We have a policy that if you list your fraternity/sorority on your resume, we immediately throw it in the trash. We don't care who got drunk with or what letters you wore to meet freshman girls at mixers.
College is critically important (we require an MBA for most positions), but after you've worked for a couple of years, I really don't care about the details of your college experience anymore. I care about what you know NOW that's useful, and how hard you will work. Young graduates so overrate their degrees these days, and they come in expecting to be fawned over because they graduated college. Whoopty-freaking-do.
The exception would be if you graduated Summa Cum Laude, or if you interned over sees or something. That is very impressive to us, especially if you took on a leadership role.
These days, 90 percent of degrees are completely useless. Schools are inventing degrees. I had an applicant just a couple of months ago that graduated with a degree in Egyptology. Apologies if that was one of you, lol.