Daily reminder that this league is rigged!

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I enjoy bantering weekly about Dak and how I think he is the wrong choice and most things cowboys related.

This topic in particular is spreading amongst the mentally challenged of these boards and it isn't even an worthy reading topic.

This feels like I am arguing with kids that think wrestling is real or the flat earthers or the non-moon landing dunces.

Please seek help.


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Nope.. The Super Bowl and the playoffs sell themselves. The NFL does not need the Cowboys for those. It needs the Cowboys for the mid afternoon games when people have other stuff going on. Or for some of the early games when the West Coast aint even awake yet. The NFL needs the Cowboys to be relevant for times when there is viable competition for eyes on the telly. They do not need the Cowboys to win a championship.. and the head Ratscum in charge and his ex-Eagles lieutenant (VP of football operations Troy Vincent) will see to it that it never happens.
I bet a non-entity Cowboys has an effect on TV ratings.(be it season or play-offs).

It's sounding as I'd you're saying it's all an Eagles conspiracy.... all planned out for us to be relevant during the season (for the sake of ratings), but for the ultimate goal of the Eagles winning. So many people need to be in your conspiratorial world.
Yes we get missed penalties, possibly more than most (other teams will argue differently).
The home/away portion of the scheduling is a bit bewildering, and maybe there's a form of 'negotiation' between teams and NFL....but that'll be quite complex.
Then again finding reasons and apportioning blame, for underachievement, is the Cowboys way.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It doesn’t take much to look at this game from an objective standpoint and tell how corrupt this league is against the Cowboys. There will be people who tell me I’m crazy for thinking this but those people are indenial! The refs and the league are in cahoots and are sabotaging the Cowboys at every turn. Roger Goodell is a pos and the refs are too. Good on Micah for calling out this bs. Dak and Mike McCarthy should too. We are fighting other teams, the refs and the league itself. Oh I hate it!!
You must be a Scorpio.


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No, I didn't mention anything about the number of holds against Philly.

There, I answered your question.

Now answer mine.

How did Mike McCarthy magically forget how to coach penalties THE SECOND he got to Dallas?

Here's where his teams have ranked in penalties since he won the Super Bowl in 2010 with Green Bay.

2010: 3rd
2011: T-1st
2012: T-18th
2013: 8th
2014: 7th
2015: T-14th
2016: T-9th
2017: 8th
2018: T-14th

2020: 22nd
2021: 32nd
2022: T-24th
2023: 31st
This team is undisciplined and the culture encourages it. How many times have we heard that Jerry undermines coaches and players feel they can just go around staff to the man himself? If that's the case, where do you think a lack of accountability shows up on the field? I'm not even saying this is true but if you're even a half-decent logical person that would be the first connection you make versus "the league wants to keep it's most popular franchise down" every time we prove we're not a powerhouse team in part due to what I mentioned above. Have you not been reading BobHaze's threads? We're at the top of the league in dumb penalties like lining up offsides, false starts, etc. If you can't focus when no one's moving you think focus gets better once you start moving? Think, don't react.


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It doesn’t take much to look at this game from an objective standpoint and tell how corrupt this league is against the Cowboys. There will be people who tell me I’m crazy for thinking this but those people are indenial! The refs and the league are in cahoots and are sabotaging the Cowboys at every turn. Roger Goodell is a pos and the refs are too. Good on Micah for calling out this bs. Dak and Mike McCarthy should too. We are fighting other teams, the refs and the league itself. Oh I hate it!!
I know and sometimes the weather is even against us. I remember several away games when it was raining and cold!!! There were even games where we were forced to play on grass!! This has to stop!!! Am I the only one who sees this?


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NFL needs to keep the Cowboys narratives alive for 31 other fanbases to keep them engaged when their team’s season is over. How many times do we need to get robbed in the Divisional round before it’s not a coincidence?

2014 Dez Catch Reversed
2016 David Irving Tackled on Rodgers HM
2021 Dak Tackled by Ref as Time Expires
2022 Kittle Ineligible Man Downfield Catch

7 Straight losses in the Divisional Round is the longest streak in NFL history. You think these egregious calls and no-calls are a coincidence in that outcome? You would think a fair hand tilts eventually.

“Dallas finds new ways to lose we’ve never seen before…”. Yeah, sure:rolleyes:
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I bet a non-entity Cowboys has an effect on TV ratings.(be it season or play-offs).

It's sounding as I'd you're saying it's all an Eagles conspiracy.... all planned out for us to be relevant during the season (for the sake of ratings), but for the ultimate goal of the Eagles winning. So many people need to be in your conspiratorial world.
Yes we get missed penalties, possibly more than most (other teams will argue differently).
The home/away portion of the scheduling is a bit bewildering, and maybe there's a form of 'negotiation' between teams and NFL....but that'll be quite complex.
Then again finding reasons and apportioning blame, for underachievement, is the Cowboys way.
There doesn't need to be any conspiracy dude. Most referees are from the East Coast.. meaning they grew up in Cowboys hating towns and families. Most NFL office folk are the same. They don't need to conspire if they're already on the same page from day one. The Cowboys literally have the fastest defensive end in the history of the NFL who is being held constantly and blatantly down after down without drawing a flag and people like you have the gall to come back with "just play better." "Just overcome the fact that the opponent is awarded a 25 yard head start in a 50 yard race and still win." Puhlease.


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There doesn't need to be any conspiracy dude. Most referees are from the East Coast.. meaning they grew up in Cowboys hating towns and families. Most NFL office folk are the same. They don't need to conspire if they're already on the same page from day one. The Cowboys literally have the fastest defensive end in the history of the NFL who is being held constantly and blatantly down after down without drawing a flag and people like you have the gall to come back with "just play better." "Just overcome the fact that the opponent is awarded a 25 yard head start in a 50 yard race and still win." Puhlease.
Ronald, shut the hell up.

How in the world do you know that "Most referees are from the East Coast?"

Provide the evidence.


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Micah is held on every play!!!
He is not held on every play.
Micah is a great talent, but he has a lot to learn about the team aspect of football, as well as how to handle adversity.
He's a boy in a mans body.
While I agree he is sometimes getting held, and he is not getting many calls, he needs to understand that the problem is on him.

If he thinks he is getting held, throwing his hands up and trying to embarrass the ref is not the way to go about things. Neither is complaining to the media or making posts on social media. Those things are now coming back to haunt him.
The officials are mature men (and women). They take their jobs and impartiality seriously and they are also in a union.
The last thing you want to do is to try to publlically humilate them.
If you feel Lane Johnson is clutching you, you go up to the umpire, it may be a good idea to know his name and a little about him. You say, "Mr. Smith, how are you today, how's the family doing etc. Can you please watch Lane Johnson, I feel everytime I speed rush him he clutches my jersey." That is how to handle it. Don't throw your hands up at the official during the game, don't complain to reporters and DON'T post on social media.

Micah is also getting the rep of being a flopper. There is a very subtle way of exagerrating something, but Micah is a really bad actor, and the refs are realizing this about him, and he's not getting calls as a result. Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?
That's on Micah, and on his coaches.

There was a play in the Bills game, where the OL (I believe it was Dawkins) put his hand up in Micah's face. It should have been called, but it wasn't. Remember, the Umpire is watching the entire area, so they miss things at times. It's not a conspiracy. The OL quickly took his hand away though. Micah rushed up the field. He's a magnificent player, but guess what, the play was not a pass play, it was a run, so Micah took himself right out of the play, and to make matters worse, it was a run play to his side, where he was supposed to have containment. Micah, in seeking the glory of a sack, took himself out of the play and left his teamates exposed. To make it even worse, Micah throws his hands up at the umpire, to complain about the non call, at the very moment that the RB was directly behind him breaking containment on his side of the field. More concerned with his so called conspiracy than with stopping the play. If I was DQ or MM, I would have taken him out after that play and had some words with him.

I see MIcah's talent, you can't miss it, but I also see a spolied kid who needs to be taught a few lessons in life. Our coaches are failing him, the vets on this team are failing him (I was disgusted to see DLAW say we are playing against the refs, agreeing with Micah's childlike behavior. DLAW needed to be a big brother and explain things to him.)
The NFL is not going to cave to Micah Parsons, he needs to learn this and start handling himself better.
I love him, what a talent he is, one of the best I have seen in my years as a fan, but this kid needs to learn that the world, and the NFL, does not exist to serve him.


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Ronald, shut the hell up.

How in the world do you know that "Most referees are from the East Coast?"

Provide the evidence.

You're disputing it.. YOU provide the evidence. There are 121 refs in the NFL right now.. Go look them up and report back where they all grew up.


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You're disputing it.. YOU provide the evidence. There are 121 refs in the NFL right now.. Go look them up and report back where they all grew up.
That’s what I thought you uneducated goof.

Textbook fallacy.

Here, let me try:

YOU: “There are aliens controlling the minds of the refs!”

A SANE PERSON: “What evidence do you have to support that?”

YOU: “You’re the one disputing it. Prove that I’m wrong!”


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Seriously, the Mods/site has to nip this stuff in the bud, or this site is going to be overrun with this conspiracy/Qanond-level dimwitted nonsense after every loss. It's already at a tipping point in my opinion. These people are free to have opinions but are not dealing in reality.
It really is out of hand. The number of nutters on this forum is embarrassing.


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This team is undisciplined and the culture encourages it. How many times have we heard that Jerry undermines coaches and players feel they can just go around staff to the man himself? If that's the case, where do you think a lack of accountability shows up on the field? I'm not even saying this is true but if you're even a half-decent logical person that would be the first connection you make versus "the league wants to keep it's most popular franchise down" every time we prove we're not a powerhouse team in part due to what I mentioned above. Have you not been reading BobHaze's threads? We're at the top of the league in dumb penalties like lining up offsides, false starts, etc. If you can't focus when no one's moving you think focus gets better once you start moving? Think, don't react.
Uh-huh. It's the culture's fault.

In a way, I agree - being America's Team, the Dallas Cowboys, means we're more likely to get jobbed.

I never said it's a conspiracy to keep the Cowboys down, by the way.

NFL refs are human and most of them were NFL fans growing up - 90% of NFL fans HATE the Cowboys, and I believe the refs' subconscious bias affects their calls. A ref who grew up despising the Cowboys is more likely to screw us on a key 50/50 call than a ref who grew up a Cowboys fan.

You brought up presnap penalties. Okay.

Now what if I told you that we are, in fact, NOT at the top of the league in false starts, like you just tried to claim?

Then what? You'll make up another excuse?

We have committed 15 false starts this season.

That is tied for 10th-FEWEST in the NFL.

The NFL average is 17.5.


Well-Known Member
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It really is out of hand. The number of nutters on this forum is embarrassing
I agree.
Let's have one thread where they can post their theories, they are entitled to their opinions, but half the board is being consumed by these theories. The entire board is becomming unreadable. And God forbid you post evidence showing we get our share of calls, then you're labeled an eagles fan.


Well-Known Member
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It doesn’t take much to look at this game from an objective standpoint and tell how corrupt this league is against the Cowboys. There will be people who tell me I’m crazy for thinking this but those people are indenial! The refs and the league are in cahoots and are sabotaging the Cowboys at every turn. Roger Goodell is a pos and the refs are too. Good on Micah for calling out this bs. Dak and Mike McCarthy should too. We are fighting other teams, the refs and the league itself. Oh I hate it!!
Dak is a paid actor. Why would he ruin his own kayfabe?


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Seriously, the Mods/site has to nip this stuff in the bud, or this site is going to be overrun with this conspiracy/Qanond-level dimwitted nonsense after every loss. It's already at a tipping point in my opinion. These people are free to have opinions but are not dealing in reality.
Soooooo true. If people are dumb enough to believe in QAnon, Flat Earth and Chem trails there will be plenty believing that the refs cheat Dallas.
Go on any team site. Everyone thinks the refs are out to cheat their team. It's not a Cowboy fan thing... it's something fans of EVERY team thing.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Just ran these numbers on Zack Martin.

Zack Martin has had consecutive stretches of no holding calls for this many quarters during his career:

181 quarters (45 games!)
118 quarters (29 games)
120 quarters (30 games)

That's a stretch of 2 holds in 104 games, or almost 6 and a half seasons for those of you keeping score at home. How is that humanly possible? He's currently on a 37 quarter streak. 1 less than Parsons. If the above is not odd, yet Parsons is, how do you reconcile that? Martin has pics of all the ref crews doing naughty things I guess, right? Lol.
Do these 2 players play the same positions? Asking for a friend. He also asked if apples and oranges taste the same.
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