Cowboys Joes Analysis of Game


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cowboyjoe;4146660 said:
Thats where we disagree, i think romo just finished taking those last little baby steps that i have been saying are needed the last 2 weeks. Now, romo is finished and elite. Mind you now, jerry jones said not lets go there, saying romo is elite qb like a brady or aikman or peyton manning, till he wins a superbowl. But the start of offseason conditioning, where romo took charge, getting married and settled down, and playing through pain in 49ers game and yelling at players, rah rah stuff on sidelines, to me, thats the finishing touch of romo being elite.

In other words, there are no more little baby steps that romo needs to make, he is there now. And players are following, but I have never seen romo hollering at players on the field like he has monday night last against the skins.

He kind of just had the youngsters were just standing around looking dumb and confused. He agreed to give them 'focus.':p:


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cobra;4146253 said:
cowboyjoe, thanks for your thoughts. I think you've been slow to appreciate what Romo brings, but that's alright. I think the rest of your analysis is right on.

As an aside, where are you moving to? After you had your Cowboys lair all set up, I hope you get to put it up again.

I think i have been misunderstood about romo with my thoughts, basically i am hard on dallas cowboys qb, i was hard on aikman his last few years, even though he won superbowls for us. So, call me what you will. If i can get on aikman back then, then i get get on romo now and then too. I love romo, dont misunderstand that, and i have said all along, i felt romo can win superbowls for us, but that window is starting to close and i think romo finally realizes that too.

I really got ticked off at aikman for instance, when jerry jones wanted him to take his money payoff over 2 years, and aikman wanted to get the 10 million all at once, which really put us in cap hell for a year or 2.

So, hopefully you see how i feel about qbs, that i loved and respected. For instance, I loved roger and hated to see him retire, but i wanted him to walk off into the sunset and not get seriously hurt, with those conscussions roger was having.

So, understand me now about romo?

Thanks buddy, the qb remarks for others that were questioning my thoughts on romo.

I am still living in lufkin, and i will have an even better dallas cowboys room, room is already in blue that i am moving into, the house, its huge, with a room that i will have soley for my Dallas Cowboys war room and cowboys stuff, along with another room for my bedroom and another room for my prayer room. I will have even a blackboard for breakdown for cowboys games stuff.

Probaby take me about a couple of weeks to get it back up and running, no water yet, or phone or tv yet.


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I don't know about hats + golf, but the circumstances for Tony have certainly changed somewhat this season. His coordinator is now the indisputable leader of the team, the only longer tenured player on the offense is his buddy Jason, and he has led the team to two nail-biting victories in a row while disregarding his own safety. Although the horrible miscues by young players dictated his need to publicly cajole and corral them last week, I don't think that we've ever seen seen Tony be so openly forceful with his teammates in the past, even if his suasion was always implicit.


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Hostile;4145317 said:
Welcome to 2006.

seriously. He's exactly the same guy he's been for the past 3 years but the media has to make him a new story and the goofballs who are concerned with his hat and want everybody to be out of the 1960s think he's "arrived". Give me a break.


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cowboyjoe;4146646 said:
I basically dont care about the cap issue, its just mainly old school. Again, what would you say Hos, if jason garrett came into press media conference wearing his cap sideways or backwards for example


This guy was not old school.


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cowboyjoe;4146660 said:
Thats where we disagree, i think romo just finished taking those last little baby steps that i have been saying are needed the last 2 weeks. Now, romo is finished and elite. Mind you now, jerry jones said not lets go there, saying romo is elite qb like a brady or aikman or peyton manning, till he wins a superbowl. But the start of offseason conditioning, where romo took charge, getting married and settled down, and playing through pain in 49ers game and yelling at players, rah rah stuff on sidelines, to me, thats the finishing touch of romo being elite.

In other words, there are no more little baby steps that romo needs to make, he is there now. And players are following, but I have never seen romo hollering at players on the field like he has monday night last against the skins.

What were you saying and thinking about him after the Jets game? Were you talking about his baby steps and how he is leading then?

It's the same Romo, just older and wiser and with more control of the team because of what he's accomplished and because we do not have players like TO anymore. Not because he stopped being Romo or just became elite 2 games ago. Is there a magic switch that went off when he turned his hat around?

There have been plenty of games where Romo got a lead and rather than our defense forcing a fumble, they'd have given up a tying FG or lost the lead. If Romo had to come back out with a minute on the clock, do you think he'd have used those baby steps to win the game? I don't.

This is the same Romo I saw throw a pick against the Steelers when his ST's and defense coughed up the 4th quarter lead. The difference this time was not Romo, it was the defense getting the ball back. It was ST's stopping the Skins inside the 20 and not giving them great field position.

The situation changed more than Romo did, imo. I maintain he has been elite for a few years but did not have an elite team or coaching staff like he does now.


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cowboyjoe;4146702 said:
I think i have been misunderstood about romo with my thoughts, basically i am hard on dallas cowboys qb, i was hard on aikman his last few years, even though he won superbowls for us. So, call me what you will. If i can get on aikman back then, then i get get on romo now and then too. I love romo, dont misunderstand that, and i have said all along, i felt romo can win superbowls for us, but that window is starting to close and i think romo finally realizes that too.

I really got ticked off at aikman for instance, when jerry jones wanted him to take his money payoff over 2 years, and aikman wanted to get the 10 million all at once, which really put us in cap hell for a year or 2.

So, hopefully you see how i feel about qbs, that i loved and respected. For instance, I loved roger and hated to see him retire, but i wanted him to walk off into the sunset and not get seriously hurt, with those conscussions roger was having.

So, understand me now about romo?

Thanks buddy, the qb remarks for others that were questioning my thoughts on romo.

I am still living in lufkin, and i will have an even better dallas cowboys room, room is already in blue that i am moving into, the house, its huge, with a room that i will have soley for my Dallas Cowboys war room and cowboys stuff, along with another room for my bedroom and another room for my prayer room. I will have even a blackboard for breakdown for cowboys games stuff.

Probaby take me about a couple of weeks to get it back up and running, no water yet, or phone or tv yet.

You know, Joe...injury can make a 'coward' of anyone. I think that was some of the accumulated effect at the end of his career. To this day, I place some some blame in the lack in the 'guts' area of more recent team years, to that turn in his own play at the end.


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shockandroll;4146764 said:
What were you saying and thinking about him after the Jets game? Were you talking about his baby steps and how he is leading then?

It's the same Romo, just older and wiser and with more control of the team because of what he's accomplished and because we do not have players like TO anymore. Not because he stopped being Romo or just became elite 2 games ago. Is there a magic switch that went off when he turned his hat around?

There have been plenty of games where Romo got a lead and rather than our defense forcing a fumble, they'd have given up a tying FG or lost the lead. If Romo had to come back out with a minute on the clock, do you think he'd have used those baby steps to win the game? I don't.

This is the same Romo I saw throw a pick against the Steelers when his ST's and defense coughed up the 4th quarter lead. The difference this time was not Romo, it was the defense getting the ball back. It was ST's stopping the Skins inside the 20 and not giving them great field position.

The situation changed more than Romo did, imo. I maintain he has been elite for a few years but did not have an elite team or coaching staff like he does now.

To Tony Romo's credit, he managed the errors enough to overcome game directions and forge a win. There is a limit to system overload that he as an individual can control although...but Tony is there as a person/leader.


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CCBoy;4146771 said:
You know, Joe...injury can make a 'coward' of anyone. I think that was some of the accumulated effect at the end of his career. To this day, I place some some blame in the lack in the 'guts' area of more recent team years, to that turn in his own play at the end.

Right, totally agree, but you see what i am trying to say, I am hard on dallas cowboys qb because their the main leader of the team.

Its not that I am picky just on romo, all dallas cowboys qbs i have been picky about except for roger staubach, he was one of my heroes growing up. Just like troy aikman said, we didnt know what it really took to be a champion till charles haley. So, if thats being critical, then thats me. I am just tough on dallas cowboys qb, because their suppose to be the main leader of the team.

Just in case some of you were wondering, I loved don meredith and i cried when he retired, but when fans got on him, after he came out and played with broken ribs and other stuff, i couldnt believe it about some fans, but I did have some moments of don meredith comments and craig morton comments too.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Wow, since Romo did not mention golf in his presser, and wore his cap forward, and directed/yelled at his teammates, he is now an elite player?

cowboyjoe, in your analysis you say that you will hear someone say something like I said above. But, you know why? It's because it was you that have been griping about that all along for the last few years! And then what happens? You even mention it AGAIN in your analysis, again, that Tony did not mention golf and wore his cap forward.

Nione of that stuff that you just put out there about Romo taking his "baby steps" to become elite is nonsense! He's been a leader all along, otherwise he would not be a starting QB for the Cowboys.

I would almost guarantee that at some point this season, you will see Romo with his cap on backwards, and maybe hear about him playing some golf during the season. Then what will you say?

Also, there may be a game where Romo blows it and loses the game. Now, a leader should not do that, right.

You have been mostly wrong about Romo all along...however, now that you saw him "not mention golf in his presser" and "wore his cap forward", now he finally took those "baby steps"...?


Not buying it cowboyjoe, now one ounce of it.



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5Stars;4146830 said:
Wow, since Romo did not mention golf in his presser, and wore his cap forward, and directed/yelled at his teammates, he is now an elite player?

cowboyjoe, in your analysis you say that you will hear someone say something like I said above. But, you know why? It's because it was you that have been griping about that all along for the last few years! And then what happens? You even mention it AGAIN in your analysis, again, that Tony did not mention golf and wore his cap forward.

Nione of that stuff that you just put out there about Romo taking his "baby steps" to become elite is nonsense! He's been a leader all along, otherwise he would not be a starting QB for the Cowboys.

I would almost guarantee that at some point this season, you will see Romo with his cap on backwards, and maybe hear about him playing some golf during the season. Then what will you say?

Also, there may be a game where Romo blows it and loses the game. Now, a leader should not do that, right.

You have been mostly wrong about Romo all along...however, now that you saw him "not mention golf in his presser" and "wore his cap forward", now he finally took those "baby steps"...?


Not buying it cowboyjoe, now one ounce of it.


Doesn't matter in how intense or simple one's view is...they are indicators. And useful just for that reason.

OH, the complexity could quickly be added as well, to blossom the aroma.;)


Here comes the Sun...
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CCBoy;4146850 said:
Doesn't matter in how intense or simple one's view is...they are indicators. And useful just for that reason.

OH, the complexity could quickly be added as well, to blossom the aroma.;)

What I'm saying is that if Romo loses this next game and come to the podium with his cap sideways and says that it was a tough game and says that to take away some stress that he's going to go play a round of golf on his day off...that would not make one difference to me as to weather he is a leader or not.

It's basically silly and unimportant in the scheme of things, IMO.


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5Stars;4146830 said:
Wow, since Romo did not mention golf in his presser, and wore his cap forward, and directed/yelled at his teammates, he is now an elite player?

cowboyjoe, in your analysis you say that you will hear someone say something like I said above. But, you know why? It's because it was you that have been griping about that all along for the last few years! And then what happens? You even mention it AGAIN in your analysis, again, that Tony did not mention golf and wore his cap forward.

Nione of that stuff that you just put out there about Romo taking his "baby steps" to become elite is nonsense! He's been a leader all along, otherwise he would not be a starting QB for the Cowboys.

I would almost guarantee that at some point this season, you will see Romo with his cap on backwards, and maybe hear about him playing some golf during the season. Then what will you say?

Also, there may be a game where Romo blows it and loses the game. Now, a leader should not do that, right.

Not buying it cowboyjoe, now one ounce of it.


Thats where we disagree, Romo has been a very good qb, since 2006, but not elite. Answer this question then. What were people saying about Peyton Manning or even Eli Manning, till they won their first superbowl. That they were elite, till they took that next step or baby so called steps. Even peyton manning was said to have stated that he asked the LORD for help in championship game, because peyton had been there so long against the patriots and lost against brady.

All great qbs, elite qbs, lose games, no big deal. But you will not find anywhere that I have stated that romo was an elite qb till today, but he had a few more baby steps to take in previous past posts. Now, romo has taken those, and it has nothing to do with golf, or wearing cap any way.

Its to do with:
1. Took leadership of the team in offseason & got the players to work
2. Got married and settled down.
3. Finally realized at age of 31 his window of opportunity is closing.
4. Played in pain, came back on the field, which won him respect of his teammates and in the locker room.
5. Started yelling at players on the field and made them accountable, no more excuses.

Players will follow a leader, romo is that now and more, elite. Mark it down, romo has finally arrived.


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5Stars;4146830 said:
Wow, since Romo did not mention golf in his presser, and wore his cap forward, and directed/yelled at his teammates, he is now an elite player?

cowboyjoe, in your analysis you say that you will hear someone say something like I said above. But, you know why? It's because it was you that have been griping about that all along for the last few years! And then what happens? You even mention it AGAIN in your analysis, again, that Tony did not mention golf and wore his cap forward.

Nione of that stuff that you just put out there about Romo taking his "baby steps" to become elite is nonsense! He's been a leader all along, otherwise he would not be a starting QB for the Cowboys.

I would almost guarantee that at some point this season, you will see Romo with his cap on backwards, and maybe hear about him playing some golf during the season. Then what will you say?

Also, there may be a game where Romo blows it and loses the game. Now, a leader should not do that, right.

Not buying it cowboyjoe, now one ounce of it.


Thats where we disagree, Romo has been a very good qb, since 2006, but not elite. Answer this question then. What were people saying about Peyton Manning or even Eli Manning, till they won their first superbowl. That they weren't elite, till they took that next step or baby so called steps. Even peyton manning was said to have stated that he asked the LORD for help in championship game, because peyton had been there so long against the patriots and lost against brady.

All great qbs, elite qbs, lose games, no big deal. But you will not find anywhere that I have stated that romo was an elite qb till today, but he had a few more baby steps to take in previous past posts. Now, romo has taken those, and it has nothing to do with golf, or wearing cap any way.

Its to do with:
1. Took leadership of the team in offseason & got the players to work
2. Got married and settled down.
3. Finally realized at age of 31 his window of opportunity is closing.
4. Played in pain, came back on the field, which won him respect of his teammates and in the locker room.
5. Started yelling at players on the field and made them accountable, no more excuses.

Players will follow a leader, romo is that now and more, elite. Mark it down, romo has finally arrived.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
cowboyjoe;4146869 said:
Thats where we disagree, Romo has been a very good qb, since 2006, but not elite. Answer this question then. What were people saying about Peyton Manning or even Eli Manning, till they won their first superbowl. That they weren't elite, till they took that next step or baby so called steps. Even peyton manning was said to have stated that he asked the LORD for help in championship game, because peyton had been there so long against the patriots and lost against brady.

All great qbs, elite qbs, lose games, no big deal. But you will not find anywhere that I have stated that romo was an elite qb till today, but he had a few more baby steps to take in previous past posts. Now, romo has taken those, and it has nothing to do with golf, or wearing cap any way.

Its to do with:
1. Took leadership of the team in offseason & got the players to work
2. Got married and settled down.
3. Finally realized at age of 31 his window of opportunity is closing.
4. Played in pain, came back on the field, which won him respect of his teammates and in the locker room.
5. Started yelling at players on the field and made them accountable, no more excuses.

Players will follow a leader, romo is that now and more, elite. Mark it down, romo has finally arrived.

All that nonsense has nothing to do with being a leader of men.

Was Brady married when he won his first SB.

How old was he?

You think Brady never played in pain?

Brady has directed his players to do the right thing and so had Romo many times before just these last games.

You don't need to do all that nonsense to become an elite player.


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5Stars;4146887 said:
All that nonsense has nothing to do with being a leader of men.

Was Brady married when he won his first SB.

How old was he?

You think Brady never played in pain?

Brady has directed his players to do the right thing and so had Romo many times before just these last games.

You don't need to do all that nonsense to become an elite player.

watch brady on the field, watch his face, see if brady smirks, at the end of the game, when a fumble occurs or brady made a bad play or the pats turned the ball over
brady doesnt, brady is focused and intense
just like romo is now, focused and intense

romo wasnt that in the jets game at the end, thats what i am talking about, the 2 last small baby steps romo did was be intense and focused, playing with pain, which rubs off on his teammates

there is a big difference in romo from the first game of the yr, jets game to the 2 last games played, the 49ers and skins, big huge difference

do you remember where we all have been hollering for past years, for wade to make players accountable? but wade wouldnt.

romo made those players accountable monday night, and was focused and intense throughout the game, then romo made those players accountable in press conference with the media, just like brady used to do, think about that for a minute

thats the huge difference or the finish touches on the little baby steps i was talking about, and that all took effect starting in offseason workouts, and romo getting married and settled down

think about this while your mulling this over, who is romo's wife now? candice, she hears every thing media is saying as well as the fans, and she lets romo know to a degree i imagine

candice is romo's better half and helping him mature more as an elite qb too


The Duke
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cowboyjoe;4146646 said:
thats where we disagree. aikman had growing pains, his first couple of years, all qbs do. Again, if you listen to tim maca... podcast, what he basically says about romo is exactly what i have been preaching about for so long. And i did keep saying that romo needed to keep making baby steps, not huge steps, but baby steps, even romo admitted that he needed to grow as a qb and learn. Thats just natural in any profession your in, you have to learn as you go on the job, more experience, leadership you start showing, faster you grow as a leader among men.

I basically dont care about the cap issue, its just mainly old school. Again, what would you say Hos, if jason garrett came into press media conference wearing his cap sideways or backwards for example, or like romo has said in past all the rah rah stuff on field isnt really needed, but you had better believe romo was giving just that monday night, by yelling and encouraging players, thats what leaders do.

We dont agree all the time Hos, but sometimes we do. :cool:
On the topic of Tony Romo, you and I have no prayer of agreement. I do my best not to even read your takes on him. That is how much they disgust me.


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5Stars;4146865 said:
What I'm saying is that if Romo loses this next game and come to the podium with his cap sideways and says that it was a tough game and says that to take away some stress that he's going to go play a round of golf on his day off...that would not make one difference to me as to weather he is a leader or not.

It's basically silly and unimportant in the scheme of things, IMO.

Darn, I had problems figuring out if the tassel went on the left or right side, both graduating High School and then College...don't ask me about hats.:)


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Hostile;4147481 said:
On the topic of Tony Romo, you and I have no prayer of agreement. I do my best not to even read your takes on him. That is how much they disgust me.

Cherokee Nation....Cherokee pride. So proud to proud to die. Lol. :bow:

But Joe is aluding to qualities of sacrifice as well, that led to advances in ethics and old school associations of respect and leadership as well. Those that eventually brought enough knowledge into brutal strengths, allowing for the curing of disease and and other applications that gave dignity beyond surving an event. That has a place as well....and fills the glass on sportsmanship. Which I think is the base for Joe's take on QB leadership.


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CCBoy;4146448 said:
For a discussion, one has to set his view out there. You did just that, Joe...and it's always good to see a solid Cowboy fan trying to do just that.

Halloween is coming up this next month. Between you and I, with his stronger hand in directing this team, the rest of the league is in for a few 'tricks.' And it took more than a functional role, for Tony Romo to become the force that this team was lacking. He won respect in all courts, by showing and continuing with the guts to receive that confidence and respect.

That part has changed, and you hit it on the head. Not only has he suffered on field injuries again, but he has led his team through them and won. Both his team's tight lipped support, but the media's as well. That was a major journey for the present Dallas Cowboys.

Well said. I totally agree with everything above :bow: