Twitter: Cowboys to huddle about Irving

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can they void his fresh inked contract over this, cut him and move on should it be valid? maybe this changes the draft, A LOT..might need to move up to take Vea or choose Payne or Hurst at 19 over someone else they had in mind..this is big blow to the line..


Well-Known Member
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Not as “old and tired” as your “blimey” schtick..

Alright everyone, it’s time to stop making jokes. Some won’t stand for it. ENUFF!!!

Unfortunately, the perpetual “joke” is our FO’s ongoing inability to assess the off-field character of far too many players.


Junior College Transfer
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Not as “old and tired” as your “blimey” schtick..

Alright everyone, it’s time to stop making jokes. Some won’t stand for it. ENUFF!!!

I detect a lot of anger, ruffian.
So ... oh, you were kidding about Mara and Goddell...
Well, blimey and egads, angry lad, I don't know what is worse, a conspiratorial nature or hopelessly bad honor from the '60s.


Junior College Transfer
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There’s a reason the Cowboys have not been willing to commit to him long term. Several natives got upset when I suggested he has a high knucklehead factor.
So you knew long ago he was a Hardy Boy?


Junior College Transfer
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Sure plenty, but at 20 at least I was smart enough not to start pumping out kids. It's pretty much common sense that u don't have kids that u have no way of supporting unless u like the prospect of a bleak future. You don't agree with that?

It is a difficult issue, lad.
Here are the BIG problems
*There are no repercussions for serial impregnators. A lad can impregnate 10 girls in his lifetime, knowing he is exempt from prosecution or supporting the baby or the mom.
*there is a cultural phenomenon among young girls having out of wedlock children. A baby represents cash money, free food, free health care and free housing and FREEDOM for the girl wishing to get out of the house.
*There is no inoculation to prevent pregnancy for 13-, 14-, etc. girls. And if there were, civil libertarians would claim an invasion of privacy or lack of propriety.
*Lack is supervision where children run free. At the second of final lust, it is too late to think of the future, a college fund or the cost of diapers.
Who loses? The kids.
Today there are few parents. Only baby mamas and baby daddies.


Junior College Transfer
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Why is that not smart? I was 21 when I had my first. I now have a home, great job, and a great family now with 3 kids. Real quick who the **** are you to judge? I think people that go to random high end dealerships and take pictures of cars they don't own or plan to own are pretty stupid. Is that judgement fair?
Judging aside, high roller, rags was also stating a fact of life. Millions of kids with no fathers from whom to rely on and the cultural phenomenon of baby daddies and baby mamas.
Kids need to think beforehand, but few haver that cultural training at home.
And if we start to judge based on avatars, how good is the quality of parenting when one thrusts a bottle of gut rot liquor?
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