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Arm talent isn't everything. There are many players that had it but didn't win. Akili Smith is one that comes to mind. Ryan Leaf had a big arm too. A more recent example is Jay Cutler. They all had arm talent but they weren't winners. Dak is a winner.

Speaking of records, here is wINTz vs Dak thru the years:

2016: wINTz was 7-9
2016: Dak was 13-3
2017: wINTz was 10-1*
2017: Dak was 9-7
2018: wINTz is 7-7
2018: Dak is 8-5

Dak swept him in 2016, lost 1 in 2017 and swept wINTz again this year. So head to head Dak is up 4-1 by my count.

If not for Zeke's suspension, Tyron Smith being hurt a few games (most notably in ATL), Dak likely wins 12 games in 2017.

Career record as a starter. Advantage: Dak (30-15 vs 24-17).

Playoffs. Dak is 0-1 (but played well; threw for 301 yards and a couple TDs). wINTz is 0-0.

Dak has his warts. All QBs do. But if you asking me who I want between Dak and wINTz, it's obvious to me that Dak is the winner you'd rather lead your franchise over wINTz.

And give me Dak's "availability" over wINTZ "ability" too. wINTz missing significant playing time for the 2nd straight year. Not good.

Anyone who resorts to W/L for individual player arguments, has no argument.


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Ah.. Yeah. I'm losing the debate because I think Wentz is better then Dak. Sure thing bud.

Could you add some more caps lock and haha's on your scoreboard?

No, youre mistaken again. You're losing with every post because you say something even more wrong and ridiculous than the post prior to that.

Hahaha SURE!

Mr Cowboy

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This is why Dak gets the Tebow comparisons. Because Tebow got the W's too.

Tebow, like Dak, are guys that aren't being asked to go win a game. They're being asked to not screw it up.

So of course your typical homer fan is going to give them more credit for W's then they deserve when they're really just along for the ride.
You're embarrassing yourself now by comparing Dak with Tebow. Dak is not the greatest QB in the NFL, but he is not half as bad a as you want to believe. If you don't like him, just say so, keep quiet and live with it. Or you can go be a fan of Wentz or any other QB who has perfect arm talent, and looks great on the training table. You're not convincing anyone with your arguments, and posters here are actually laughing at you.


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Wentz and Dak are nothing like Ware and Merriman.

Demarcus Ware was a ridiculous talent.
If anything Wentz is Ware in that story.
Ware and Justin Tuck is a better comparison.

Dak relies on others to be better. Others rely on Wentz to be better.

Did you fall down and hit your head recently? Get bit by a mosquito and become delirious? If not, then that is some serious Dak Derangement Syndrome you are going through. Drinking the Wentz Kool-Aid with @Risen Star is not going to help you.

I've seen similar stuff here when people comment on Jerry Jones, Garrett, Romo, and now Dak. Those who hate Jerry, give him all the blame and send all the credit to Garrett or McClay or whoever. Same could be said of Garrett and Romo and now Dak.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Wentz played like a typical rookie as a rookie which is a huge positive. He wasn't bad at all by normal rookie standards. Goff was bad.

He wasn't as good as Dak as a rookie but what Dak did was not normal.
Goff wasn't bad...................Fisher was bad.


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Ah.. Yeah. I'm losing the debate because I think Wentz is better then Dak. Sure thing bud.

Could you add some more caps lock and haha's on your scoreboard?

Apparently some of you need to head over to the Eagles forum and see for yourself what many many true Eagle fans think about wenzt.. Many of them want foles and like his intangibles better! More Eagles fans are coming around to the fact that Wentz has issues with happy feet and that foles is more composed. Also, there are quite a few admitting that Dak is way better than they thought and outplayed Wentz.. Go see for yourself if you don't' believe me.. It almost seems divided 50/50 in who they wished was the starter.. Many believe it should of been Foles because of what he did, and the throught was if Foles held up, trade away wentz.. Don't shoot the messenger.. I'll take Dak, a guy who gets it done.


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Not Cowboys related, but could have implications going forward with our rivalry with the Eagles:

That's messed up that their Docs didn't tell him. SMH


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Wentz has big arm talent that Dak can only dream of but outside of Cowboy land people will consider his bad back and rebuilt knee as the reason he is having a down year.
People can consider wouldn't make them right. He looks exactly like he has the previous two years. Just doesn't have the scheme or talent to make him look better than he was. That defense last year put him inside the 20 on MANY occasions with turnovers.

Not the same this year.


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Wentz has the intangibles too.

Wentz is basically a perfect QB but his mobility is not what it was a year ago because of the injury.

A healthy Carson Wentz is way better then Dak could hope to be.

Everyone besides a Cowboy fan knows this.
Wentz is a "perfect" qb who hasn't performed in the clutch, can't stay healthy, has difficulty throwing to wrs and going through his progressions.

Other than that, he is perfect.


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Oh wow, I didn't realize that. I was giving him credit he didn't deserve. :laugh:

Updated career records: Dak is 30-15; wINTz is 22-18. He barely a 0.500 QB despite being a 1st round pick. :lmao:
And being on a superbowl team that he didn't play in the postseason on and taking over that same team the following