No, now tony is and settled down, matured more.


Now I've heard it all. Not only did Romo need to stop playing golf (he hasn't stopped), start barking at players on the field (he's done that for years), and stop wearing his hat backwards (he still does that too), but he needed to get married. The Carie Underwood/Jessica Simpson stuff used to be a distraction. Little did we know it was only a distraction because he was just dating them and going out in public. If he had married em and gone on a honeymoon, he would be considered a leader.


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peplaw06;4146551 said:

Now I've heard it all. Not only did Romo need to stop playing golf (he hasn't stopped), start barking at players on the field (he's done that for years), and stop wearing his hat backwards (he still does that too), but he needed to get married. The Carie Underwood/Jessica Simpson stuff used to be a distraction. Little did we know it was only a distraction because he was just dating them and going out in public. If he had married em and gone on a honeymoon, he would be considered a leader.

To quote the late Reggie White: 'Amazing, Grace. How sweet, it is....'


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cowboyjoe;4145560 said:
thanks buddy, maybe zrinkill will get it. Its not i have an agenda with romo, i have said over and over, romo needed to take some baby steps towards being elite. In my estimation, last 2 games, romo has done that. Now, romo sees that and has evolved. Yet, like hos has said too, other players must step up too, and they are. But romo is a totally different player now, then in years past, while maturing and learning as a player. Takes time to become an elite player, you just dont do it overnight.


Other than your thoughts on Romo, nice post.

Like all great QB's, he has continued to work on his game and improve, yes he's more mature at 31 then he was at 26, stunning observation. The point I think you're missing is his hat showed nothing, it probably just hurt his ribs too much to reach up and spin it around and since you do have an agenda, you're trying to read too much into a hat.

The golf comment was ridiculous for the same reason the hat comment was.

There were plenty of games where Romo was yelling at players, Monday was worse because the mistakes were worse and continuous. They were probably worse because it hurt like hell for him to be playing.

I have seen plenty of games where Romo is directing players, yelling at players, coaching players, etc. The real change is the media loves him at the moment and is reporting it ad nauseam. If Romo had thrown a pick to end the game, they'd be saying his team is not responding to him and he's losing control rather than leading. And thanks to Ogs, he almost got picked.

I do agree it takes time to become an elite player but I think Romo has been elite for about 3 years now. He's been killed by the rest of his team and coaches too often.


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shockandroll;4146574 said:
Other than your thoughts on Romo, nice post.

Like all great QB's, he has continued to work on his game and improve, yes he's more mature at 31 then he was at 26, stunning observation. The point I think you're missing is his hat showed nothing, it probably just hurt his ribs too much to reach up and spin it around and since you do have an agenda, you're trying to read too much into a hat.

The golf comment was ridiculous for the same reason the hat comment was.

There were plenty of games where Romo was yelling at players, Monday was worse because the mistakes were worse and continuous. They were probably worse because it hurt like hell for him to be playing.

I have seen plenty of games where Romo is directing players, yelling at players, coaching players, etc. The real change is the media loves him at the moment and is reporting it ad nauseam. If Romo had thrown a pick to end the game, they'd be saying his team is not responding to him and he's losing control rather than leading. And thanks to Ogs, he almost got picked.

I do agree it takes time to become an elite player but I think Romo has been elite for about 3 years now. He's been killed by the rest of his team and coaches too often.

;) Fair...and thanks.


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Hostile;4146071 said:
Your estimations of Romo have been so off and wrong that I put no stock in them at all. You'll have to earn that. You could have gone a long way towards that by simply admitting you have been wrong.

thats where we disagree. aikman had growing pains, his first couple of years, all qbs do. Again, if you listen to tim maca... podcast, what he basically says about romo is exactly what i have been preaching about for so long. And i did keep saying that romo needed to keep making baby steps, not huge steps, but baby steps, even romo admitted that he needed to grow as a qb and learn. Thats just natural in any profession your in, you have to learn as you go on the job, more experience, leadership you start showing, faster you grow as a leader among men.

I basically dont care about the cap issue, its just mainly old school. Again, what would you say Hos, if jason garrett came into press media conference wearing his cap sideways or backwards for example, or like romo has said in past all the rah rah stuff on field isnt really needed, but you had better believe romo was giving just that monday night, by yelling and encouraging players, thats what leaders do.

We dont agree all the time Hos, but sometimes we do. :cool:


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shockandroll;4146574 said:
Other than your thoughts on Romo, nice post.

Like all great QB's, he has continued to work on his game and improve, yes he's more mature at 31 then he was at 26, stunning observation. The point I think you're missing is his hat showed nothing, it probably just hurt his ribs too much to reach up and spin it around and since you do have an agenda, you're trying to read too much into a hat.

The golf comment was ridiculous for the same reason the hat comment was.

There were plenty of games where Romo was yelling at players, Monday was worse because the mistakes were worse and continuous. They were probably worse because it hurt like hell for him to be playing.

I have seen plenty of games where Romo is directing players, yelling at players, coaching players, etc. The real change is the media loves him at the moment and is reporting it ad nauseam. If Romo had thrown a pick to end the game, they'd be saying his team is not responding to him and he's losing control rather than leading. And thanks to Ogs, he almost got picked.

I do agree it takes time to become an elite player but I think Romo has been elite for about 3 years now. He's been killed by the rest of his team and coaches too often.

Thats where we disagree, i think romo just finished taking those last little baby steps that i have been saying are needed the last 2 weeks. Now, romo is finished and elite. Mind you now, jerry jones said not lets go there, saying romo is elite qb like a brady or aikman or peyton manning, till he wins a superbowl. But the start of offseason conditioning, where romo took charge, getting married and settled down, and playing through pain in 49ers game and yelling at players, rah rah stuff on sidelines, to me, thats the finishing touch of romo being elite.

In other words, there are no more little baby steps that romo needs to make, he is there now. And players are following, but I have never seen romo hollering at players on the field like he has monday night last against the skins.