COWBOYS MEDIA (official password thread)

Hey everyone:

I just loaded the "NFL Films Presents" broadcast of the Week 2 2008 Cowboys Eagles shootout. Steve Sabol couldn't resist covering that one.

You can find it on the "Games of 2008" page.

Enjoy. :D
Apefist;2299967 said:
No, XP64. I tried renaming the extension, but it hung up on me. I just downloaded VLC 0.9.3, so maybe that will work.


You might want to download VLC 0.8.6 if you're running an older, PPC Mac. 9.3's been buggy as hell for me on my G4.

Also, you might want to surf on over to and download VIDEOBOX. It's Shareware, but what they give you to play with during the trial is everything the paid for version has to offer. You should be able to drag the AVI into it and convert the file into a .MOV with no problems. But sometimes large AVI files (a gig and up) that normally require containers will crash it during the conversion.
As of October, 6th the new password is.........

User Name: boysfan (all lower case)
Password: 33433
RideEmCowboys;2311968 said:
You might want to download VLC 0.8.6 if you're running an older, PPC Mac. 9.3's been buggy as hell for me on my G4.

Thanks, but XP64 is 64 bit Windows XP that I run on an AMD64 dual core. I'll check out that download site.

So, Stargazer, you're positive the 2nd half of that Patriots game isn't broken in some way? I tried to download it again and got the same error.
When I use G-Spot to see the metadata, it's just garbled. And then it fails to render.

The first half is fine, no problems. And every other video I've gotten off your site runs flawlessly too, that's why I'm still wondering if maybe the header got corrupt or something. Sometimes when servers do backups, I've seen some weird stuff happen to media files.

But listen, no worries. Like I said, every other video I got off your site works just fine, so one bad file (for whatever reason) out of the lot is still a really good average. Keep up the good work!
Ah! I think I found the problem. It's the MLP codec/encoding process. It's a lossless form of compression that hasn't been used on all the videos available on Cowboys Media. I discovered today that there are more videos I can't watch: the Cincy game from yesterday, the Commanders game, the Philly NFL films video, and oddly the second half of last year's Patriots game.

I'm reasonably sure it's this MLP codec, it's a dvd audio comporession codec for hi def audio. But when I tried to update my codecs to include MLP, it gave me a whole new mess of problems. It's OK, because I've been troubleshooting video formats since '04 when xvid first hit. So, I'll figure it out and post my process here once I get it. If no one else is having problems with that codec, then I'm confused. But if they are, I might suggest shelving MLP for regular ol' MP3 or AAC or even OGG.
Meridian Lossless Packing: is a proprietary lossless compressionPCM audio data developed by Meridian Audio, Ltd. MLP is the standard lossless compression method for DVD-Audio content (often advertised with the Advanced Resolution logo) and typically provides about 2:1 compression on most music material. All DVD-Audio players are equipped with MLP decoding, while its use on the discs themselves is at their producers' discretion.technique for compressing

Here's a screen cap of the results from opening Cincy 1st half file in GSpot:


You can see it recognizes the "label" of MPEG-4, but it can't decipher what codec it needs. And the same results happen in the other half of Cincy, and both halves of Wash. So, something in the MPEG-4/XVID codec in the AVI container isn't working out. I have no problems with MP4 or WMV. Interesting, for sure.
Hey Apefist. Nice trouble shooting. I use G-Spot as well. It has been a life saver in the past.

You're troubles seem to be isolated. Since you are well experienced with this sort of thing, you may be having problems with compatablility. I'm guessing that you have a variety of media players on your PC.

One suggestion that was made to me by the software designers, was that uninstalling previous video players, before installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pak, or the VLC player would prevent compatability conflicts.

If you choose to do this, I would also use a product like c-cleaner to clean-up your hard drive before reinstalling the larger bundled all-in one paks.

Just a sugestion. It may solve the the problem. And since the VLC player is all you need, you won't have redundant unneccesary software sitting around on your PC.

That's good advice. Especially since I upgraded to SP2 for XP64, so the drivers should come with the OS, as that was a selling point for XP at one point. Though, I wonder if that's what did it, if SP2 for XP64 is flawed in its driver cabs...hmmm...
OK, I narrowed down my codec problem to the H264 codec. Apparently, I still had the alpha version which is more unstable than the newer beta version.

However, that NE game is still giving me fits.

1st half in GSpot:


2nd half in GSpot:


So, even though the message says it might be a codec problem, I think something might be wrong with the file, because I'm assuming they both were encoded with the same parameters, right? That would mean this second file should be identical to the first one. And even after determining which codec I needed, the file still won't open.

Oh well, that's all the effort I'm going to make. It's just meant to be this way. I just wish I understood it better.
Hey everyone.

I thought I would mention that there have been many additional game videos that I have added to the weekly "Games of 2008" pages. For example, I just added "NFL Replay" and "Short Cuts" versions of the week 5 Bengals game. There are many more additions like this that were added on other game pages as well. So back-track on the pages that you previously visited. You may discover something that was not there before.

Enjoy the games again and again. :D
Star Gazer, Just wanted to say great job on all the vids. I was at the Bengals game last week end and was able to get in my Panasonic DVX100 3ccd camera and camptured some awsome footage from the stands and close to the feild. I'd like to share it with y'all but don't know of a place that I would be able to upload it and keep the quality of the video intact. Any suggestions?
hilostudios;2333198 said:
Star Gazer, Just wanted to say great job on all the vids. I was at the Bengals game last week end and was able to get in my Panasonic DVX100 3ccd camera and camptured some awsome footage from the stands and close to the feild. I'd like to share it with y'all but don't know of a place that I would be able to upload it and keep the quality of the video intact. Any suggestions?

Sounds really cool.

The best approach would be to use some video editing software to edit out unwanted content. Then you could join it together in a time-line and convert it to a common format that would retain the image quality.

Then you could upload it to a free file hosting service such as Mega-Upload. This would allow you to temporarily distribute it as a large file.

I'll look forward to seeing it. :)
Sounds Good. I might edit something together with game footage as well. I'll post a link for you once I get around to it.
when I try to open the ac game .mp4 files I get an error:

The movie could not be opened.
An invalid sample description was found in the movie.

I'm on Mac OS 10.5 with the latest update to quicktime.

any ideas why or how to fix?
scottmaui;2351195 said:
when I try to open the ac game .mp4 files I get an error:

The movie could not be opened.
An invalid sample description was found in the movie.

I'm on Mac OS 10.5 with the latest update to quicktime.

any ideas why or how to fix?

Use the VLC player.

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