Current Cowboys Business Model


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I haven’t let a Cowboys loss or season ruin my peace since “The Catch” in 1981. I certainly enjoy the wins but a loss rolls off of me very easily. Cowboys games are fun to watch but in no way represent what’s important to my life.
The catch was bad and what's even worse is they replay it every year that game in the highlights there's always a replay.

But when Jackie Smith dropped that ball in the end zone I still don't think I'm over it. Lol

I had way more emotion over my '70s Cowboys back then I never felt like we were out of it now I never feel like any game is safe.
But the losses are expected and I don't get upset over it anymore


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Marketing IS the strategy of this front office. Draft good players, sell them hard, win enough regular season games to tantalize the fan base, then prove they aren’t built for winning in the playoffs. While also proving they don’t know how to build a team for multi-win playoff success. They haven’t done it nearly three decades now.

This FO sells all this to a fan base that just wants to win badly. But this FO sees ”winning” as a numbers game that includes TV ratings, ticket and merchandise sales, what the team is worth financially, and oh yeah maybe we could win a playoff game once in a while to keep fans hopeful. Then sell the same formula over and over again by an 82 year old man who is more addicted to microphones and reporters notebooks than being obsessed with doing whatever it takes to win a championship.

Before someone says, “Pick another team” or “This is negative”, I will say that I’ve been a Cowboys fan for 58 years and was one for 25 years before I ever heard the name Jerry Jones. No owner or family can take away my desire for my favorite team to win another championship. I just want to see this team win but don’t think it will happen without major changes at the top. That’s not being negative to me. It’s just being honest. And I still want them to win anyway.
So, who was the last team whose marketing dept. told their public.."Don't buy tickets! We're really gonna suck this year." Tell me one team that doesn't have a marketing strategy. The whole thing is about philosophy of team building and there are 32 different philosophies in this league. None are right and none are wrong till after the fact. Everybody here wants them to predict the future. Ain't happening.


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And if they don’t win any playoff games are we supposed to be ok with that?
You may not be totally ok with it but you should feel a hell of a lot better about it than the ones that finished 5-12. IMHO


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I haven’t let a Cowboys loss or season ruin my peace since “The Catch” in 1981. I certainly enjoy the wins but a loss rolls off of me very easily. Cowboys games are fun to watch but in no way represent what’s important to my life.
It took me a long time but once I finally realized it's only football I actually started enjoying it much


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Mainly just the dumb ones.
It’s absolute horse crap anyway. He makes some decisions but gives some decision making away to all sorts. It’s like a grab bag of decisions-who knows what to expect.

If he’s making the ultimate call on every pick and decision, then you can also blame all the regular season success on Jones too. It’s scattershot to me. He has a half formed notion on what to do at different times that leads to inconsistent decision tree stuff.


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In case you wanted to know how Dak’s soon to be extended contract situation will play out.

The business plan is the same as it has been for quite some time. Build the team through the draft and do not sign big ticket free agents from other teams. Prioritize a slow and steady approach that will not move the needle upward or downward much.

Beat basically every tier 3 team you face, half the tier 2 teams, and lose to every tier 1 team-MAKE THE PLAYOFFS (no need for more success). The only caveat would be to try to make it a close score versus tier 1 teams (even if you must score lots at the end of games).

Stephen runs the show now-and Jerry sells the product. Jerry gave up on the dream of actually winning a (Jimmy-less) Super Bowl years maybe decades ago. He realized it was not going to happen and has ceded ultimate control to his son, but stays on as the chief marketer.

They will run it back with Dak till the wheels fall off. This is the marketing/promoting strategy with a side of football. For fans that actually want to see another Cowboys’ Super Bowl run-just add 3-4 years onto however many years Dak gets extended and you will know when the next possible realistic chance at a SB run will be.
Jerry will continue to run things until he is lowered in the ground at the 50 yd line. His idiot son Giggles has the power to talk the fuhrer out of things but this will always be Jerry’s show.


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It’s absolute horse crap anyway. He makes some decisions but gives some decision making away to all sorts. It’s like a grab bag of decisions-who knows what to expect.

If he’s making the ultimate call on every pick and decision, then you can also blame all the regular season success on Jones too. It’s scattershot to me. He has a half formed notion on what to do at different times that leads to inconsistent decision tree stuff.
He is the GM. It is kinda like Dak getting the blame because we can't stop the run.

GM is no different than QB. GM has ultimate decision authority. In our case it is even worse, because our GM is the Owner, PR guy and whatever else hat he wants to wear for the day.


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He is the GM. It is kinda like Dak getting the blame because we can't stop the run.

GM is no different than QB. GM has ultimate decision authority. In our case it is even worse, because our GM is the Owner, PR guy and whatever else hat he wants to wear for the day.
Jones is the singular biggest reason for lack of playoff success, but he cannot make the ultimate decision on everything because he does not dedicate enough time to actually do it.

The team has lots of problems that get exposed come playoff time. Dak is one of them unfortunately, but he can clobber tier 3 squads and maybe half the tier 2 teams.


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Jones is the singular biggest reason for lack of playoff success, but he cannot make the ultimate decision on everything because he does not dedicate enough time to actually do it.

The team has lots of problems that get exposed come playoff time. Dak is one of them unfortunately, but he can clobber tier 3 squads and maybe half the tier 2 teams.
He 100% made the Trey Lance decision all by himself.

Did he really think this was going to create leverage with Dak?

BS marketing ploy?

Or has he turned into Al Davis?


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I'm with you bullet been a fan since the late sixties and will always be a Cowboys fan but I don't have to be a fan of the owner and how he runs the team.

I'm tired of this owner using our loyalty and dedication against us so he can make money and just dangle the bait out in front of us every year without ever following through and if there was ever a guy that has the resources to follow through it's Jerry.

It's nothing more than pure greed that keeps him from satisfying this fan base he could at least throw us a bone once in awhile and really go all in and make it happen
No jerry has the same amount of $ as all the other teams, they all have the same cap $ and they have to work with that.
If he goes all in with rectructures, pushing too much $ to the future, they wont have enough $ to field a decent team.

If jerry could use his personal wealth to buy players he probably would occasionally, but he has to work with the cap money.
The cap is like monopoly game, everyone starts with the same amount of cash.

The draft is another equalizer, with losing teams drafting at the top.

The last 3 years at 12-5 hurts them when it comes time to draft. So the more 12-5 years they have the more it hurts their drafting.
And since this team relys totally on the draft, it hurts them even more.


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Jones is the singular biggest reason for lack of playoff success, but he cannot make the ultimate decision on everything because he does not dedicate enough time to actually do it.

The team has lots of problems that get exposed come playoff time. Dak is one of them unfortunately, but he can clobber tier 3 squads and maybe half the tier 2 teams.
his biggest mistakes are with coaches, that is what holds jerry and the team back.
Hire bad coaches, and it doesnt matter how much talent you have.

Passing on BB was another huge mistake. The talent was mostly here just needed a few pieces and maybe they get a SB with dak.
Jerry didnt want to pay 26 mil out of his pocket,to get him, and did not want to work with a HC who wasnt a puppet.


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Stephen runs the show now. Except for every war room video leaked where Stephen is a fat secretary jumping at his father's command.

Good post. The ''Stephen Jones Show' is almost as good as the 'Team Chemistry Euphoria Show' of 2016--except this faux reality show has locked in some viewers for more seasons than just one.


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No jerry has the same amount of $ as all the other teams, they all have the same cap $ and they have to work with that.
If he goes all in with rectructures, pushing too much $ to the future, they wont have enough $ to field a decent team.

If jerry could use his personal wealth to buy players he probably would occasionally, but he has to work with the cap money.
The cap is like monopoly game, everyone starts with the same amount of cash.

The draft is another equalizer, with losing teams drafting at the top.

The last 3 years at 12-5 hurts them when it comes time to draft. So the more 12-5 years they have the more it hurts their drafting.
And since this team relys totally on the draft, it hurts them even more.
Agreed Don but where Jerry absolutely kills us is sticking us with a coach like Garrett and his staff for 10 years because it's comfortable for him and he thinks he can make the next Tom Landry.

Jerry can afford the absolute best scouting on the planet and somehow Mazi it's not a plug and play defensive lineman with our first round pick and somehow we draft another tight end that we don't need that whole draft was blown.
Of all people Jerry has the money to hire a staff to make sure that stuff absolutely doesn't happen and we get top value out of every draft pick since that is their method of building the team

There is no cap on coaching and scouting and yes maclay has hit on a lot of good draft picks but he's also either failed on a bunch or had Jerry's influence make it look like he failed.

Bruce Carter Jalen Smith Connor Williams Conor McGovern Taco Charlton Randy Gregory and Sean Lee and Van der esch I mean can we find a linebacker that doesn't have some looming health problem these are all the draft underachievers that come off the top of my head that reek of Jerry gambling our pics.
And I'm a believer that at some point you have to gamble a little bit with your future to have success in the here and now because the windows of opportunity are very small and we never take advantage of them.

Once in awhile you got to get a high-priced free agent that can get you over the top and we just never do it but Jerry's happy to gamble the second round pick continually.


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Nothing wrong with running it back with Dak. As for offense, we need to reload the RB room and get another wideout option.

I posted the stats somewhere, when we lost this season, Cooks disappeared. We need two wideout options and
a great TE, we're almost there, so basically one wideout.


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In case you wanted to know how Dak’s soon to be extended contract situation will play out.

The business plan is the same as it has been for quite some time. Build the team through the draft and do not sign big ticket free agents from other teams. Prioritize a slow and steady approach that will not move the needle upward or downward much.

Beat basically every tier 3 team you face, half the tier 2 teams, and lose to every tier 1 team-MAKE THE PLAYOFFS (no need for more success). The only caveat would be to try to make it a close score versus tier 1 teams (even if you must score lots at the end of games).

Stephen runs the show now-and Jerry sells the product. Jerry gave up on the dream of actually winning a (Jimmy-less) Super Bowl years maybe decades ago. He realized it was not going to happen and has ceded ultimate control to his son, but stays on as the chief marketer.

They will run it back with Dak till the wheels fall off. This is the marketing/promoting strategy with a side of football. For fans that actually want to see another Cowboys’ Super Bowl run-just add 3-4 years onto however many years Dak gets extended and you will know when the next possible realistic chance at a SB run will be.
You may be spot on, Blitz.

Perhaps ignorantly, the old-school football sentimentalist in me believes that my team’s GM/owner still craves another Super Bowl above all else (family aside). I’m not blind to the Joneses earning a buck (mucho $$$$) off this endeavor, but I view Jerry as living and dying with his Cowboys and as a man who has cared too much on many occasions for HIS guys. So no, I don’t believe that his Super Bowl dream has died, I just think he’s chosen a poor path to get there.

I like the fact that you focused on his business model as this is where my point of contention with Jerry & Co. lies. Jerry’s lauded as being a great businessman. I wouldn’t dare dispute that perspective outside of the realm of football, but football IS a business, and what has his business leadership netted the fanbase in the last 28 years?

Sadly, the rinse and repeat plan that you laid out will be on full display once again this calendar year. It’s mind-boggling to me that a competitive, goal-oriented man like Jerry Jones remains steadfast on a company plan that has consistently led to futility so freakin’ often. I can only speculate this is what happens when power converges with ego and yields a “It’s my way or nothing” course of action.

My whole take on this goes to hell if many of you are correct in stating Jerry is much more about the money than he is with wins. I just have difficulty getting there with you, particularly when winning will garner Jerry everything that feeds his id – praise, airtime, history, and yes…financial gain.


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Some of the Super fans have been posting the 20-0 seasons for a quarter century now.....if they do it for another 25 years, they may actually hit on it, accidentally

Than after 50 years total, they can proclaim their Super Fandom to the site and bask in virtue.

Yippy KY Yay
I still remember when the Rams went from 5-11 and within a yr or two won the SB.
The next year we went 5-11 under Campo and had fans pointing to the Rams saying we would be SB contenders. We followed up by going 5-11 the next two years.