D-law on the refs

You blame officiating when you're a weak willed loser. This team used to be better than that. Landry would never do it. Jimmy wouldn't either.

But feel free to continue crying about it. It helps you cope. I get it.
See? Arguing against!
D-Law.. Sorry hit the enter button.

D-law on the refs.

".....Our offense had a great game, Just crazy to me that the whole first half the refs didn't want to get involved and now in the second half we getting all these penalities.... "

Soft teams cry about the refs. The Cowboys last ditch drive was mostly penalty yardage and they still couldn't pull it off, but let's ignore that part of the game.

Fans who blame the refs for every loss love seeing DLaw say this. To me it just comes off as soft, looking for excuses as this team has been doing for years.
Kinda funny to hear D-Law say this because he got a gift from the refs not getting called for hitting Hurts low and actually injuring him, lol.
Don't think they would have called that because he was engaged with a blocker when it occurred. I don't know how much of an effect the blocker had on his trajectory, but I believe that's why it's a no-call.
Again setting the bar to absolute perfection to make up for the referees incompetence and/or bias. This may sound perfectly reasonable in your mind.. but it does not to me. We have all see the refs screw teams with inexplicable calls or non-calls. Acting as if just doing everything perfectly will fix them is simply being obtuse. What more should Parsons have done when the lineman tackled him to prevent him from making a tackle? How would you propose that Gilmore avoid getting called for PI on a ball that lands 3-5 yards out of bounds? Should Michael Gallup have simply moved his head out of the way faster so as not to get hit in the face? Placing the onus on players to be perfect because refs are gonna screw is ridiculous. Apply the same standard of perfection to the refs.. then we can talk.
Victim mentality. We shouldn't be expected to score from the 6 with time enough to run 4 plays because the refs could miss a call? Or in your tragic thinking, they were definitely not going to let us score because they were being big bad meanies towards us? Excuses. Haven't we been talking about red zone issues for dang near most of the season around here? But those are now excused with the game on the line because the refs might "screw" you or have had a bad game? How soft! Not to mention diversionary. The team didn't deliver when they had a high percentage chance to and you fall down screaming that the refs would have done us in anyway? Whatever you need to cope with your team failing is fine by me. Just telling you how weak that is. Like I said, they should have just taken a knee if they didn't want their feelings hurt. But it's not theirs that need the massaging, it's the "we wuz robbed" fans. Same thing every big game we lose.
To add, the NFL makes scads of money off close games. They make much less money off blowouts.
To be fair aren't close games better? I've been to a blowout and a loss are to at the stadium, I can tell you the most boring game I went to was the blowout, close games are much more enjoyable, these next 3 weeks when Dallas gets up 2 scores I'll be looking to watch other games.
The timing and how it affects game outcomes is the important thing.
It also matters if they are committing many fouls as well that they aren’t getting called for.

If team A interferes 10 times and is called for 1 and team B interferes 1 time and is called for 1 that doesn’t make the officiating even.

I’m not sure how some don’t understand that simply looking at the number of calls or yards is good way to determine if the rules are being enforced evenly. But many don’t. They’re so programmed to follow authority that they can’t critically think it through.
Don't forget the dropped passes, non-existent running game, poor clock management, throwing to 8th string receivers on critical 4th downs as opposed to star players having career days, taking stupid sacks, false starts/delay of game /failing to report as eligible penalties and special teams errors... All of those were directly caused by bad refereeing.... And of course, you can be sure the Eagles have film on a bunch of missed calls too, but those won't be discussed here because they didn't actually happen.
No. Those were all also reasons we lost. There if often many reasons why a team won or lost. It can be complicated dissecting a loss and these discussions are ordinary in the sports fan world.
Why would someone invest 3 1/2 hours watching the game and multiple hours a week on a team message board if they actually believed the games were fixed or the referees were biased against their team?
Cowboys score from the 6 and win the game and this place loses 100 pages on referee bias and replaced with we are gonna win the East pages.
D-Law.. Sorry hit the enter button.

D-law on the refs.

".....Our offense had a great game, Just crazy to me that the whole first half the refs didn't want to get involved and now in the second half we getting all these penalities.... "

1ST And goal on the 6-yard line and he's talking about the refs????
Weak @@@ mentalities that produce loss after loss after loss.
Refs in the end gave us a chance to win this one and of course, we blew it!!!
So what you're saying is that the Cowboys needs to be perfect because the refs will find a way to screw them if they're not. Sorry but this is BS. Making one team have to go 90 yards for a TD while overcoming multiple phantom penalties while letting the other team go 60 yards while getting 30 of them on phantom penalties is the definition of unfair. The Cowboys and their fans are not asking for favoritism.. We are asking for fairness. Call the damn game both ways. Too often they simply don't. The Cowboys are good enough to beat most teams in spite of it but they can't beat good teams with this crap going on. If people can't wrap their minds around that simple truism that's their problem. In baseball they call it having to get 4 or 5 outs in an inning because the ump keeps calling balls when the replays show the pitcher is throwing strikes. At the end of the game what do they tell the pitcher? Just throw better strikes?
In a word yes. Only things teams can control, is their execution. At the biggest moments Dallas failed to execute, nothing to do with the officiating.
Losers blame the refs. It’s a way to avoid actual accountability. “We didn’t lose, the refs lost it for us”

Did the ref push Dak out of bounds?
Did the ref force Ferguson to run a bad route?
Did the ref force the Boys to go for a TD and not take a FG?
Did the ref decide not to help Steele and instead focus on helping the guards and center?

Every game has bad calls. Good teams take advantage of ones that go their way and fight through ones that don’t.
I agree 100% with what your saying. The sad part as a whole is what the NFL has become. I saw a few calls against the Eagles that left me shaking my head as well. The officiating has played a major role across the league and I for one do not want to win on a bad call against the other team or lose due to one. They need to call every game like they call the Super Bowl Let the guys play, Period. Also the use of replay on a lot of calls specifically PI, Roughing the passer and in situations like the one with Schoonmakers catch, Right call but adjust to the PI. They have all the technology lets see. Good win for you guys and your right they took advantage of oppurtunities and we didn't.
The problem with this is that you are acting like teams play perfect games. You can go down the list and do this for Philly too. The difference is that two calls/non-calls took 10 points (at least) off the board for the Cowboys. That's the game right there.

And the idea that you can "overcome" bad officiating is ridiculous in the NFL. You can't. It's not basketball or baseball.
No, teams don’t have to be perfect they just have to execute at the biggest moments. Dallas has a problem with that. And honestly if they’re talking about officiating after the game that’s not going to change.

What 10 points did the officials cause the Cowboys?

The play on the goal line where Ferguson ran a bad route? Execution. Good execution and Blankenship can’t get there.

And good teams overcome bad calls every game. They are the calls no one talks about after the game because they didn’t amount to anything.
Which assumes that some phantom flag won't rob you of a big play anyway. Schoonmaker executed his route perfectly, got open and caught the ball. The LB just executed his PI tackle better. People keep saying he should have run the route into the end zone. So what's to stop the LB from tackling him that much sooner and not even allowing him to make the catch? Why do we assume that if he runs the route one yard deeper everything else stays the same? That's just not how football works.
Ferguson did not execute on that play. If he comes flatter like he’s supposed to Blankenship has to go over the top and Schoon walks in.
Complaining about the refs is like yelling at the sun for rising in the AM. Bad calls happen in every game and very rarely do they outweigh poor execution. Better execution on ANY of the plays listed and the outcome is different.

There are what 3 threads on here *****ing about the refs, hell there was one before the game. How many threads are on here discussing the bad execution during crunch time? Dak played very well but he also left 2 points on the field when he stepped out. Ferguson had a great game but he ran a piss poor route on the play to Schoon. If he runs it correctly Blankenship can’t get there to make the play. The false start, sack etc. all execution issues.
Whats funny is my eagles friends were all complaining about the refs in the jets game.
1. Officiating can and does cause teams to win or lose.
2. If officiating is bad enough a team cannot overcome officiating.
3. Officials can call “even out” penalties or make up calls for a bad call but due to game situations the make up call may not equalize a prior bad call.
4. I don’t play golf but I can assure you that if I keep score Tiger woods cannot beat me on his best day. If Tiger shoots a course record to overcome my score keeping, I can assure you that I will beat him by one stroke and I will have the course record. That’s the way biased officiating works.

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