CowboysZone Celebrity Tournament Feedback Thread (Winner Post 274)

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Cowboys 24/7/365
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I will never forgive @DallasEast for making me choose between Alba and Hayek


Guilty as charged. :(

I had not really thought about Hayek's low seeding until your post.

Please note that I copy-and-paste nominees names straight from members' posts into my Excel spreadsheet.

I do all my point calculations with the spreadsheet automatically. Points are added up for each celebrity according to their name. The celebrity's name must be spelled exactly the same if she is listed on multiple members' lists. So I went back and reviewed the members' who nominated Alba and Hayek in the previous thread.

@Runwildboys ranked Alba 3rd on his list. 30 points
@BigStar ranked Alba 24th on his list. 9 points. [Note: The actual numbering appears in the next immediate post]
DallasEast ranked Alba 5th on his list. 28 points.

My spreadsheet matched up three J-e-s-s-i-c-a A-l-b-a and added up 67 points correctly.

Here is a short funny story. Hayek's first name is Salma, not Selma. The end.

Only two members nominated Hayek (could have been THREE members if a certain admirer of hers had done so too):

DallasEast ranked Salma Hayek 6th on his list. 27 points.
BigStar ranked Selma Hayek 12th on his list. 21 points.

My spreadsheet did not auto-calculate 48 points for Hayek because the spreadsheet author did... not... spell check her name when he copied-and-pasted it. :banghead:

A 5th seed would have placed Hayek in the Wonder Woman region. Alba and Hayek may have still met face-to-face but it would have only happened in the championship round if they both had advanced that far.

I do not deserve forgiveness. I sabotaged my own work. Just know that my normal paranoid self will be 10 times greater spell checking stuff in any future tournaments. That is sort of a punishment in itself.

One thing I do know for certain. There will be a strict limit on the number of nominees according to a thread contest's guideline. Extra nominees over the guideline limit will be auto-deleted.

I did Hayek wrong. What makes me feel worst is that I ended up spell checking a certain nominee named Justine Jaro in this particular list. Google corrected me when I copied-and-pasted the name as it was spelled during a search for an adequate pic for her.

I ended up entering a correct spelling of Justene Jaro into my spreadsheet. I do not even know who the bleeping heck she is but Hayek? I missed her misspelling and I have loved her since the first time I saw her in Desperado decades ago. Anyone see her love scene with Antonio Banderas in that movie?????? o_O

I feel like throwing up.


Confused about stuff
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Guilty as charged. :(

I had not really thought about Hayek's low seeding until your post.

Please note that I copy-and-paste nominees names straight from members' posts into my Excel spreadsheet.

I do all my point calculations with the spreadsheet automatically. Points are added up for each celebrity according to their name. The celebrity's name must be spelled exactly the same if she is listed on multiple members' lists. So I went back and reviewed the members' who nominated Alba and Hayek in the previous thread.

@Runwildboys ranked Alba 3rd on his list. 30 points
@BigStar ranked Alba 24th on his list. 9 points. [Note: The actual numbering appears in the next immediate post]
DallasEast ranked Alba 5th on his list. 28 points.

My spreadsheet matched up three J-e-s-s-i-c-a A-l-b-a and added up 67 points correctly.

Here is a short funny story. Hayek's first name is Salma, not Selma. The end.

Only two members nominated Hayek (could have been THREE members if a certain admirer of hers had done so too):

DallasEast ranked Salma Hayek 6th on his list. 27 points.
BigStar ranked Selma Hayek 12th on his list. 21 points.

My spreadsheet did not auto-calculate 48 points for Hayek because the spreadsheet author did... not... spell check her name when he copied-and-pasted it. :banghead:

A 5th seed would have placed Hayek in the Wonder Woman region. Alba and Hayek may have still met face-to-face but it would have only happened in the championship round if they both had advanced that far.

I do not deserve forgiveness. I sabotaged my own work. Just know that my normal paranoid self will be 10 times greater spell checking stuff in any future tournaments. That is sort of a punishment in itself.

One thing I do know for certain. There will be a strict limit on the number of nominees according to a thread contest's guideline. Extra nominees over the guideline limit will be auto-deleted.

I did Hayek wrong. What makes me feel worst is that I ended up spell checking a certain nominee named Justine Jaro in this particular list. Google corrected me when I copied-and-pasted the name as it was spelled during a search for an adequate pic for her.

I ended up entering a correct spelling of Justene Jaro into my spreadsheet. I do not even know who the bleeping heck she is but Hayek? I missed her misspelling and I have loved her since the first time I saw her in Desperado decades ago. Anyone see her love scene with Antonio Banderas in that movie?????? o_O

I feel like throwing up.
She looked great in that movie, before the testosterone kicked in. :laugh:
IIRC, the first scene of her was crossing the street in a little sundress?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Salma Hayek ties Jessica Alba 9-9 in the Elite Eight round. See post 4 in this thread for the tiebreaker rule.

Salma Hayek advances to the Final Four round by way of the tiebreaker.,/m/06x58

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The Elite 8 thread was closed and Alba beat Hayek.
So how is Hayek in the Final 4 ahead of her.
Now I look at the Elite 8 again and it's been updated so they are now tied, after the thread had closed
Furthermore, even if Alba’s win was overturned i to a tie, who did an additional tiebreaker to force Hakek in?
Was sup?
Just asking.....

Oh...ok, just saw post while I was posting.
Never-mind. Talk about bs


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Now I look at the Elite 8 again and it's been updated so they are now tied, after the thread had closed
The tie occurred before the poll automatically closed. The thread was closed after the poll closed.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Alright good peoples. I am attacking the bed now. Check back in a few.


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Cowboys 24/7/365
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Okay, so it's supposed to be Hayek vs. Alba? Because the pictures show Biel as well, unless that's the new matchup.
I may still have tired head. Let me state what happened and tell me if it answers the question.

It was Jessica Alba versus Salma Hayek in the Elite 8 Katniss Everdeen final (see link below):

The vote was:

9 votes

9 votes

A 9-9 tie.

Side note: The polls used to conduct the vote have preset unchangeable deadline. When I say 'unchangeable' I mean the only way to change a created poll's deadline is to delete it entirely and begin a new one--which would create a brand new start and deadline for the new poll.

Click the link below for the schedule of the tournament posted last Saturday:

The first two rounds (Round 1 & Sweet 16) were set at two days and the final three rounds (Elite 8, Final Four & Championship) were set at one day each. The poll deadlines were/are/will be set at 47 hours for the first two rounds and 23 hours for the last three rounds. The deadline was shortened by an hour (47 hours instead of 48 hours or 23 hours instead of 24 hours) to allow time to confirm results, create a new thread with poll plus pics, and post them for in the following round.

The Elite 8 thread and poll was created at 12:01 am. The poll ended automatically at 11:01 pm.

Back to the question.

As seen in the Elite 8 thread, Jessica Alba and Salma Hayek tied 9-9 in the Katniss Everdeen Final. There may have been a misunderstanding or insinuation that Alba and Hayek were not tied before the poll automatically closed. The misunderstanding is incorrect and any insinuation is not true. Additionally, my vote was not added to Elite 8 thread after the poll automatically closed. I cast my vote for Hayek well in-advance of the poll's deadline yesterday afternoon.

The tiebreaker (post #4 of this thread) was conceived and posted last Saturday. Understandably, it is not a perfect solution maker but it is what it is and was established days before any tie presented itself for a solution.

Now to add something some members may have caught and were confused by seeing. After the Elite 8 poll closed, I created an initial Final Four thread. Both the initial pic of the final four finalists and the poll questions posted displayed/listed Jessica Alba as a final four finalist, not Salma Hayek.

I created my Excel spreadsheet to do two things:
  • Use formulas to auto-create celebrity matchup question choices for easy copying-and-pasting as poll options and
  • Provide data (e.g. celebrity name, ranking and region) for the Access database used to auto-create the pics displaying the celebrity matchup per round
It was shortly after posting the thread and poll when I noticed the Jessica Alba's pic and options had been incorrectly included instead of Hayek's. After immediately noticing the error, I deleted the entire thread, made corrections to the spreadsheet (my fault), recreated the correct pic and options, and re-posted both a correct thread and poll. The whole process took only a few minutes of scrambling.

The other round threads--Round 1 and Sweet 16--should show pics and poll options previously voted on of both Alba and Hayek in the Katniss Everdeen region. Any and all participating members in these threads and polls should be witnesses of this fact. If not true, I have more tired head than I first thought lol.

Lastly, I *think* I posted in one of these threads somewhere that the eventual Final Four finalists and matchups would be from the regions per a regular tournament bracket:

The Xena region (#1) versus the Wonder Woman region (#4)
The Katniss Everdeen region (#2) versus the Cofffy region (#3)

There. My long-windedness is now complete. :D


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Oops! Forgot to add that Jessica Biel advanced through the tournament thus far via the Coffy region, not the Katniss Everdeen region. I made sure to re-check the Round 1, Sweet 16 and Elite 8 threads first before posting this (making certain to keep my tired head in-check :p ).
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