Cris Carter on Dez: He's not a great route runner

It has everything to do with whether I care to hear his opinion on said price of tea in China. I don't put him in the Bayless, Stephen A. camp. But I'm over manufactured controversies and debate topics from shows like "First Undisputed."

In reality, there's not thing to discuss anymore about the Cowboys. They're a good team. 7-1 is proof. The Dak/Romo has been beaten to death. They even tried a manufactured controversy with Beasley and his wack sauce celebration.

Point is, Dez is an easy target and 70% of it is pure BS. I give the media 30%, because I wouldn't dare say he doesn't give them material. Dez and his route running struggles aren't even a new topic. It's rehashed material. He might as well said, he was still looking into the video.

it's tired.
And the fanbase concern trolls it too because they're also out of their usual content. That's why you only see some of them show for the two minute hate.
I think if anyone has the right to criticize Dez it's a guy like Carter or Moss.

Do you agree with Chris?

Agreed Dez strength is not route running his strength is his height and leaping ability and capacity to come down with contested balls.
It may seem childish in your opinion. But the reality is all the things you consider childish are a direct reflection of the guy's credibility among said fans. I am not part of the Woe is me, the media is out to get the Cowboys crew. I this his criticism is tired, because it's not NEW. It's re-hashed material and my opinion is that he's using Dez's name to get back on the air. My man needs a job.

First, I think you misappropriated my "childish" comments. They were directed at poster responses/rebuttals/retaliations against Carter that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. Hence, Cris Carter criticizes Dez's route running, and a poster says, "Well, he's a drunkard, anyway." It sounds like a retort you would hear on an elementary playground. A kids calls another kid slow after a race and the other kid responds, "Well, your momma is fat." That's what it sounds like.

Second, there's a fundamental flaw in your argument. If we take all the flaws of an individual and make them valid reasons to criticize said individual giving his expert opinion or question that individual's credibility on the issue for which he is an expert, then no one anywhere would be worthy of offering an expert opinion and everything he said would be subject to unnecessary and undue criticism. So if an economist divorces his wife or is caught driving under the influence of alcohol, yet he is asked for his opinion on the economy, I guess it would be okay to invalidate his expert opinion because he's a bad husband or a drunkard, especially when he's one of the preeminent economists in the nation.
See how ridiculous that is?

Third, maybe it was rehashed before. But because Dez had 1 catch for 19 yards in the most recent game the Cowboys played and because he was seen complaining about a pass interference call, he's going to get media attention. The media just don't cover stories one time and that's it. If a story or situation is reoccurring, then it will be covered again and again until it stops reoccurring.

Yes, he was complaining about the call, but was he right? Because if he was arguing for a weak call, then I'm with you. Re-focus and move the heck on. But everything I've seen suggests it was a legit beef and the ref missed it. I saw the angle in which the ref was standing so I see how it was missed. So how does that put Dez in the wrong?

But the play is OVER. He's complaining on the sidelines. What is Coach Garrett going to do to change the call? What are his teammates going to do to change the call? NOTHING. The refs made the call or missed the call. And they didn't change their call. It's OVER. Continuing to complain about it merely takes your mind off and out of the game. It becomes a distraction, and it seems to fit the narrative that is Dez Bryant, i.e., he focuses on issues he shouldn't but doesn't focus enough of issues he should.
Again, HE IS creating these situations, giving the media fodder to use against him.
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its now circled back around and gone right over your head a second time.

Really, I don't think that's such a bad thing. I don't do well with cryptic communication. So I'm okay with that. :)
He isn't on a Beasley level, but he's a sound route runner. They're really not creative at all with him on the field, and that's because, they don't have to be. We have far more weapons than most offensives.
Can't discuss Dez without someone stepping in front of him valiantly to save his life....

Dez has an army of Neos protecting his interests.
Your avatars white pants always makes me look. Sometimes I don't want too and try to close my eyes but I can't. My goal is to read one your posts without looking. I can do it. I can do it

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