Game Day ***Cowboys vs Chargers post game thread***


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It would be one thing if this had not been seen with the 21st Century Cowboys before.

They just cannot handle success. Not even slightly.

2 of the three other teams in the NFC East lose badly today. They had a real opportunity to bury the Giants, and start the process for the Eagles.

They are playing a team with an awful defense, three of five offensive line starters missing, and their #1 WR (yes, Gates is their top receiving threat, but Floyd is their #1 wide out) also out.

What happens? The Cowboy defense treats this like it was 7 on 7 drills. No pass rush, soft coverage all over the place, and they resembled a speed bump.

They cannot deal with success. Not much else needs to be said.

They cannot deal with success. We've made this statement several times over the last decade. Even with all the personnel changes and coaching changes, that one fact remains...THEY CANNOT HANDLE SUCCESS. where the hell does it come from? is the culture at VR poisoned?


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They cannot deal with success. We've made this statement several times over the last decade. Even with all the personnel changes and coaching changes, that one fact remains...THEY CANNOT HANDLE SUCCESS. where the hell does it come from? is the culture at VR poisoned?



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I am not even sure we win the division. If Philly wins next week and we lose to Denver (which is almost certain), then we are going to be tied with them for first place.

People thinking this division is over need to look again. We are no lock to win this thing.

I agree


"You want some?"
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Ah yes. When things don't happen on the field, let's hope in some nebulous, intangible, "potential" that never seems to ever play out, not that I'm trying to be antagonistic to you personally.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." ;)


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Where's Asthma Field and his article about how great he feels about this team? I don't mean to call him out specifically, but I do mean to call out all the people who come out after every win and proclaim how encouraged they are with what they see from this team, then after a loss they're silent, then they come back out after a win and say how this team is changing under Garrett and so on. Anytime anyone says how encouraged they are with the direction of this team I roll my eyes because I know a game like this is coming. Yes we have young talent, but so do most other teams as well. Can you really say that JG is changing the culture here with a straight face? No. How can anyone be encouraged after a game like that?


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Where's Asthma Field and his article about how great he feels about this team? I don't mean to call him out specifically, but I do mean to call out all the people who come out after every win and proclaim how encouraged they are with what they see from this team, then after a loss they're silent, then they come back out after a win and say how this team is changing under Garrett and so on. Anytime anyone says how encouraged they are with the direction of this team I roll my eyes because I know a game like this is coming. Yes we have young talent, but so do most other teams as well. Can you really say that JG is changing the culture here with a straight face? No. How can anyone be encouraged after a game like that?

Seems fair, I honestly thought this team "turned the corner" after last years opening win in NY......I was wrong.


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Seems fair, I honestly thought this team "turned the corner" after last years opening win in NY......I was wrong.

Honestly, I thought the same thing last year as well. But then after the egg in Seattle I knew it was same old same old. So I don't fall into the trap anymore, like after the Cincinnati win last year or the Giants & rams games this year.


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Anybody listen to the postgame press conference?

Just curious who Garrett blamed this week.............I am 100% sure it wasnt himself.


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Anybody listen to the postgame press conference?

Just curious who Garrett blamed this week.............I am 100% sure it wasnt himself.

When it comes to the idiotic 56 yd FG, the wind. He thought they had it. I'm not making this up.


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When it comes to the idiotic 56 yd FG, the wind. He thought they had it. I'm not making this up. was the wind's fault.......................does Garrett realize what a joke he has turned into?


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390 was the wind's fault.......................does Garrett realize what a joke he has turned into?

Apparently not or he doesn't care since you and I would have been smart enough to punt in that situation. It's just absurd at this point.


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And yet Romo had only ONE pass completed over 15 yards. For Garret and his "Air Coryell" offense, that is simply unacceptable. We need to get the ball down the freakin field. High School offenses do better than that.

sorry how about putting the blame where it the defence which was horrible today with the exception of the pick six Rivers had an easy day....Tony played well enough to win except the defence couldnt make a stop....


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I'm 51 years old. I'm been there for 5 SB wins, 3 SB loses, I've been there for 1-15 and during that entire time I lived and died with the Dallas Cowboys, good and bad. I hate Jerry Jones. Not as much for what he has done to this team in the past 15 years, but for what he has done to me. I'm numb, I'm dead. I sit and watch every game without any emotion anymore. When they do good, I immediately look up in the upper left corner of the tv for the flag. When they do bad, I PRAY for that flag. I have become the most angry, bitter, miserable Dallas Cowboy fan in history....and I owe it all to Jerry Jones. Best owner in sports......worse GM in the history of sports. Lombardi couldn't coach this group of misfits to championships. There is NOTHING positive about this team anymore. Even Dez, who is by far, our best player, has that one critical drop every game. It's only a matter of time before Lee, Carter, or Murray are hurt again. There is no hope for this year and any year in the near future. This team is dead, and so am I.

I know how you feel. I can't even get upset over a loss any more. I remember when I really cared, when Leon Lett muffed the block field goal against the Dolphins. After we lost that game, I went to my room (was visiting my parents for Thanksgiving), went to bed and didn't get up for any more food I was so upset. But my outrage meter has been silence by years of same-old-same-old with the current group of Cowboys. I hope for the best, but I'm not surprised by the worst.


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I know how you feel. I can't even get upset over a loss any more. I remember when I really cared, when Leon Lett muffed the block field goal against the Dolphins. After we lost that game, I went to my room (was visiting my parents for Thanksgiving), went to bed and didn't get up for any more food I was so upset. But my outrage meter has been silence by years of same-old-same-old with the current group of Cowboys. I hope for the best, but I'm not surprised by the worst.

That's what I have become, I'm numb to the losses now. I hate what has happened to this franchise, even in the parity era Cowboy fans in a "perfect world" would NOT be ok with 10-6 one and done type playoff run every year, nowadays we would take that in a heartbeat