Daily reminder that this league is rigged!

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Latest way of avoiding reality by the Refs defenders is pointing out emojis? Really?


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There doesn't need to be any conspiracy dude. Most referees are from the East Coast.. meaning they grew up in Cowboys hating towns and families. Most NFL office folk are the same. They don't need to conspire if they're already on the same page from day one. The Cowboys literally have the fastest defensive end in the history of the NFL who is being held constantly and blatantly down after down without drawing a flag and people like you have the gall to come back with "just play better." "Just overcome the fact that the opponent is awarded a 25 yard head start in a 50 yard race and still win." Puhlease.
Wow, just wow. I thought for awhile that you had balance. You are just another absurdly biased Cowboys’ fan. If the Cowboys somehow win a SB in the next 2 decades, there should only be celebration to the refs and league office from you.

Teams cannot overcome severely biased refs (which should make you wonder how the team has qualified for the playoffs the past 3 years). They can overcome some bad calls though. It happens all the time. You are trying to make it sound like Dallas is unjustifiably penalized or their opponents are under-penalized. Dallas is a tier two team that struggles and wins against other tier two teams (healthy Chargers and Seattle) and can blowout any team if they get a sizable lead later in the game.

If the league wanted the fans to watch the Cowboys games when they have other plans, they would not want to see so many blowouts, which is what has happened several times this season(mostly against mid to lowest tier teams). Introspection is not strong in the top levels of this squad-seems like it’s spreading to the fans too.


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Also a bunch of "Strawmans" comparing critical fans to flat earthers, come on guys, put some effort into it. You love the being the voice of reason, right?


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Uh-huh. It's the culture's fault.

In a way, I agree - being America's Team, the Dallas Cowboys, means we're more likely to get jobbed.

I never said it's a conspiracy to keep the Cowboys down, by the way.

NFL refs are human and most of them were NFL fans growing up - 90% of NFL fans HATE the Cowboys, and I believe the refs' subconscious bias affects their calls. A ref who grew up despising the Cowboys is more likely to screw us on a key 50/50 call than a ref who grew up a Cowboys fan.

You brought up presnap penalties. Okay.

Now what if I told you that we are, in fact, NOT at the top of the league in false starts, like you just tried to claim?

Then what? You'll make up another excuse?

We have committed 15 false starts this season.

That is tied for 10th-FEWEST in the NFL.

The NFL average is 17.5.
That "culture" thing has been in existence long before McCarthy got here. So since you brought up McCarthy running disciplined teams (which Cowboys fans claimed was just pro-Green Bay bias when he was there, lol) it is the most logical explanation. But yet here again you purport to see inside refs' heads while they were growing up with white, picket fences, but became unstable, emotionally unfit messes who cried in their rooms when the Cowboys beat their teams and grew up to hate them, lol. Maybe they occasionally kick the dog too as a result, lol. Do you not see how all these stories are just made up ish after made up ish? Come on, bro. If you aren't claiming conspiracy, you're certainly using the same cloudy, never-to-be-proven haze they do to come up with equally inane stories. My favorite are the ones that involve the Maras and Goodell clinking glasses to conspire against the Cowboys while that crappy NYG team continues to do nothing. Why aren't the favored Giants riding high? Lol. When I can pick out inconsistency like this, it's clear that it's just plain scattershooting for excuses to soothe a bruised ego supporting a team that can't push others around like they used to. Change happens.

As I mentioned, Bobhaze highlighted those penalties so consult him if you need direction. I lumped them all together as I think he did in a thread. You cherry-picked one and said, "Ah-ha, they're not leading the league here!" when I believe they're meant to be grouped into a category like pre-snap penalties.


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It doesn’t take much to look at this game from an objective standpoint and tell how corrupt this league is against the Cowboys. There will be people who tell me I’m crazy for thinking this but those people are indenial! The refs and the league are in cahoots and are sabotaging the Cowboys at every turn. Roger Goodell is a pos and the refs are too. Good on Micah for calling out this bs. Dak and Mike McCarthy should too. We are fighting other teams, the refs and the league itself. Oh I hate it!!
I almost believe in your theory because our D-Line almost never get's the benefit of a holding call and when the Cowboys are driving for a score our O-Linemen get called for penalties that they didn't commit. That bad clipping call against our center was a bogus call because replays and FOX's on air ex-official stated that the call clipping call should have never been called because the center didn't roll his body into the DT, he just fall next to him. When calls like that one are being made you have to wonder if someone is in the official's ear yelling "FLAG HIM, FLAG HIM" and then all of a sudden a flag magically appears on a play that was legal!!!!!!!!!!


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan

Seriously, the Mods/site has to nip this stuff in the bud, or this site is going to be overrun with this conspiracy/Qanond-level dimwitted nonsense after every loss. It's already at a tipping point in my opinion. These people are free to have opinions but are not dealing in reality.
You'd have fit right in with the Politburo or the SS.

It always amazes me when one thinks his opinion is more viable than anyone else's.

tsk tsk

"Sic 'em mods . . . for me !!!!!!!"


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Do these 2 players play the same positions? Asking for a friend. He also asked if apples and oranges taste the same.
Okay, again for those who aren't getting this, if Parsons going 38 quarters without drawing a holding penalty is an "odd occurrence," what does going 181 quarters without getting called or only getting 2 called in 6 and a half seasons say about odd? If y'all want to throw numbers out, well I got odd numbers too. Lol.


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Okay, again for those who aren't getting this, if Parsons going 38 quarters without drawing a holding penalty is an "odd occurrence," what does going 181 quarters without getting called or only getting 2 called in 6 and a half seasons say about odd? If y'all want to throw numbers out, well I got odd numbers too. Lol.
Did Parsons faced all pro players in every single snap in those 38 quarters?


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Soooooo true. If people are dumb enough to believe in QAnon, Flat Earth and Chem trails there will be plenty believing that the refs cheat Dallas.
Go on any team site. Everyone thinks the refs are out to cheat their team. It's not a Cowboy fan thing... it's something fans of EVERY team thing.

That's the thing though. The Conspiracy Crew think only they (Cowboy fans) can rightfully stake claim to being "jobbed" by the league.

I've gone as far as posting conspiracy posts from 10-12 team forums making the same claims, but our Conspiracy Crew are silent about it.


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You'd have fit right in with the Politburo or the SS.

It always amazes me when one thinks his opinion is more viable than anyone else's.

tsk tsk

"Sic 'em mods . . . for me !!!!!!!"
If you haven't learned that not all "opinions" are vaild, equal, or factual, then it's a hallmark of someone that sucks at learning and navigating life day-to-day.

Sorry for your feelings tenderheart.


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If you haven't learned that not all "opinions" are vaild, equal, or factual, then it's a hallmark of someone that sucks at learning and navigating life day-to-day.

Sorry for your feelings tenderheart.
What makes some opinions valid and some not? How do You know wich are the valid ones? I'm guessing You like the ones that re inforce your own.


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Did Parsons faced all pro players in every single snap in those 38 quarters?
That would be for the complainers to prove in supporting their case, wouldn't it? It also assumes that only All-Pros never have to hold their opponents. What if Micah faced people who were playing like All-Pros for a day but can't do it consistently, hence they aren't All-Pros? Ever hear of "getting up" for your competition that day? It does happen. That, and the law of averages and such that say Parsons isn't going to have a sack and/or holding penalty in every game, and sometimes in consecutive ones. Oh my!


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Seriously, the Mods/site has to nip this stuff in the bud, or this site is going to be overrun with this conspiracy/Qanond-level dimwitted nonsense after every loss. It's already at a tipping point in my opinion. These people are free to have opinions but are not dealing in reality.
Oh stop it. I won’t argue with you!! This league is corrupt and Micah is right to speak out on the refs!


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Like you can verify there is not bias against the Cowboys by the league Office, thats great, please show us the facts.
I love the unintentional comedy on display here.

So, you can verify the supposed league-wide ref bias against the Cowboys then?

And before you mindlessly reference specific plays or still shots just know that the same can be done for every team in the league.


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That would be for the complainers to prove in supporting their case, wouldn't it? It also assumes that only All-Pros never have to hold their opponents. What if Micah faced people who were playing like All-Pros for a day but can't do it consistently, hence they aren't All-Pros? Ever hear of "getting up" for your competition that day? It does happen. That, and the law of averages and such that say Parsons isn't going to have a sack and/or holding penalty in every game, and sometimes in consecutive ones. Oh my!
No, that would be for You to prove since You used the comparison to Martin as an equivalence of Parson not getting any calls.

All of Micah's opponents got up to all pro level to play against him? That is a more believable claim to You than the Refs have it in against him? And You are the logical, no nonesense, facts boy? Gimme a break.
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