COWBOYS MEDIA (official password thread)

Just wondering: when will the quarterly version of the Seahawks game be uploaded? I can't download the entire game because I have a bad connection..
Mimico;2459904 said:
Just wondering: when will the quarterly version of the Seahawks game be uploaded? I can't download the entire game because I have a bad connection..

The quarterly wmv versions for the week 9 Giants, week 11 Commanders and the week 13 Seahawks, are on-line at Cowboys Media.
Hey guys. I just added NFL Networks Game of the Week for week 14. It was last weeks Boys vs Steelers match-up.

You can find it on the 2008 weekly games page for week 14.

Enjoy!!! :D
I need 2 see the last game with the Cowboys and Giants. I can't believe that I missed it but I knew they were going to win!
Bro_Random;2493913 said:
I need 2 see the last game with the Cowboys and Giants. I can't believe that I missed it but I knew they were going to win!

It will be on-line. In about 24hrs.
As of December 16th, the new password is.........

User Name: boysfan (all lower case)
Password: 85254
I got a question. How long do you have to wait after you download a video file? I just dont want to break the 1 download a vist policy.
Bro_Random;2500327 said:
I got a question. How long do you have to wait after you download a video file? I just dont want to break the 1 download a vist policy.

Just don't download two or more videos simultaneously. When one is completed, you can begin another.
Thank you! The quality of the videos is amazing! I'm grateful to you that I didn't miss the game through the download.
Heads up guys.

I just added the video of the month. It is the 1967 match-up between Dallas and Green Bay (Ice Bowl).

And I also added NFL Networks "Game of the Week" for week 15 Boys Giants.
I get a 404 error when I try to download the Ice Bowl. Since I had a problem on my end once before, I'm wondering what I did wrong. It didn't even ask me for the login and password and went straight to 404:

404 Error - Not Found
Apefist;2559287 said:
I get a 404 error when I try to download the Ice Bowl. Since I had a problem on my end once before, I'm wondering what I did wrong. It didn't even ask me for the login and password and went straight to 404:

404 Error - Not Found

The only page that is active right now is the "10 Greatest Games" page. You can visit it by going to the "Video" link in the navigation bar.

I am restructuring the files on the servers, so the other video pages are currently unavailable.

This will take a couple of weeks. It's a major undertaking.

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