Twitter: Cowboys were interested in WR Watkins


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Sometimes other teams help us keep from signing a injured player or over priced player.

But we can still complain when we did not sign an oft injured or overpriced is the CBZ way.

I think the complaint isn’t we didn’t get Watkins at that price.

It’s that this FO is largely full of poop. I think they link themselves to big name free agents to make themselves look better but have no desire to actually sign them.

They know they can’t afford these guys so they can claim they wanted so and so but are acting fiscally responsible.

It’s BS.


Chris in Arizona
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That may have been at one the negative FAR outweighs that. Not even close now.

Forum has many more bitter old women at the nursing home compared to happy fans in a rainbow room.

22 years without contending for a Super Bowl is going to sour a fan base, especially when there is one constant over that time.

I still see a lot of apologists here. To me the biggest difference is their rebuttals are more and more infantile. A lot less supporting evidence and debatable opinion, and more name calling. Which to be fair, you could have said about the realists or more negative posters 10/15 years ago. Team Optimism is slowly running out of excuses.


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Nope but hey if they did, they at least did something.

I can't tell, is that sarcasm?

I think most of CBZ would prefer the days of huge FA signings that accomplished nothing like Rivera, Carr, Hamlin, etc.

Me, I'm just looking for honesty. If you're lamenting the fact that Dallas didn't pay Watkins $16 million, come out and say it on record, rather than just using it as something to criticize the Cowboys about.

I'm glad that they didn't do either of the deals the Chiefs reportedly made. With Watkins or Hitchens. Both look to be grossly overpaid.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Interested in Watkins yes, enough to give him 30M guaranteed no.
I don't buy the "interest".

That is like fans running around saying "sure, I want him, but at the right price".

It is nonsense. They can't compete in free agency.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I think the complaint isn’t we didn’t get Watkins at that price.

It’s that this FO is largely full of poop. I think they link themselves to big name free agents to make themselves look better but have no desire to actually sign them.

They know they can’t afford these guys so they can claim they wanted so and so but are acting fiscally responsible.

It’s BS.

Got to keep the natives from getting too restless.

And there is relevance to be gained.

See? They wanted to do something, but gosh darn it, they lost out. Say, look at all those free agents getting overpaid. Aren't we smart?

All part of the illusion.


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Expect a lot of this over the next few days.

"Cowboys were interested, but not at what he got paid."

That is how you stay relevant, folks.

Dallas can't even compete in free agency at the moment and have many of the mighty pen strokes to even look remotely presentable to free agents looking to get paid.

This is leaked fluff meant to calm the restless fan base who can't quite understand how they do things.

Poor cowboys
Doesn't seem to work out for them :oops:


What's it going to be then, eh?
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So then this is a topic for praise and not ridicule.
The ridicule comes from the idea that they could even compete if they wanted to.

So they leak out something like this to the media and it is part of a PR ploy.

That's the real funny part.


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My guess would be to then release Dez.

I really don't see that happening. Unless there is something we do not know about than I can't imagine bryant isn't on the team.

Saw some people chirping about this on twitter today. I believe nothing from the twitter source people.


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HE AINT WORTH THE HYPE. Give me a guy that runs great routes and can move the chains anyday over a grandstanding diva. Tavon Austin is available and I am willing to bet...on the cheap. IF HEALTHY...he can open up this offense. A 1 year prove it deal would be smart.


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Dez won't be released.

You think they would of added a guy like Watkins with Dez?
I took the paycut talk as an advantage had we signed a guy like Watkins to a more reasonable deal and then told Dez to take a pay cut or get cut.

But now missing out on Watkins, and seeing what he got, I doubt we hold any advantage/bluff about a paycut or get cut move.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I think the complaint isn’t we didn’t get Watkins at that price.

It’s that this FO is largely full of poop. I think they link themselves to big name free agents to make themselves look better but have no desire to actually sign them.

They know they can’t afford these guys so they can claim they wanted so and so but are acting fiscally responsible.

It’s BS.

Well that is your opinion.

I think the opinion that they only do that to placate the fan base is BS. Especially when recently Stephen says he does not care what the fan base thinks.

But that is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
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Expect a lot of this over the next few days.

"Cowboys were interested, but not at what he got paid."

That is how you stay relevant, folks.

Dallas can't even compete in free agency at the moment and have many of the mighty pen strokes to even look remotely presentable to free agents looking to get paid.

This is leaked fluff meant to calm the restless fan base who can't quite understand how they do things.
Jerry probably gave the guy a handsome “tip” to tweet that just to keep the Cowboys relevant.