Cris Carter on Dez: He's not a great route runner

He's not a great route runner but he's a good one at the very least, my problem is CC over inflated ego every since he got his HOF ring. He really thinks he's on the same level as Rice & Irvin and he's not.
You're embarrassing yourself.
Hmmm- and you must be some kid that does not have a clue about being better than you were. This is a what have you done "now" league and not what you have done "lately" or years ago- so fall back!! Lastly, and listen, no one player is bigger than the Cowboys to me. I was a die-hard fan way before Dez and will be one after Dez. Dez needs to get his Sh** together- simple as that!!!!
I can't stand Keyshawn or CC and it seems that primetime has drifted away from the boys a bit
Who cares about them- just be truthful- Dez need to work at his craft, simple as that. Work on running more than a fly or dig route.
He's not a great route runner but he's a good one at the very least, my problem is CC over inflated ego every since he got his HOF ring. He really thinks he's on the same level as Rice & Irvin and he's not.
Well, I'm no fan of CC- but the dude was one hellofa player. And in my opinion, he deserves to be in the HOF.
Dez isn't a 'good' route runner I guess but that doesn't tell the story.

When Dez came in he could run a go route and didn't know how to release off the line. He's added the slant, the in/out, post, dig, and comeback since then and can release both ways.

He doesn't run many double moves and needs polish but he is light years from where he started.

The guy has come a long way. He couldn't read in college and overcame that as well. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.

Well, these are the things that can affect his game the most. An NFL playbook is not necessarily an easy read.
Hmmm- and you must be some kid that does not have a clue about being better than you were. This is a what have you done "now" league and not what you have done "lately" or years ago- so fall back!! Lastly, and listen, no one player is bigger than the Cowboys to me. I was a die-hard fan way before Dez and will be one after Dez. Dez needs to get his Sh** together- simple as that!!!!
Yes. It's really quite as simple as that. Don't let the CZ shill element affect your opinion my friend.
I agree with most but I don't agree that Dez will make excuses.
Well, I'm no fan of CC- but the dude was one hellofa player. And in my opinion, he deserves to be in the HOF.
He was a HOF caliber player, my problem is his ego has gotten out of control. He makes it seem like he didn't benefit from Moss during his time with the Vikings.
In all fairness to Dez I remember reading at the time when he broke his foot early on in the 15' season form an NBA player that had the same injury as Dez and he claimed it can take longer than a year to really come back from that injury ... I just can't remember who it was...
Dez should not listen to anyone outside of the building directly helping him at all.

Carter was on this same interview saying dez is mad and wants more targets speculating that he doesnt get along with dak.

Dez has never been thrown off a team for drugs and not doing his job the way Carter was. He was thrown off a buddy ryan team no less.

he is nothing like carter. Dez basically raised himself and has had to learn how to mature and go forward.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on our respective positions on Dez' maturity level.
He's 100% correct. Dez is a very poor route runner. This goes back to his days in college. He just got by on his athletic ability and just being bigger than the defenders. It's why we only run him on very limited types of routes. He doesn't have the ability like our other WRs to run a variety of routes. His cuts are poor. Hence why we hardly run him over the middle. He's good on fades and go routes. Which require very little precision.

I don't know how people can say it's not Dez fault that he's not getting the ball because Dak can't throw the routes he does run. By inference, that means he can't run the routes the QB can throw. So that's a real problem when your 70 million dollar receiver can't run a route that the QB can find him.

Yes it is partly on the QB but if you can't run the full route tree making 70 million dollars you aren't worth 70 million. (Or whatever the exact figure is).
He was a HOF caliber player, my problem is his ego has gotten out of control. He makes it seem like he didn't benefit from Moss during his time with the Vikings.

Oh yes he did. Moss created opportunities for him that he may not have gotten otherwise. I agree with regarding his ego.
We are going to have to agree to disagree on our respective positions on Dez' maturity level.

being upset on the sideline does not mean he is not a maturing person who has grown in his time here. If thats the case anytime a fan gets mad after a bad play or call they also are immature.
First, I think you misappropriated my "childish" comments. They were directed at poster responses/rebuttals/retaliations against Carter that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. Hence, Cris Carter criticizes Dez's route running, and a poster says, "Well, he's a drunkard, anyway." It sounds like a retort you would hear on an elementary playground. A kids calls another kid slow after a race and the other kid responds, "Well, your momma is fat." That's what it sounds like.

Second, there's a fundamental flaw in your argument. If we take all the flaws of an individual and make them valid reasons to criticize said individual giving his expert opinion or question that individual's credibility on the issue for which he is an expert, then no one anywhere would be worthy of offering an expert opinion and everything he said would be subject to unnecessary and undue criticism. So if an economist divorces his wife or is caught driving under the influence of alcohol, yet he is asked for his opinion on the economy, I guess it would be okay to invalidate his expert opinion because he's a bad husband or a drunkard, especially when he's one of the preeminent economists in the nation.
See how ridiculous that is?

Third, maybe it was rehashed before. But because Dez had 1 catch for 19 yards in the most recent game the Cowboys played and because he was seen complaining about a pass interference call, he's going to get media attention. The media just don't cover stories one time and that's it. If a story or situation is reoccurring, then it will be covered again and again until it stops reoccurring.

But the play is OVER. He's complaining on the sidelines. What is Coach Garrett going to do to change the call? What are his teammates going to do to change the call? NOTHING. The refs made the call or missed the call. And they didn't change their call. It's OVER. Continuing to complain about it merely takes your mind off and out of the game. It becomes a distraction, and it seems to fit the narrative that is Dez Bryant, i.e., he focuses on issues he shouldn't but doesn't focus enough of issues he should.
Again, HE IS creating these situations, giving the media fodder to use against him.

This is actually a well articulated argument with some valid points. It's missing the mark though... The criticisms against Carter's character flaws are pointed out because he really comes off as a phony who will say anything to curry favor or interest. He's certainly an expert, and has insight few have, I just rarely believe anything he says is genuine, so he's a lot easier to dismiss.
Yeah..... I'm suuuuch a bad guy because I express my true feeling about some of the clowns that have perpetually driven us to our 21st season without a Super Bowl. Oh wait... That's right. It's because those feelings don't jive with yours.. Yeah. Got it.

wouldn't that apply to.... literally every player who's suited up over the past 21 years? lol

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