Game Day ***Cowboys vs Commanders post game thread***


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You know guys….THIS is where one can tell if this team got better or not….when winning everybody is happy, dancing, singing and all that..It is when you get a loss like that where the character is tested…. Let's see on Sunday how they respond

And I am glad it is agains t a tough team ..



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If Rex Ryan is let go in New York, it won't be because of the fans holding him accountable, whatever that means.

It will be because he has failed, and his GM did nothing to set him up to succeed as a coach.

oh yes, they never gave him a great D to work with or a good O line to work with. Their scouting department failed, i will give him that, his GM and owner are failures, but he didnt have to sign on.

to many fans keep making excuses for Garrett, its over, make an excuse and he proves to you he doesnt want this job, Give him every coordinator out there and we stil cant beat a bad team. Give him a running back and he ll continute to let him fumble, and if that RB fails, he wont be benched, he wont be sat. That RB coach probably wont be yelled at. (ok grnated the refs hardly call forward progression stopped for Murray, but Garrett should be on the RB coach to get it in both their heads, GO DOWN GO DOWN GO DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

TO many excuses not enough answers.


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No, his coach needs to man up and do what's best for the team. Christ, who is the coach and who is the player?

It makes no difference to me which one of them makes the decision but it needs to happen.


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Romo first passing play was a sack/fumble on a blitz where he just didn't see/feel the pressure at all - and it happened at the. 5 yard line. We recovered it, but that was enough proof he was not mentally in the game. Whether it's the injury or just haslet and pressure situation it was obvious he just was off.

Is anyone else curious to see if they could have scored with weedon ?

Why did romo force himself into a game he was playing poorly in and hurt. Why ?

Why mclovin why

I can't answer for McLovin, although I would love to see what he thinks, but in my opinion, I think he forced his way back in because he truly believed he could win this for us and he truly believed that Weeden could not. The dude could not even walk right, and yet Garrett allowed him back in. Money does talk, that's all I can say. He is Jerry's kid. And we all know that Jerry's Kids get what they want. I wish at that one moment we had a coach like Jimmy, who would have told Romo to sit the f down and shut the f up. Weeden is doing good things for us and we are going to see this thing out, all the way to the win.;)

Oh, and yes, I feel very confident that we would have scored with Weeden. He practices daily with the underlings. The underlings were on the field tonight, and he was connecting beautifully with them. Hell, he even connected with Witten! Weeden throws bullets the likes of our starters have never seen. But the youngens, they connect with him every day. If they had left Weeden in and put him with Escobar, I guarantee you, we would have won. He sure as hell connected with Williams in fine fashion, didn't he?

Anyway, Cowboys lost, and now we will see how they handle a loss when they are on a win streak. Will they fold? Or will they overcome? I think they will overcome, and we will win next week. I sure as heck hope so, anyway. And I sure hope next time we meet the lowly Commanders, we blow them a new a===you know what!


More than meets the eye.
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Watching Jim Haslett coach against Garrett's offense reminds me of Madden '94 or '95 (I can't remember the exact year). There was a goal line defense play with a single high safety. If you took control of the safety and blitzed him right up the gut on a pass play, you would get a sack about 80 percent of the time. It didn't matter where you were on the field--at the goal line or on the 50; the play worked almost every time. It was a glitch,a flaw in the game's design. I didn't run the play every down because, quite frankly, it would've gotten boring. Instead, I ran it whenever I needed to make a play.

Jim Haslett's defense against the Cowboys reminds of that play. He crowds the line of scrimmage and brings one more player than the Cowboys can block, and makes a play almost every time. It seems a team could eventually make him pay for the kind of aggression, especially a team with the kind of weapons the Cowboys have, but they can't...ever. It feels like a glitch in the Cowboys' offensive scheme.


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lol at the caller on with norm now. i'm about to call in. i'm sick of his excuses.


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lol at the caller on with norm now. i'm about to call in. i'm sick of his excuses.

Call Norm and tell him to stop being combatative just for the sake of arguing
Donavan has nothing, dude rooted for whomever Randall Cunningham played for


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You know guys….THIS is where one can tell if this team got better or not….when winning everybody is happy, dancing, singing and all that..It is when you get a loss like that where the character is tested…. Let's see on Sunday how they respond

And I am glad it is agains t a tough team ..


I agree 100%. Let's see where this loss takes our team and us fans. Although, I admit, I didn't do so well as a fan tonight. lol. But I am calmer now, and I am in a better mind state. lol. But, I am hoping the next game takes us all to new horizons. Hopefully, all of us, who have been so hungry and destitute these last 20 or so years, can bounce back from tonight somewhat intact, and come away next week with a beautiful victory. A victory that comes with such finesse and style, such warlike approach, such dominance, that there will be no mistaking that indeed, the Cowboys are Back In Town!!


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Call Norm and tell him to stop being combatative just for the sake of arguing
Donavan has nothing, dude rooted for whomever Randall Cunningham played for

Yeah I'm not really getting Norm and Donny's logic there. It's 2nd and 2. Get the first down first. If you want to pass or take a shot after you get the first down fine. I'm cool with that but the focus has to be GET THE FIRST DOWN FIRST, keep the chains moving and then go on from there.


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No, his coach needs to man up and do what's best for the team. Christ, who is the coach and who is the player?

This is what you get when your HC and starting QB are buddies. I'm a Romo fan but I've always said he needs to be controlled by the HC. That's what Parcells said and I believe him.


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Call Norm and tell him to stop being combatative just for the sake of arguing
Donavan has nothing, dude rooted for whomever Randall Cunningham played for

i keep getting a busy line when i call. norm and his puppet co-host are making me sick right now. i wish sturm was still on the postgame w/ norm.


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I agree 100%. Let's see where this loss takes our team and us fans. Although, I admit, I didn't do so well as a fan tonight. lol. But I am calmer now, and I am in a better mind state. lol. But, I am hoping the next game takes us all to new horizons. Hopefully, all of us, who have been so hungry and destitute these last 20 or so years, can bounce back from tonight somewhat intact, and come away next week with a beautiful victory. A victory that comes with such finesse and style, such warlike approach, such dominance, that there will be no mistaking that indeed, the Cowboys are Back In Town!!

This next game is going to tell me a lot about this team. Teams that are really about something win the next game after a loss like this. I still believe in this team but I will really start to believe if we bounce back from this loss and win like 3-4 in a row or heck even 2 in a row. Just do something to show that this loss will not bother you, will not break you. Brush it off and beat the next opponent. That is the mark of a special team. A team that's just happy and satisfied with starting 6-2 and then goes on this win one lose one or two type streak will show that we were the pretenders everyone thought we were.


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This loss can possibly be a positive if it helps in bringing the cowboys back down to Earth and gets them refocused for the next game. Too much praise makes the players relax a bit, and you see what happens. We'll see if this team has turned the corner the next game.


Omaha! Omaha!
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The longest Dallas drive was a little over 4 minutes in the game. That pretty much explains why our defense failed in the 2nd half.... According to Norm, we had about 9 minutes of offensive possession in the 2nd half.

I thought Linehan called an okay game, but i felt he should have really leaned more heavily on the run in the 2nd half. Overtime, it goes without saying, I thought he should have at least pounded the ball on 2nd or 3rd down, we were killing the Skins on the ground in the 2nd half.


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I agree 100%. Let's see where this loss takes our team and us fans. Although, I admit, I didn't do so well as a fan tonight. lol. But I am calmer now, and I am in a better mind state. lol. But, I am hoping the next game takes us all to new horizons. Hopefully, all of us, who have been so hungry and destitute these last 20 or so years, can bounce back from tonight somewhat intact, and come away next week with a beautiful victory. A victory that comes with such finesse and style, such warlike approach, such dominance, that there will be no mistaking that indeed, the Cowboys are Back In Town!!

Don't rely on fans my friend…just take a tour on threads and read post before the game and now…check the predictions thread LOL .. now it's total meltdown.. Bears/85 .. skins/91… and Cowboys/92 .. teams will lose the odd game here and there…players as individuals will underperform in the odd's how you react … remember 4 weeks again KC vs NE? How about those Pats now? How about that Brady?



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Don't rely on fans my friend…just take a tour on threads and read post before the game and now…check the predictions thread LOL .. now it's total meltdown.. Bears/85 .. skins/91… and Cowboys/92 .. teams will lose the odd game here and there…players as individuals will underperform in the odd's how you react … remember 4 weeks again KC vs NE? How about those Pats now? How about that Brady?


pats have championship pedigree. meanwhile here a lot of us have one eye on december and that brutal schedule down the stretch. we know we need to get as many wins as possible. also the eagles aren't going anywhere and 10 wins might not be enough for the playoffs this year in the NFC. saints are coming and the lions keep winning.


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Randle and Murray both averaged 7+ yards per carry. Somehow we couldn't take advantage of it. Most teams would take that all the way down the field all day.


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Don't rely on fans my friend…just take a tour on threads and read post before the game and now…check the predictions thread LOL .. now it's total meltdown.. Bears/85 .. skins/91… and Cowboys/92 .. teams will lose the odd game here and there…players as individuals will underperform in the odd's how you react … remember 4 weeks again KC vs NE? How about those Pats now? How about that Brady?


If I took a tour around the threads before a game, I would crawl into a corner and cry myself to sleep. lol. I keep thinking about that awesome song by Godsmack, I Stand Alone. It keeps me strong, brother. It keeps me strong! Been a Cowboys fan since practically before birth, and don't know any other way to think. lol.. We WILL win it all again....Someday.....I just hope I am still alive to see it! Peace, my friend. We WILL see the big Win again! I know it!:grin:


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One of the worst things about this loss is seeing McCoy pontificate about winning football. It's like a middle schooler beat us.

I'm a Texas fan and I basically hate him now. Traitor. :D