RELEASED Cowboys Release DE Damontre Moore

What are we complaining about here? We're not happy with how things turned out at DE this offseason? At CB?

Because we basically backed ourselves up at DE and CB in March, committed 100K to Moore, $2MM to Carroll, and replaced both effectively on the team before letting them go. Do we have issues at DE or CB I'm unaware of here?

Paea was an injury retirement, so where he came from or how much he cost is irrelevant. It'd have been worse if he were a more expensive player or cost a lot of capital to bring in in the first place.

What this is, is dissatisfaction with the 3 losses taking the form of complaints about how the team is built. That's a misdirection. The problem with the defense isn't the pittance we spent on Damontre or the whiff on Carroll. The problem with the defense is the whiffs on guys like Gregory, Jaylon Smith, Greg Hardy, Rolando McClain, Taco Charlton (so far), Awuzie (so far), Heath (so far), and the unnecessary missed availability of guys like Lawrence, Irving, and Scandrick for failing substance screenings. We're allocating less of the cap to defense, and we're whiffing at a higher rate than we did on offense. And when we had the chance to fix it last year, we spent the #4 overall and the #34 on, basically, a backup MLB who missed his first 16 games. It's not a mystery why our team isn't competitive with the very best teams in the league. We don't need to go looking under the bed for reasons that don't exist. Stay put, draft well, develop your players, and the approach we've got works. Signing guys like Micah Hyde isn't he answer. Not wasting a top 5 pick on a troubled running back and instead taking that impact defender at a position of need is the answer.
What are we complaining about here? We're not happy with how things turned out at DE this offseason? At CB?

Because we basically backed ourselves up at DE and CB in March, committed 100K to Moore, $2MM to Carroll, and replaced both effectively on the team before letting them go. Do we have issues at DE or CB I'm unaware of here?

Paea was an injury retirement, so where he came from or how much he cost is irrelevant. It'd have been worse if he were a more expensive player or cost a lot of capital to bring in in the first place.

What this is, is dissatisfaction with the 3 losses taking the form of complaints about how the team is built. That's a misdirection. The problem with the defense isn't the pittance we spent on Damontre or the whiff on Carroll. The problem with the defense is the whiffs on guys like Gregory, Jaylon Smith, Greg Hardy, Rolando McClain, Taco Charlton (so far), Awuzie (so far), Heath (so far), and the unnecessary missed availability of guys like Lawrence, Irving, and Scandrick for failing substance screenings. We're allocating less of the cap to defense, and we're whiffing at a higher rate than we did on offense. And when we had the chance to fix it last year, we spent the #4 overall and the #34 on, basically, a backup MLB who missed his first 16 games. It's not a mystery why our team isn't competitive with the very best teams in the league. We don't need to go looking under the bed for reasons that don't exist. Stay put, draft well, develop your players, and the approach we've got works. Signing guys like Micah Hyde isn't he answer. Not wasting a top 5 pick on a troubled running back and instead taking that impact defender at a position of need is the answer.

The best post in this entire thread.
Signing guys like Micah Hyde isn't he answer.
Completely disagree Idgit. Hyde versus Heath impacts this defense right now. It's also one less hole to fill going into the next off-season. You might not be able to solve every hole in the off-season, but you can plug some of them.

Target 1 or 2 defensive guys that will improve you in free agency and use the draft. It is not an either or choice.
Only people who have to worry about "hindsight" are the SuperFans who have their head up their *** while trying to make excuses for an embarrassingly awful offseason of decision making.

There's some "hindsight".


When I said the same 2-3 guys I should have just said you but I think there's some sort of rule against that. You cry and weep more than a newborn.
Revisionist history at its worst. Carroll was a bridge player given $4 million to get the team and rookies to 2018. He sure as hell wasnt given that money for one lousy game and then to be cut. If that's the plan you're trying to explain, you make the front office look worse, not better.


Sure, that's why the team kept Moore and continues to expose Neal to being claimed? D'oh!

Sorry, it's not "low risk" when you're counting on him as your starter, with little or no backup plan. That's simply another awful decision.

Team is 3-3 after missing on every offseason decision they made. That's failure, not "right direction". But make yourself dizzy all you want trying to futilely spin this offseason failure into somehow being a "good thing". Some fans will convince themselves of any bull**** in defense of their team.

You embarrass yourself.

You don't know how smart teams play this game. Draft picks are gold in this league...and Dallas got ****four**** of them by laying low in free agency. We could get a nice guard in the 4th or 5th round...a QB to develop and trade...or take some of those picks and move up in the draft.

Did the Jimmy Johnson heist of the Vikings not teach you anything?

Am I disappointed Paea didn't work out better? Sure. I'll be smiling come draft day...and knowing we've finally cleaned up the cap mess from years past. I suspected Carroll's days would be short lived and the contract was structured smart to not really hurt us.

Some of you act like we didn't owe Romo huge money. We were in no position to play heavy in FA.
I think they are squandering a year of a potentially amazing offense (Dak, Zeke, Dez, and the O-line). It was a gross misjudgment. Claiborne, Church, and Carr are all playing well and the guys we signed to replace them are unemployed. Completely mishandled.
There’s a reason underachievers/underperforming players go elsewhere and oftentimes get better...
You don't know how smart teams play this game. Draft picks are gold in this league...and Dallas got ****four**** of them by laying low in free agency. We could get a nice guard in the 4th or 5th round...or take some of those picks and move up in the draft.

And they would have lost not one of them by keeping the players I've mentioned over the stiffs they signed. Nobody's talking about spending big money, or at least I'm specifically not. I'm talking about every one of their decisions being wrong. Money having little or nothing to do with it.

Did the Jimmy Johnson heist of the Vikings not teach you anything?

Completely irrelevant to this conversation, and quite desperate.

Am I disappointed Paea didn't work out better? Sure. I'll be smiling come draft day...and knowing we've finally cleaned up the cap mess from years past. I suspected Carroll's days would be short lived and the contract was structured smart to not really hurt us.

It was $4 million for a guy playing one game. There's nothing "smart" about that whatsoever. Give that up already.

Draft day is a season away. A season where you then have to worry about keeping what you've got too. When does the present factor in?
Completely disagree Idgit. Hyde versus Heath impacts this defense right now. It's also one less hole to fill going into the next off-season. You might not be able to solve every hole in the off-season, but you can plug some of them.

Target 1 or 2 defensive guys that will improve you in free agency and use the draft. It is not an either or choice.

I won't argue that there weren't similarly-priced guys out there across the league who ended up being better values or who would have been better signings than the guys we kept/brought in. Obviously, we whiffed on some of those guys, and that hurts us. But a certain amount of whiffing on players comes with the dinner, right? And the whole idea on buying low is to keep from betting big on a guy you don't know will fit or where you don't know what sort of person or effort you're really going to get.

But, if you're going to build through the draft, you can't miss on guys like Gregory and Jaylon and Awuzie, and Taco. You're saying "I'll go light at FA, because I'm going to make it up in the draft," only you don't make it up in the draft, you crap the bed, instead. If that was your plan, and you didn't fill the holes you thought you could fill using your valuable draft resources, then that's where you place the blame. It's not that we need better stop-gaps. It's that we can't keep whiffing on core defensive starters we draft to develop and expect to get any better.
When I said the same 2-3 guys I should have just said you but I think there's some sort of rule against that. You cry and weep more than a newborn.

At least I can call a screwup a screwup when I see it and not have to try to sugarcoat it in the name of fandom. The only people I see "crying and weeping" are the ones that can't handle the truth. The truth of where this team is, how they got there, and how they'll get out of it.

Instead, it's some "sun'll come out tomorrow" ******** fan line as if supporting failure is somehow "noble".

You cover your own eyes to the screwups. Mine are wide open. And when I see them, I'll call them out.
Also, I haven't seen a single poster rueing the loss of Damontre Moore.

The frustration is with the failed philosophy of the Front Office, the potential of wasting a year of Dak's affordable contract, and the nonstop apologies some here are willing to make.
Also, I haven't seen a single poster rueing the loss of Damontre Moore.

The frustration is with the failed philosophy of the Front Office, the potential of wasting a year of Dak's affordable contract, and the nonstop apologies some here are willing to make.

If we're frustrated about the crappy defensive personnel, I'm right there with you. I'm not making excuses for the defense. I don't think the problem is with the stop-gap FAs, but we have neglected that side of the ball, or whiffed when we have addressed it, and it's bitten us over and over and over again going back to 2012.
Biggest difference between you and I is that I can be critical or provide praise. I love this offense and think we can win it all with it. I think this defense is horrible and will cost us games.

You literally sign off on every move the team makes.
Ha ha ha! Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?
Mikey's not one to sign off on anything unless he likes it.
Been reading this old boy for far too darn long and I have no one to blame, but myself for that huge mistake.
Poe has 7 tackles and 4 assists for the year so far in Atl. 0 Sacks. But, yeah, I'm sure he does so much else not showing up in the stat column which makes Atl such a beast on defense:)

Eh you may have a point.

I haven't watched the Falcons enough to give you an honest opinion on his play. I have seen a lot of praise from fans and he was labeled as the best newcomer, but that doesn't mean much.

But I would much rather have Poe than Brian Price as my starter.
This guy wears out his welcome everywhere he goes.
Every year Clubs spend recklessly on FA..Giants are a prime example, and fail to reach their goals. The Cowboys did it for years because of fundamentally flawed drafting. The draft is the only way to build a great team. Stephen watched Jerry bury the Cowboys fans hopes with FA and poor drafting. He has tried to correct this thinking and has had some success. The FO needs to bring in a Defensive specialist to help them stiffen up the Defense before the great offensive talent is past it or their rookie deals expire. The way the NFL is run now..winning with a young talented club is the best strategy. It seems the FO is working on this.
Also, I haven't seen a single poster rueing the loss of Damontre Moore.

The frustration is with the failed philosophy of the Front Office, the potential of wasting a year of Dak's affordable contract, and the nonstop apologies some here are willing to make.

Moore is just the latest in a long list of offseason failures. A small one to be sure, but another one nonetheless.

Another name added to the list of poor personnel decisions.

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