Cowboys Vs 49ers ***GAME THREAD*** 1st Half

Why is that not a catch? I thought Witten just needed to get his toes down before his heel went out of bounds.
This is f*&^ing ridiculous. Wade is a complete moron. The whole stadium knows he was out of bounds.
TheCount;2436407 said:
Run The Damn Ball!!!

That's a catch, his toe comes down first.
Yeah I don't know what the announcers are thinking.
what am I missing. looks in to me. witten's toe touches in bound before the heel is out of bounds
jcollins28;2436418 said:
Shocker someone from the cowboys is not doing their job.

Or doing it poorly. Go figure:mad:
Paniolo22;2436417 said:
The heel cannot touch the line. Period. This is absolutely STUUUUUPID!!!!
It sure looked like Wade had the ref clarify that if the toes touched before the heel if it was good and the ref seem to say it would be in.
TheCount;2436420 said:
His toe was in first, that's a catch. Only problem is it was ruled incomplete on the field, so has to be indisputeable.
same thing happened earlier in the jets/titans game. titans receiver caught it but heel came down out of bouds so when fisher was gonna challenge the refs told him that if the heel lands out its not a catch. stupid challenge by the fat man
DallasEast;2436426 said:
His toes of his foot hit before the heel of his foot hit the sideline. That's a catch.

But Buck said it was "ridiculous".

I hope they overturn
That is a catch or from now on all toe drags have to be ruled out. THat is a catch.
you know what? if this gets ruled a catch, I'm driving the 20 minutes to Texas Stadium and personally kicking he living **** out of Joe Buck.
Is Wade Phillips really that dumb. Witten is out and it's even close.what a dumb time to throw a flag.
*** is with this commentary?

Poor, ridiculous?

I've never heard someone in sports show so much disdain for one team during a game.

Joe Buck is ridiculous.
**** Joe Buck. Wittens toe was in, and heel was out. That could be reversed.
RoadRunner;2436422 said:
Toe was down first before the heel went out. That should be a catch. All you need is a toe drag and Witten got it.
Hope you're right.

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