Can we agree that the picks are the same? If either team acquires Howard, we're talking about a late pick (27+). And the Rockets pick had so much protection on it, there's no garuntee you would get it before the Lakers surrender their 2014 pick. So, it's 6 in one hand, half a dozen in another to me.
Cap Space, LA could absorb Hedo if that's what the Magic wanted. DH12+Hedo for Bynum+Fisher (expires in 2013)+Walton (expires in 2013, but if he retires, insurance picks up the tab. I think that's how that works). Seems to me, any deal NJN make for Howard and Hedo would involve players that also don't expire till 2013 and worth the same amount, so again it all seems equal to me.
The only difference is Bynum and Lopez, and you're the only person that thinks one is significantly better than the other. NBA owners and GMs aren't the hard ***** that everyone here is. If things are close to being equal, they will send the player where he wants because they'll have to work with that agent again some day, just the nature of the beast.