Cowboys to sign Sanchez


The Boognish
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God bless you and your ability to NOT engage in a rational discussion. I never claimed that every decision they have made is a bad one. I am pointing out some GLARING (recent) bad decisions and inaction that have led to our current roster crisis. In other words-- I'm focusing on the problem areas. OK?

Think about it: The front office had a plan to back up Romo with KELLEN MOORE!! Are you honestly going to stand there and tell me that is acceptable after what we went through last season?

I never said you said that. You have used the argument that Jerry made the decision as your basis for a club move to fail. You have used mental gymnastics like describing a draft pick as lucky to deflect credit. It is what it is.

I get that you fixate on the negative. That is kinda the point though.

The front office planned to draft a QB. They did draft a QB. He is now fulfilling his role as backup now that Romo is out. This is what I am talking about regarding mental gymnastics. You just gloss over that.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I'm not sure the attitude has anything to do with it. It's probably the fact that even though we've built a dominant offensive line we consistently play to their weakness by passing the ball 30-40 times per game in an effort to outscore teams because our defense has no chance at making a stop when needed. We desperately need a magician at the qb position and Dak is our only hope. I'm pretty sure Sanchez is not that guy.

Romo going down causes the team and the fans to deflate. It's not next man up when he goes down, it's all hope is lost which stems from having a team that depends on great QB play due to a defense that's been a liability year after year. The team completely loses it's confidence when Romo is lost. Coaching has been part of the problem we simply haven't been able to adjust to another QB forcing them to run plays that are designed for Romo. Danny White pointed that out in an article that was posted on the board last year. Sanchez certainly isn't the guy to win games for you.

He has to be managed or he'll turn the ball over. He needs a strong running game and stout defense which is how he led the Jets to back to back title games earlier in his career. He had a very solid game vs the Cowboys 2 years ago on Thanksgiving with a 100.00 passer rating due to Shady McCoy running all over us. If Dak has to be a magician to win games it's going to be a long year. Our only hope is having a strong running game he can lean on and hope the defense isn't as bad as some think it will be.


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Meanwhile, Dallas is starting the season with the best QB and RB in the draft with weapons all around. Sanchez will provide good quality depth for the forseeable future, and may be able to teach Dak a thing or two along the way. I don't see how anyone, who is a true Dallas Cowboys fan and not a Romo fan, is not absolutely elated with how things have transpired.
yes the offense looks good to me right now. the defense is a big ? mark though.
And special teams hard to say lucky got lucky? or can he run one back? swanson also did one that was called back, so maybe
we can get some returns.


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I never said you said that. You have used the argument that Jerry made the decision as your basis for a club move to fail. You have used mental gymnastics like describing a draft pick as lucky to deflect credit. It is what it is.

I get that you fixate on the negative. That is kinda the point though.

The front office planned to draft a QB. They did draft a QB. He is now fulfilling his role as backup now that Romo is out. This is what I am talking about regarding mental gymnastics. You just gloss over that.

I am not glossing over the fact that Dak was drafted and is doing well and the move is working out so far. I am glad that it is in fact. However-- there is a limit to the credit I will give the front office for the move.

They tried to draft 2 other QBs-- which means Dak clearly was not their first choice. To pretend that somehow they knew Dak would be this good is ridiculous. They failed to address backup QB in early FA. Then they failed to draft the QBs they had rated higher than Dak. So they made the next best decision they could and went with Dak and it has come up roses.

The fact the move worked out in the end does NOT excuse the bad decision making that led up to that point. Sometimes things work out even when you do dumb things. That doesn't mean you should make a habit out of doing dumb things.


The Boognish
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I am not glossing over the fact that Dak was drafted and is doing well and the move is working out so far. I am glad that it is in fact. However-- there is a limit to the credit I will give the front office for the move.

They tried to draft 2 other QBs-- which means Dak clearly was not their first choice. To pretend that somehow they knew Dak would be this good is ridiculous. They failed to address backup QB in early FA. Then they failed to draft the QBs they had rated higher than Dak. So they made the next best decision they could and went with Dak and it has come up roses.

The fact the move worked out in the end does NOT excuse the bad decision making that led up to that point. Sometimes things work out even when you do dumb things. That doesn't mean you should make a habit out of doing dumb things.

It's obvious that you are going to try and take away credit for their draft pick. Thanks for stating the obvious.

Everyone and their mother knew that he was not getting picked until the 4th round. You have no idea what the club thought of him and again you don't know that had they selected Lynch or Cook that they would not select Dak too.

What bad decisionmaking? You mean your revisionist history?


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Coaches reportedly loved Dak because of his intangibles. It was the scouts that put together the board and reportedly thought they already had a Dak type qb on the roster -- Showers.


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It's obvious that you are going to try and take away credit for their draft pick. Thanks for stating the obvious.

Everyone and their mother knew that he was not getting picked until the 4th round. You have no idea what the club thought of him and again you don't know that had they selected Lynch or Cook that they would not select Dak too.

What bad decisionmaking? You mean your revisionist history?

lol... You don't know that if they drafted Cook or Lynch-- they WOULD have drafted Dak. Guess that is "revisionist wishful hopeful homer" history. We know for a fact they had 2 other guys rated higher they tried to acquire and failed to do so. Nothing revisionist about that. Simple facts.

Bad decision making? OK... they failed to sign a vet backup QB after watching our backups go 1-11 last season when Romo went down. They failed to address the issue and are fortunate that Dak is playing at a level that literally no other 4th round QB in the history of the NFL has played at. Talk about catching lightning in a bottle... Also-- they failed to add quality starters at DE and they are paying a price for making other bad decisions regarding Hardy, Gregory, and Ro McClain.

You are in denial about the problems that are systemic in this front office. Put your head in the sand if you want to-- but don't get pissed when other fans choose to face some reality about this franchise.


The Boognish
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lol... You don't know that if they drafted Cook or Lynch-- they WOULD have drafted Dak. Guess that is "revisionist wishful hopeful homer" history. We know for a fact they had 2 other guys rated higher they tried to acquire and failed to do so. Nothing revisionist about that. Simple facts.

Bad decision making? OK... they failed to sign a vet backup QB after watching our backups go 1-11 last season when Romo went down. They failed to address the issue and are fortunate that Dak is playing at a level that literally no other 4th round QB in the history of the NFL has played at. Talk about catching lightning in a bottle... Also-- they failed to add quality starters at DE and they are paying a price for making other bad decisions regarding Hardy, Gregory, and Ro McClain.

You are in denial about the problems that are systemic in this front office. Put your head in the sand if you want to-- but don't get pissed when other fans choose to face some reality about this franchise.

I never claimed that was the case. I stated it was a possibility that belies your narrative. I am not feigning certainty. Al you are oding is choosing confirmation bias.

This argument is old at this point. After Moore signed there was nobody left and Sanchez isn't that much different than Moore is anyway. People bought into the NY Post hype.

I already said I wasn't going to defend Jones. I already described it as a fool's errand. I will still judge any action they take on its merits and not assume that it is going to fail.


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I never claimed that was the case. I stated it was a possibility that belies your narrative. I am not feigning certainty. Al you are oding is choosing confirmation bias.

This argument is old at this point. After Moore signed there was nobody left and Sanchez isn't that much different than Moore is anyway. People bought into the NY Post hype.

I already said I wasn't going to defend Jones. I already described it as a fool's errand. I will still judge any action they take on its merits and not assume that it is going to fail.

Yes... this argument is old.


The Actualist
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The Dallas Cowboys Front Office liked Dak Prescott more than any other Front Office PERIOD

Everything has worked out thus far...we'll see what the dirt looks like under the rug this week.


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Dak is the backup QB and he is starting because Romo broke his back.

No, he's starting because Moore broke his leg. The plan was for Dak to sit and learn. He wasn't drafted with the intention of being Romo's back-up.

And while you don't believe in luck, that's exactly what happened with Prescott. Jerry lamented immediately after the draft that he should have given up more for Lynch. He said so publicly to King (I think). And if Cook would have been on the board he would have been a Cowboy instead of Dak unless you think they take two QB in the latter part of the draft.

And it took Moore breaking his leg for the team to see the potential of their 4th round pick. Now Jerry's front and center telling folks they took the best QB in the draft. The bottom line is that these things happen. If Bedsoe never got injured in NE, we might never know who Tom Brady is/was. NE didn't know what they had in Brady and we didn't know what we "think" we have with Dak. It's the "luck" of the draw and it certainly does play a huge factor. We may have hit gold as well with Dak and I like what I see so far. If he's the next franchise QB, I won't care how we got him and I'll just be glad he's here and the stars aligned.


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No, he's starting because Moore broke his leg. The plan was for Dak to sit and learn. He wasn't drafted with the intention of being Romo's back-up.

And while you don't believe in luck, that's exactly what happened with Prescott. Jerry lamented immediately after the draft that he should have given up more for Lynch. He said so publicly to King (I think). And if Cook would have been on the board he would have been a Cowboy instead of Dak unless you think they take two QB in the latter part of the draft.

And it took Moore breaking his leg for the team to see the potential of their 4th round pick. Now Jerry's front and center telling folks they took the best QB in the draft. The bottom line is that these things happen. If Bedsoe never got injured in NE, we might never know who Tom Brady is/was. NE didn't know what they had in Brady and we didn't know what we "think" we have with Dak. It's the "luck" of the draw and it certainly does play a huge factor. We may have hit gold as well with Dak and I like what I see so far. If he's the next franchise QB, I won't care how we got him and I'll just be glad he's here and the stars aligned.

You don't know this. You have no idea who would have beat out who in camp, and seeing as how well Dak has played in practice and in preseason, I'll go out on a limb and say he would have beat out Moore and Showers would be exactly where he's at today.

You definitively saying that Dak would have always been the #3 is dumb when one of the very points of camp is competition.


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You don't know this. You have no idea who would have beat out who in camp, and seeing as how well Dak has played in practice and in preseason, I'll go out on a limb and say he would have beat out Moore and Showers would be exactly where he's at today.

You definitively saying that Dak would have always been the #3 is dumb when one of the very points of camp is competition.

It's late and I'll try to dig it up tomorrow but that's what was reported regarding Dak (that they would bring him along slowly). It was either by Garrett or Stephen if I recall correctly.

And if they saw what they had in Dak, he would have started prior to Moore who was nothing more than a scrub but he knew the offense and Linehan liked him. But I'm going by what the team stated regarding Prescott.

It was also reported that Dak hasn't always had great practices, even the week following his 1st pre-season game where he did so well.


The Boognish
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No, he's starting because Moore broke his leg. The plan was for Dak to sit and learn. He wasn't drafted with the intention of being Romo's back-up.

And while you don't believe in luck, that's exactly what happened with Prescott. Jerry lamented immediately after the draft that he should have given up more for Lynch. He said so publicly to King (I think). And if Cook would have been on the board he would have been a Cowboy instead of Dak unless you think they take two QB in the latter part of the draft.

And it took Moore breaking his leg for the team to see the potential of their 4th round pick. Now Jerry's front and center telling folks they took the best QB in the draft. The bottom line is that these things happen. If Bedsoe never got injured in NE, we might never know who Tom Brady is/was. NE didn't know what they had in Brady and we didn't know what we "think" we have with Dak. It's the "luck" of the draw and it certainly does play a huge factor. We may have hit gold as well with Dak and I like what I see so far. If he's the next franchise QB, I won't care how we got him and I'll just be glad he's here and the stars aligned.

The two notions are not mutually exclusive.

Luck is just a copout explanation for complex outcomes. That you compare it to astrology is very telling. That tells me you have no idea how it came to be. Again prove that they would not have drafted Dak had they been able to get another QB.

You are looking at the explanation that confirms your bias and ignoring all other possibilities and causes. Scapegoating is for the simple.


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The two notions are not mutually exclusive.

Luck is just a copout explanation for complex outcomes. That you compare it to astrology is very telling. That tells me you have no idea how it came to be. Again prove that they would not have drafted Dak had they been able to get another QB.

You are looking at the explanation that confirms your bias and ignoring all other possibilities and causes. Scapegoating is for the simple.

Right....and you prove that they would have drafted Dak after taking Lynch in a trade up. Yes, that's the ticket. Move up into the first round for the QB you covet and then take another QB in round 4 just to screw with him and send a message. I guess that makes a lot of sense in your world.


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He's in the building!




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Luck is just a copout explanation for complex outcomes. That you compare it to astrology is very telling. That tells me you have no idea how it came to be. Again prove that they would not have drafted Dak had they been able to get another QB.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying that a team like NE didn't get lucky when Bledsoe was injured? Or do you think they knew what they had in Brady but just decided to not start him for some mysterious reason? Please explain the mindset that led to this "complex outcome."


The Boognish
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Right....and you prove that they would have drafted Dak after taking Lynch in a trade up. Yes, that's the ticket. Move up into the first round for the QB you covet and then take another QB in round 4 just to screw with him and send a message. I guess that makes a lot of sense in your world.

I don't need to prove it. It is a possibility that is mutually exclusive with your position. I think you just don't understand how logical deductions work. You are just assuming your preferred outcome and not considering any other possibility.

How would that screw with him? They are already backing up and the competition is Kellen Moore. If they cannot handle that then they have no business in the NFL anyway much less in Dallas.


The Boognish
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Just so I'm clear, are you saying that a team like NE didn't get lucky when Bledsoe was injured? Or do you think they knew what they had in Brady but just decided to not start him for some mysterious reason? Please explain the mindset that led to this "complex outcome."

They drafted and developed Brady. You don't think Belichick deserves credit for that?