Cowboys Joes Analysis of Game


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Hostile;4147481 said:
On the topic of Tony Romo, you and I have no prayer of agreement. I do my best not to even read your takes on him. That is how much they disgust me.

I agree that we have different views on Romo, except for now Hos. Why now, I view Tony as elite now, since last 2 weeks.

You have viewed Romo elite since 2006, but he is still elite, at least now, we both agree Tony is elite, even though Jerry Jones said lets not go there, till tony wins a superbowl. However, I say to Jerry Jones, Romo is elite now. Superbowls will come I do believe. Only the LORD knows that, when Romo will win a superbowl.

So, I do think we agree on that Hos. :starspin


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CCBoy;4147504 said:
Cherokee Nation....Cherokee pride. So proud to proud to die. Lol. :bow:

But Joe is aluding to qualities of sacrifice as well, that led to advances in ethics and old school associations of respect and leadership as well. Those that eventually brought enough knowledge into brutal strengths, allowing for the curing of disease and and other applications that gave dignity beyond surving an event. That has a place as well....and fills the glass on sportsmanship. Which I think is the base for Joe's take on QB leadership.

Exactly buddy, what I am talking about, on all quarterbacks, especially dallas cowboys qbs. Only other player that I have been real critical was at another position was safety roy williams. To me, when your a leader, you should give your all, and then some more and work with your teammates, challenge them, push them and work hard.

Like Jason Garrett says, do it the cowboy way and with pride, relating back to cowboys legends and what the cowboys star represents. Present yourself in such a way that emphasizes that to your teammates, media and the fans, kinda like Jason Witten does. Cherish Cowboys history, and make your own cowboys legends relating to the current dallas cowboys players now.


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CCBoy;4146448 said:
For a discussion, one has to set his view out there. You did just that, Joe...and it's always good to see a solid Cowboy fan trying to do just that.

Halloween is coming up this next month. Between you and I, with his stronger hand in directing this team, the rest of the league is in for a few 'tricks.' And it took more than a functional role, for Tony Romo to become the force that this team was lacking. He won respect in all courts, by showing and continuing with the guts to receive that confidence and respect.
That part has changed, and you hit it on the head. Not only has he suffered on field injuries again, but he has led his team through them and won. Both his team's tight lipped support, but the media's as well. That was a major journey for the present Dallas Cowboys.

:hammer: Exactly buddy!


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cowboyjoe;4147990 said:
I agree that we have different views on Romo, except for now Hos. Why now, I view Tony as elite now, since last 2 weeks.

So the next time he's in one of those golf tournaments, you're not going to say a word about him not being focused on football all because of these past two games? You spent a lot of time whining about that, well I guess it's good that we'll never have to endure that again because he has somehow met your ridiculous ideas of what makes a leader, all because of two games he played with broken ribs. Lets just conveniently forget that he tried to play with a broken collarbone last year, but the coaches refused to let him back on the field in that Giants game.

What about the next time he throws an interception towards the end of the game, what about the next time he's smiling after a loss? Is he suddenly going to not be "elite" anymore because he's regressed in your eyes or something?

Romo is Romo, regardless of your asinine opinions.


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adamknite;4148031 said:
So the next time he's in one of those golf tournaments, you're not going to say a word about him not being focused on football all because of these past two games? You spent a lot of time whining about that, well I guess it's good that we'll never have to endure that again because he has somehow met your ridiculous ideas of what makes a leader, all because of two games he played with broken ribs. Lets just conveniently forget that he tried to play with a broken collarbone last year, but the coaches refused to let him back on the field in that Giants game.

What about the next time he throws an interception towards the end of the game, what about the next time he's smiling after a loss? Is he suddenly going to not be "elite" anymore because he's regressed in your eyes or something?

Romo is Romo, regardless of your asinine opinions.

He will claim Romo tricked him and he is not doing it the Cowboyjoe way.


That Guy
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cowboyjoe;4148005 said:
Exactly buddy, what I am talking about, on all quarterbacks, especially dallas cowboys qbs. Only other player that I have been real critical was at another position was safety roy williams. To me, when your a leader, you should give your all, and then some more and work with your teammates, challenge them, push them and work hard.

Like Jason Garrett says, do it the cowboy way and with pride, relating back to cowboys legends and what the cowboys star represents. Present yourself in such a way that emphasizes that to your teammates, media and the fans, kinda like Jason Witten does. Cherish Cowboys history, and make your own cowboys legends relating to the current dallas cowboys players now.
Somehow I doubt that Romo has "changed" at all. Just that you've noticed something now that you weren't 2 weeks ago. If you think that Romo just spontaneously became a leader during the San Fran game, I don't know what to tell you.

It's pretty sad that it took our QB playing through a major injury before you gave him credit.


The Duke
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peplaw06;4148071 said:
Somehow I doubt that Romo has "changed" at all. Just that you've noticed something now that you weren't 2 weeks ago. If you think that Romo just spontaneously became a leader during the San Fran game, I don't know what to tell you.

It's pretty sad that it took our QB playing through a major injury before you gave him credit.


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cowboyjoe;4145303 said:
Sorry havent been posting last few days, still moving, and just about got it all done, but dont have internet, tv, water, and phone hooked up yet. So, have to do posting when I have time to post elsewhere. Should be settled in by next monday for sure. Congrats to the 2 new moderators, you deserved it guys.

Now on to my analysis of the game.

This is the type of game in my estimation that brings a team together, true leadership works, and even though a sloppy game, its the type of game that you win building confidence, while certain players work through errors and produce.

First we will discuss Tony Romo, who finally has arrived, but basically showed that last game against the 49ers, when Romo gutted it out and played with pain to help win the game. That in itself, showed the players who the true leader was on this team, which the QB must be that leader. What you saw in the Cowboys Commanders game was the further development of Tony Romo taking the next step in leadership. By that I mean, (and yeah I will probably hear some people that relays to his golf stuff in offseaon, or wearing his cap on straight or yelling at his teammates), when Romo chewed on teammates during the game, even in Romo's press conference, we all saw where Romo said players were getting yelled at by Romo and coaches, but they fought through. Thats the mark of leadership, getting in a players face, while your hurt yourself, and making that player step up.

Not once during Romo's press conference did I hear Tony talk about golf, not once. This is dallas cowboys football and wins, nothing else matters period. Got that golf lovers?

Wearing your cap on straight, really doesnt mean anything, expect that your focused and ready for the game and questions after the game, which is something that Romo needed to be aware of and focused on in certain situations. Last time I have seen great QB leaders like Roger Staubach, Bradshaw, Aikman, and Brady, they are focused during the game and after the game, it isnt just fun to them, but a way of life and they are determined to get things fixed for the next game with all the erros cowboys players had, even romo pointed to this during his post game remarks.

Forget Ogletree, this guy is not focused and learned, when your star elite QB now has to get on a player that has been in league 3 years now, its time to move on. Give Robinson WR a chance, or go get another WR, you have to keep sending that message to the team, that your not going to put up with mental mistakes and lack of attitude like Ogletree shows.

Yes, I posted Costa podcast remarks awhile earlier this morning with podcast from Gurode giving Costa some points, so go look for that.

This is the type of game I love, dont know why Hos needs tums, I loved this game all except the dumb ref calls and errors by the Cowboys.

I dont know why the refs were calling holding calls on us, but not the Commanders, when obvious they were holding and tackling, thats just stupid on the refs parts. Thats why I have said over and over, I want a NFL Ref league where the refs are made accountable and they are basically on same page. Just like when our wr was layed out, with a delay hit, but when ball hit a Commander player foul. For cotton picking crying out loud, that STINKS from the refs, sure looked like favortism to me. I agree with Ware, I would be pissed off too. I dont want to see those refs covering any more of our games at all, PERIOD!

Finally, we got a running game going, and Felix played tough too with that shoulder injury, but thats what key players do. Finally, some leaders are stepping up.

Like Hos said, all those fans that hollered at the cowboys drafting Lee, eat your crow.

Brooking is getting to old now, I loved him when he played first couple of years, but I am starting to feel that age is showing up on him big time.

Hats off to Romo, bailey (you had better get yourself ready to play beuhler or your looking at a new job somewhere), Lee, Felix, Witten, Ware and Spencer.

This team is showing grit, and why is that, due to leaders I mentioned above and tough style coaching of Jason Garrett.

Fixing to post jerry jones recap.
Good stuff-thanks for the recap.


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peplaw06;4148071 said:
Somehow I doubt that Romo has "changed" at all. Just that you've noticed something now that you weren't 2 weeks ago. If you think that Romo just spontaneously became a leader during the San Fran game, I don't know what to tell you.

It's pretty sad that it took our QB playing through a major injury before you gave him credit.



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One would hope that Romo or any other player would change and improve as they approach their physical prime. I'm sure that Brady isn't the same guy that he was 10 years ago.


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adamknite;4148031 said:
So the next time he's in one of those golf tournaments, you're not going to say a word about him not being focused on football all because of these past two games? You spent a lot of time whining about that, well I guess it's good that we'll never have to endure that again because he has somehow met your ridiculous ideas of what makes a leader, all because of two games he played with broken ribs. Lets just conveniently forget that he tried to play with a broken collarbone last year, but the coaches refused to let him back on the field in that Giants game.

What about the next time he throws an interception towards the end of the game, what about the next time he's smiling after a loss? Is he suddenly going to not be "elite" anymore because he's regressed in your eyes or something?

Romo is Romo, regardless of your asinine opinions.

No, once your elite, your elite. I just mention golf because now and then because it bugs zrinkill. :D And its just not that romo played with broken ribs and punched lung. Dont forget the yelling at his teammates on field of play, something that romo didnt normally do, but just on sidelines. I feel that when a player messes up, chew his rear end out, right there, so that player realizes your not gonna accept that kind of behavior. If you dont correct it there, player gets into his head, thats acceptable.

Will Romo have a bad game now and then, yes. But, once your elite, your a elite star QB. All great players have a bad game now and then. No, big deal on that, stuff happens. Its the attitude that has changed that I see from Romo, some of that to me has to do with romo getting married and settled down with candice too. Think about that for a minute, candice sees all the fan stuff, media stuff, and she lets romo probably know what he should do and not do. Thats why your better half is there, to help you in life to see things that you might miss.

And Romo has been more focused, intense these last few games, moreso than in jets game, where a smirk was on his face, at the end of the game. Which says to me, romo wasnt focused and intense like brady is when losing a game.

Now, all that has changed these last few games, Romo has grown up and gets it now. Thus, the elite status.


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peplaw06;4148071 said:
Somehow I doubt that Romo has "changed" at all. Just that you've noticed something now that you weren't 2 weeks ago. If you think that Romo just spontaneously became a leader during the San Fran game, I don't know what to tell you.

It's pretty sad that it took our QB playing through a major injury before you gave him credit.

Romo has changed, and grew as a player, thus is why I have said all along, romo needed just to take a few more baby steps, not big steps but little baby steps.

No matter what you say, you cant hide the fact some things romo has said on leadership in the past. All the rah rah stuff isnt needed, didnt have to jump onto a player on field of play, but on sidelines. Didnt feel this was his team till 2 years after T O had left. These are all steps, baby steps that romo has taken in last few years, that I have harped on, over and over. Now, with romo growing up, being more of a leader in offseason, chewing out players, not being nonchalant or laid back sometimes like wade was. Want me to go on, romo is now taking on some of personality of head coach Jason Garrett, which an old saying is that the team takes on the personality of the head coach.

Then, playing with pain, its not so much the pain, but how romo played, and his teammates saw that on field of play, and have more respect for him, (at least some players do, not sure about Ogletree for example or Costa whatever the snap problem is for example). That plays huge dividends for your team when the whole team believes in your star elite qb. Remember, wasnt too long ago a player on the team was saying Kitna should get ample playing time as well as Romo, etc... All that has changed now for the good and commarde of the team.

Even other players are stepping up after seeing romo gut it out, like Dez, Felix, to name a few, heck, even spencer finally stepped up at the end of the game.


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zrinkill;4148040 said:
He will claim Romo tricked him and he is not doing it the Cowboyjoe way.

No, once your an elite player in my book or thoughts your elite. And romo isnt doing it the cowboyjoe way, romo is doing it now, the cowboy way, the jason garrett way. Think about that for a minute. The cowboyway the cowboys did it in the early 90s.


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Hostile;4148111 said:

Again, was peyton manning elite before he won his first superbowl? Was eli manning before he won his first superbowl? Was troy aikman considered the great qb he was, before he won his first superbowl? Was roger staubach considered the great qb he was before he won his first superbowl. I am giving Tony Romo that status now, with things he has done basically start of this year, offseason workouts, getting married, and last 2 weeks all roled together giving him that status.

I am not waiting like Jerry Jones our great owner who said, lets not go there yet, naming romo elite till he wins his first superbowl.

Romo is elite now, has it taken awhile yes. But remember Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Roger Staubach, Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady, they werent considered elite till they won their first superbowl.


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cowboyjoe;4148329 said:
Think about that for a minute. The cowboyway the cowboys did it in the early 90s.

You mean the whorehouses, the making cowboy music cd's, the dating hollywood actresses, the drug abuse, the felony drug charges, the hosting of golf tournaments ..... like in the 90's?


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zrinkill;4148342 said:
You mean the whorehouses, the making cowboy music cd's, the dating hollywood actresses, the drug abuse, the felony drug charges, the hosting of golf tournaments ..... like in the 90's?

Good times?:D


Salty *******
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I have been grateful for Romo since his first start for Bledsoe.

After too long suffering through poor quarterbacking, it was instantly recognizable that we had a quarterback who was an asset instead of a liability--a quarterback who could win games and make the team dangerous.

But saying that I was happy with Romo and glad to have him was not to say that I thought he was necessarily "great". Rather, it was only to say that he made the games enjoyable to watch for me instead of the frustration I had watching games since Aikman left. And if that is all Tony accomplished, then I appreciated it because I enjoyed watching him play the game with his enthusiasm and occasional Jedi "wow" moments.

I never put the pressure on Tony to be great. If he turned great, then all the better, but I was satisfied with having a good QB back there. In my mind, being "great" required showing a will to win that could carry the team and then achieving success.

Tony has shown me he has the will to win that can carry the team, but that is not something I learned these last few games. I knew he had it since at least the Buffalo game in week 5 of the 2007 season. Romo threw 4 picks in the first half with 2 returned for a TD. In the second half, he threw another interception and fumbled a ball. This was a MNF game with a national audience and, because of the off game he was having following the Seattle performance the year before, his performance in the first 3 quarters should have been enough to completely devastate a quarterback and force him into a shell or downward spiral.

But then I saw Romo with the game on the line, and a steeled and unflappable determination to win despite being down two scores, drive the team 80 yards for a TD. 20 seconds later, after an onside kick and 2 huge Romo passes, Folk hit the game-winning TD. Romo did not act cautious or shell-shocked by the game he had been having. He acted like a guy who would have taken a bullet if that is what it took to win. He showed that will that you need to win when he should have just cracked and blamed the game on having "one of those days."

Since then, I knew that Romo was enjoyable to watch and he had the will to carry this team to victory. Since then, I have felt that we have a chance to win any game when he is at QB. The only thing left, in my mind, that keeps Romo from entering the "great" category is sustained post-season success.

But even if Romo does not achieve that greatness, I certainly am pleased with having him and not being back in the QC/Vinny/Bledsoe days. I will applaud Tony for what he has already done when it is all over, though I certainly hope there is more.


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zrinkill;4148342 said:
You mean the whorehouses, the making cowboy music cd's, the dating hollywood actresses, the drug abuse, the felony drug charges, the hosting of golf tournaments ..... like in the 90's?

Jason Garrett in my estimation isnt going to allow that to happen, besides way Commissioner Goodell runs the NFL now, he wont allow that to happen either. :) Except for the golf tournaments and dating actresses.


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cobra;4148382 said:
I have been grateful for Romo since his first start for Bledsoe.

After too long suffering through poor quarterbacking, it was instantly recognizable that we had a quarterback who was an asset instead of a liability--a quarterback who could win games and make the team dangerous.

But saying that I was happy with Romo and glad to have him was not to say that I thought he was necessarily "great". Rather, it was only to say that he made the games enjoyable to watch for me instead of the frustration I had watching games since Aikman left. And if that is all Tony accomplished, then I appreciated it because I enjoyed watching him play the game with his enthusiasm and occasional Jedi "wow" moments.

I never put the pressure on Tony to be great. If he turned great, then all the better, but I was satisfied with having a good QB back there. In my mind, being "great" required showing a will to win that could carry the team and then achieving success.

Tony has shown me he has the will to win that can carry the team, but that is not something I learned these last few games. I knew he had it since at least the Buffalo game in week 5 of the 2007 season. Romo threw 4 picks in the first half with 2 returned for a TD. In the second half, he threw another interception and fumbled a ball. This was a MNF game with a national audience and, because of the off game he was having following the Seattle performance the year before, his performance in the first 3 quarters should have been enough to completely devastate a quarterback and force him into a shell or downward spiral.

But then I saw Romo with the game on the line, and a steeled and unflappable determination to win despite being down two scores, drive the team 80 yards for a TD. 20 seconds later, after an onside kick and 2 huge Romo passes, Folk hit the game-winning TD. Romo did not act cautious or shell-shocked by the game he had been having. He acted like a guy who would have taken a bullet if that is what it took to win. He showed that will that you need to win when he should have just cracked and blamed the game on having "one of those days."

Since then, I knew that Romo was enjoyable to watch and he had the will to carry this team to victory. Since then, I have felt that we have a chance to win any game when he is at QB. The only thing left, in my mind, that keeps Romo from entering the "great" category is sustained post-season success.

But even if Romo does not achieve that greatness, I certainly am pleased with having him and not being back in the QC/Vinny/Bledsoe days. I will applaud Tony for what he has already done when it is all over, though I certainly hope there is more.

super post buddy: thats the way i felt about romo when he took over in 2006, a very good qb, capable of being elite one day, :bow: