Twitter: Cowboys were interested in Sean Payton


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Lets see. The Cowboys had Pacells as head coach and Payton as OC and the saints offer a head coaching job to Payton so how do the Cowboys keep their OC? Do they fire Parcells and make Payton head coach. Remember hindsight is always 20/20, and at the time Payton had never been a head coach. Now he turned out to be a really good head coach, but the list is a mile long of position coaches that don't make good head coaches so there would have been a risk involved if the Cowboys fire Parcells for Payton. So short of firing Parcells just how would the Cowboys been able to keep Payton?
Yes I am aware of the situation Jerry could have made him the assistant head coach paid him the money with the caveat that he become the head coach after Parcells left anybody in that organization that thought Parcells was going to stay long-term what's brain dead


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Lets see. The Cowboys had Pacells as head coach and Payton as OC and the saints offer a head coaching job to Payton so how do the Cowboys keep their OC? Do they fire Parcells and make Payton head coach. Remember hindsight is always 20/20, and at the time Payton had never been a head coach. Now he turned out to be a really good head coach, but the list is a mile long of position coaches that don't make good head coaches so there would have been a risk involved if the Cowboys fire Parcells for Payton. So short of firing Parcells just how would the Cowboys been able to keep Payton?
And it would have been a far cry better than Wade Phillips now Wade Phillips is a great defensive coordinator as a head coach not so much so I don't see where the risk would have been considering the string of clowns that have come through this organization as head coach


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Yes I am aware of the situation Jerry could have made him the assistant head coach paid him the money with the caveat that he become the head coach after Parcells left anybody in that organization that thought Parcells was going to stay long-term what's brain dead

he was the assistant head coach and Parcells and Jerry were doing what was best for payton. They encouraged him not to take the Raiders job in 05 and he listened. He then was given the opportunity to be the head coach in New Orleans and everyone was happy for him. This was parcells team and no one knew how long he would stay but it was his team.


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I think he's saying the 1:41 would've been enough time to win the game, had they not allowed the Rams to get into FG range.

The saints were wining the game at that point. The rams got another gift of a non offensive pass interference call that got them close to field goal range and after moving the ball a little closer kicked that field goal to tie the game leaving just 15 seconds left. This all started because ItzKelz wants to blame Payton for the mistakes the refs made.


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Yes I am aware of the situation Jerry could have made him the assistant head coach paid him the money with the caveat that he become the head coach after Parcells left anybody in that organization that thought Parcells was going to stay long-term what's brain dead

One of the worst things management can do is tell a coach under the head coach that the job is his when the head coach is gone. What that does to the current head coach is well they already have my replacement so whether or not I have any ideas of leaving anytime they already have me gone.


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I honestly think losing Payton was what led Jerry to [foolishly] invest so heavily in Garrett.


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And it would have been a far cry better than Wade Phillips now Wade Phillips is a great defensive coordinator as a head coach not so much so I don't see where the risk would have been considering the string of clowns that have come through this organization as head coach

There was a subtle difference. Phillips had already been an NFL head coach and Payton was not. Again hindsight shows Payton turned out to be a good head coach but again the mile long list of position coaches that fail as head coaches is long. Yes you can put Phillips on that list.


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What drugs are you on? The saints ended up kicking a field goal because they didn't get the most blown call ever to take a 3 point lead. They then kicked off and the rams had 1:41 and they moved down the field and kicked a field goal of 48 yards to tie leaving just 15 seconds left on the clock. So according to you 15 seconds is enough time to have won that game. Oh besides the non pass interference call that wasn't called against the rams in the last series most people don't even talk about the offensive pass interference that wasn't called on the rams that got them into field goal range. Take some more drugs.
Did they have time on the clock to win the game? Is this true or is it not? I understand that you want to be right but Im just asking you to be honest......Ive never seen a blown call that prevented the coach from calling a great play on the next play.


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I honestly think losing Payton was what led Jerry to [foolishly] invest so heavily in Garrett.

There are some similarities there. Garrett was offered a couple of head coaching jobs when he was the OC just like Payton. Jones made Garrett the OC/assistant head coach just like he did with Payton to convince Garrett to stay. He also gave Garrett a larger pay increase than he did with Payton.


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Payton what a genius of a coach. He actually reinserts the Starting QB when he returns healthy. . .even though the backup was winning games.

A real coach


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The saints were wining the game at that point. The rams got another gift of a non offensive pass interference call that got them close to field goal range and after moving the ball a little closer kicked that field goal to tie the game leaving just 15 seconds left. This all started because ItzKelz wants to blame Payton for the mistakes the refs made.
Don't shoot the messenger. Just saying what I think he meant. Lol


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Did they have time on the clock to win the game? Is this true or is it not? I understand that you want to be right but Im just asking you to be honest......Ive never seen a blown call that prevented the coach from calling a great play on the next play.

Are simple thing that hard for you to understand? Have drugs caused that much damage? I'll try again. With 1:49 left IN THE GAME the saints didn't get that PI call so they kicked a field goal to take the lead. The then kicked off and the rams got the ball with 1:41 left IN THE GAME. They ran a couple of plays and then got another gift of a non- OFFENSIVE pass interference call that put them at midfield. The ran a couple more plays and on 4th down kicked a field goal to tie the game leaving :15 left IN THE GAME. So if you drug infested mind thinks 15 seconds is enough time to drive the ball down the field and kick a game winning field goal I suggest you just take some more drugs and make yourself feel better.


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Don't shoot the messenger. Just saying what I think he meant. Lol

No I didn't mean anything towards you. I just don't get why he thinks there was so much time that the saints could have won that game in regulation time and why he keeps blaming Payton for that loss.


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The last 3 seasons the Saints have had the best team in the NFC with no SB appearance to show for it. Sean blames this on everyone but himself. Doesnt mean he is not a good coach but is telling on what type of person he is.

The Saints got screwed last year. They would have been in the SB had it not been for the refs...


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The Saints got screwed last year. They would have been in the SB had it not been for the refs...

Maybe but everyone always forgets that on the rams drive BEFORE The non PI call goff had his face mask yanked and it should have been a penalty on the saints which would have set up a first and goal for the rams.

if that call is made everything changes and maybe the non pi play never happens. The rams were screwed first but no one ever talks about it.

Then Brees threw an INT in overtime and the rams won.

The saints and the media whining about the call sure had no problem with the critical missed face mask call on the rams and the rams never complained after the game about it.

I hope the saints lose in the divisional round and have 10 PI's called on them for all the whining they did.


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Jerry screwed up way back when he let him walk out the door. Had to of known Bill wasn’t going to be here long should of paid the man and named him coach in waiting.

He would have never done here what he's done in NO, not with the Jones' running the team...


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He would have never done here what he's done in NO, not with the Jones' running the team...

thats debatable because at that time a lot of the coaches would have stayed with payton since most ended up working with him in New Orleans.

But it doesn't matter because he earned his opportunity to be head coach of the saints in 06 and it would be the worst thing an organization can do to deny someone the chance to move up.


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Are simple thing that hard for you to understand? Have drugs caused that much damage? I'll try again. With 1:49 left IN THE GAME the saints didn't get that PI call so they kicked a field goal to take the lead. The then kicked off and the rams got the ball with 1:41 left IN THE GAME. They ran a couple of plays and then got another gift of a non- OFFENSIVE pass interference call that put them at midfield. The ran a couple more plays and on 4th down kicked a field goal to tie the game leaving :15 left IN THE GAME. So if you drug infested mind thinks 15 seconds is enough time to drive the ball down the field and kick a game winning field goal I suggest you just take some more drugs and make yourself feel better.
Dude you keep explaining the game as if I was not born when the game was on. They had a chance to win the game and Sean made some questionable play calls after that. Again...did they have time to win the game or did they not? After the game Sean only talked about the refs and never mentioned his questionable play calling after that play. This is either true or it is not.....answer this question. No need for insults to make you feel better about your manhood.


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c'mon, Payton dangled the "dallas" name out there to get his players some times do in the off-season - the cowboys are linked to everyone and yet, miraculously, most never sign here? hmmmmm

Because you can claim Jerry promised any crazy kind of contract and the other 31 teams will think it's plausible.