Czabe article about Commanders camp (lots of LOL)


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Anyone else get the feeling that Joe Gibbs has absolutely no faith in Campbell? I give him three games before Gibbs puts his boy Brunell back starting (hence all the reps he is getting in camp).

Article Summary:

Softest camp ever for Gibbs 2, Jason Campbell not getting the majority of reps at QB, Lloyd sitting, Portis sitting, and no positional battles from a 5-11 team....... poor Skins.. maybe they will finally pick up a D-lineman with next year's top 5 pick.

August 07, 2007
Czabe Feels Bad Wind Blowin' At Commanders Park


Okay, I was trying NOT to be overly negative about the Commanders season. But then I started reading stuff this weekend surrounding the team’s first scrimmage vs. the Ravens.

Now, hold on. I know what you are about to say.


Look, I didn’t even see the scrimmage, and I don’t care about the scrimmage.

I am getting a bad vibe already just reading and seeing how things around going this time around. To wit…

1. This was supposed to be a season where they did not run a “Country Club Training Camp” like last season. In reality, this year’s camp looks even SOFTER than last.

2. Gibbs has developed an insane injury paranoia these days. I’m not saying he should run the guys into the ground, but he actually held out Jason Campbell from the 11-on-11 part of the Ravens scrimmage because he was afraid he might get hurt. EVEN THOUGH THE QB WAS WEARING A RED JERSEY! {TOOMBS: is Gibbs being careful or is he grooming his boy Brunell for his inevitable return to starting QB?}

3. There’s no heat on marginal performers to keep their jobs. I found it astounding that Brandon Lloyd – the Amazing 0 TD Wonder – actually sat out a practice with “shin splints.” If anybody on this roster should have been told to “get the f*&% out there and practice” with something like that, it’s Lloyd.

4. The coddling of Clinton continues. Portis is no fan of practice or pre-season, and they are sure giving him all the rest he wants. Knee tendonitis or not, it’s apparent: what Clinton wants, Clinton will get. So much for feeling the heat for his starting job from Ladell Betts.

5. For a 5-11 team, I’ve never seen LESS actual battles for positions in my life. This should be a team that’s wide open at 6 or more spots, but in reality the only questions are 1) Will LaRon Landry be ready by Week 1 and 2) Is Randle El the solid #2 wideout. That’s pretty much it.

And finally, I read something very disturbing from Greggggggg Williams (“The Extra G’s Stand For Super GGGGGenius!”) :lmao2: about how he was going to increase the team’s historically pathetic turnovers (league record low12 last year, thank you…). He said he was instructing all players in practice (when they actually DO practice that is) to JUMP at every loose ball. Including incomplete passes! :lmao:

Oooohhhh boy.

I’ve gotta bad vibe. Really, really, really bad vibe. Especially when I look at the D-line. It’s ancient, to put it bluntly. Andre Carter is the “youngster” at 28 (with a surgically repaired back, just to note) with a bunch of 30-something platoon players across the rest of the line. And please don’t say Cornelius Griffin is all that great, because trust me, outside of Washington, nobody talks about him. He just happens to be our “best” D-lineman. That’s all.

Okay, that’s not panic people, that’s just a sober look at things I do NOT like about my team this year. I hope and pray I’m as dead wrong as Dan Rather on election night. But if I’m not wrong, at least I won’t be surprised.
I just want to go up to Gibbs and starting singing

"You made it. You played it. Your **** is overrated." It reminds me of Gibbs.

Or maybe it just reminds me of it in this instance because I am listening to that song now. Dunno.
Funny thing is, many deadskins fans are laughing at WP's TC, how laid back and easy it was. :rolleyes:
Gibbs has never had faith in a young QB, ever. You saw how much of a leash he gave Ramsey. The only time he's ever played one is when he had to play Jay Schroeder after Theisman's leg injury. The pressure on Campbell to produce right away will only be exacerbated because everyone knows this is Gibbs' swan song season.
czabe is a moron and hated by all skins fan for jumping the gun for ratings.. check out his showin the morning.. Campbell was not goign to play int he scrimmage due to 3 OL men not playing as well as portis
HighTechDave;1578805 said:
Gibbs is a complete Moron, thank God.

Gibbs has to do things like this! He has no FREAKING DEPTH! They are so dumb to always give away all their draft picks. That is why he needs to keep his starters :)laugh2: ) out of hard practices or scrimmages like this!

They deserve it...and will win the SuperBowl.
5Stars;1578820 said:
Gibbs has to do things like this! He has no FREAKING DEPTH! They are so dumb to always give away all their draft picks. That is why he needs to keep his starters :)laugh2: ) out of hard practices or scrimmages like this!

They deserve it...and will win the SuperBowl.

put the crack pipe down, and slowly step away from the table....

skinfan2k;1578815 said:
czabe is a moron and hated by all skins fan for jumping the gun for ratings.. check out his showin the morning.. Campbell was not goign to play int he scrimmage due to 3 OL men not playing as well as portis

Yeah, but he wrote about how much of a joke Gibbs' camp was all last year and how he predicted disaster.... and he was right. He is one of my favorite writers...amazing insight.
skinfan2k;1578815 said:
czabe is a moron and hated by all skins fan for jumping the gun for ratings.. check out his showin the morning.. Campbell was notto p goign lay int he scrimmage due to 3 OL men not playing as well as portis

Oh, well, now we know the rest of the story!

skinfan2k;1578815 said:
czabe is a moron and hated by all skins fan for jumping the gun for ratings.. check out his showin the morning.. Campbell was not goign to play int he scrimmage due to 3 OL men not playing as well as portis

sounds like Czabe is the ONLY "non-moron" in the Foreskin Nation

TOOMBS;1578831 said:
Yeah, but he wrote about how much of a joke Gibbs' camp was all last year and how he predicted disaster.... and he was right. He is one of my favorite writers...amazing insight.

no doubt last year was soft... i even predicted diaster with brunell under center and all the new acquistions..
HighTechDave;1578829 said:
put the crack pipe down, and slowly step away from the table....


(putting crack pipe down and backing away)

People would take Czaban more seriously if he actually present at training camp, practices and the scrimmage.
random Cs;1578850 said:
People would take Czaban more seriously if he actually present at training camp, practices and the scrimmage.

I take him more seriously now, for not wasting his time at their camp.

Guy sounds smart to me, IMHO. I mean, why would anyone even waste time following a team, city, and a coach that has sucked throughout history...

random Cs;1578850 said:
People would take Czaban more seriously if he actually present at training camp, practices and the scrimmage.

Why? If he was at the scrimmage would St. Gibbs have let Campbell play? How about all the other players he kept out?

Gibbs is afraid of letting his starters practice or play hard because if any of them do get hurt, guess what? YOUR TEAM HAS NO DEPTH!! He would have to get the local high-school team and dress them out in ketchup and mustard and let them play the season!


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