Daily reminder that this league is rigged!

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Just ran these numbers on Zack Martin.

Zack Martin has had consecutive stretches of no holding calls for this many quarters during his career:

181 quarters (45 games!)
118 quarters (29 games)
120 quarters (30 games)

That's a stretch of 2 holds in 104 games, or almost 6 and a half seasons for those of you keeping score at home. How is that humanly possible? He's currently on a 37 quarter streak. 1 less than Parsons. If the above is not odd, yet Parsons is, how do you reconcile that? Martin has pics of all the ref crews doing naughty things I guess, right? Lol.
They just call them on Tyler Smith instead.


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I love the unintentional comedy on display here.

So, you can verify the supposed league-wide ref bias against the Cowboys then?

And before you mindlessly reference specific plays or still shots just know that the same can be done for every team in the league.
I don't SEE the comedy, maybe is all in your mind, like the perfect, pristine, non corrupt NFL.

I can not verify the Refs bias, but I can assume by what My eyes tell me, like you, without any proof.

See? We are in the same camp here. Both of our opinions are at the same value.

I will not show You any plays because it would be a waste of time, You would deny your own eyes, that how Big your ego is.


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I don't SEE the comedy, maybe is all in your mind, like the perfect, pristine, non corrupt NFL.

I can not verify the Refs bias, but I can assume by what My eyes tell me, like you, without any proof.

See? We are in the same camp here. Both of our opinions are at the same value.

I will not show You any plays because it would be a waste of time, You would deny your own eyes, that how Big your ego is.
The people who think we’re crazy aren’t paying enough attention to what’s going on the field. Watch the tape and watch the games and you’ll see corruption in all our games.


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I don't SEE the comedy, maybe is all in your mind, like the perfect, pristine, non corrupt NFL.

I can not verify the Refs bias, but I can assume by what My eyes tell me, like you, without any proof.

See? We are in the same camp here. Both of our opinions are at the same value.

I will not show You any plays because it would be a waste of time, You would deny your own eyes, that how Big your ego is.
No, we're not in the same camp.

Extraordinary claims (concerted league wide agenda, ref bias, etc.) require extraordinary evidence.

Example: Me claiming my train should arrive at a given destination by 4:30p because the train schedule shows the estimated time of arrival IS NOT the same as saying "the space aliens that run the train station will ensure that I'll arrive on schedule because they don't want to raise alarms with the humans that something is awry."

It's not my, or anyone else's job to try and prove that space aliens are not running the train station, or treat the person making the claim like we're on operating on the same level.


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The people who think we’re crazy aren’t paying enough attention to what’s going on the field. Watch the tape and watch the games and you’ll see corruption in all our games.
Exactly, I understand they do not believe it, and respect their posture.
It is a temper thing, some people are just too orderly and prefer to attach to the status Quo.

We need them because otherwise people that do believe can go too far.

My only problem with them is the smugness and name calling, a total lack of respect to other people opinions.


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No, we're not in the same camp.

Extraordinary claims (concerted league wide agenda, ref bias, etc.) require extraordinary evidence.

Example: Me claiming my train should arrive at a given destination by 4:30p because the train schedule shows the estimated time of arrival IS NOT the same as saying "the space aliens that run the train station will ensure that I'll arrive on schedule because they don't want to raise alarms with the humans that something is awry."

It's not my, or anyone else's job to try and prove that space aliens are not running the train station.
Bro you lost, take the L and move on.


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Exactly, I understand they do not believe it, and respect their posture.
It is a temper thing, some people are just too orderly and prefer to attach to the status Quo.

We need them because otherwise people that do believe can go too far.

My only problem with them is the smugness and name calling, a total lack of respect to other people opinions.
They think we’re crazy and call us names and will go even so far to ask the mods to silence us despite being the ones breaking the rules!!


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I'm moving some stuff to a new studio, just got tangled for a bit here, but one last thing...

I see your argument, it has some validity to it even if I do not totally agree, I respect it, sorry I acted like a bit of a donkey.

Go Cowboys
Respectable post, much admiration directed your way.

That said, I'm disappointed, I was enjoying the fireworks :flagwave:


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It doesn’t take much to look at this game from an objective standpoint and tell how corrupt this league is against the Cowboys. There will be people who tell me I’m crazy for thinking this but those people are indenial! The refs and the league are in cahoots and are sabotaging the Cowboys at every turn. Roger Goodell is a pos and the refs are too. Good on Micah for calling out this bs. Dak and Mike McCarthy should too. We are fighting other teams, the refs and the league itself. Oh I hate it!!
Daily reminder to don’t watch then.


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No, that would be for You to prove since You used the comparison to Martin as an equivalence of Parson not getting any calls.

All of Micah's opponents got up to all pro level to play against him? That is a more believable claim to You than the Refs have it in against him? And You are the logical, no nonesense, facts boy? Gimme a break.
Nope, that's on the people that say Micah should have holding called. Nevermind actually presenting evidence beyond still photos. Prove that Micah went against bums who hold all the time. And again, you assume that All-Pro level is even required to stymie Parsons. People have talked about his late season fading the past 2 seasons but yet it takes a vacation this season at the end and in the midst of a 2-game losing streak? How about being consistent first?


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You brought up presnap penalties. Okay.

Now what if I told you that we are, in fact, NOT at the top of the league in false starts, like you just tried to claim?

Then what? You'll make up another excuse?

We have committed 15 false starts this season.

That is tied for 10th-FEWEST in the NFL.

The NFL average is 17.5.

Speaking of the pre snap penalties in your analysis, I wasn't aware that the only pre snap penalty is a false start


According to this table the cowboys have committed 39 pre snap penalties so far this season. Only 8 NFL teams have committed more.

I'd love to believe you didn't intentionally focus *only* on one type of pre snap penalty that seemed to support your argument, while ignoring all other pre snap penalties to shade the truth your way.....

But knowing you and your post history, it's pretty easy to reach that conclusion


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Proof of league-wide conspiracy against the Chiefs:

Proof of league-wide conspiracy against the Saints:

Proof of league-wide conspiracy against the 49ers:



The Labeled One
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Keep deflecting!

16 holding calls against us since Week 6, only 4 in our favor.

Totally legit when we have the best pass rusher in the league and future HOFers on the OL!

Mike McCarthy magically forgot how to coach penalties the SECOND he arrived in Dallas.

Funny how he was NEVER ranked in the 20s-30s in penalties over his last 9 years in Green Bay, but hasn't avoided the 20s-30s even once in Dallas!
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
The Aaron Rodgers effect....
No doubt


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I’m starting to believe the league pays him to throw picks. Damn it!!
If you think about it, how can you prove he’s good at football? He’s good at ACTING like he can play, but if the defense plays a scripted alignment where he knows who’ll be open on each play before he even gets to the stadium, how do you prove he’s actually a genuinely competent football player?

Don’t let bias impact your observation skills. If some things are rigged, why aren’t others? Because it would hurt your feelings? Be objective and see what’s really going on. It takes everyone in unison to play their parts well for a 28 year streak like this to not get accidentally broken with how good some of the Cowboy teams have been.

How is it Micah Parsons is the best pass rusher on the planet through week 10, then he turns into Taco Charlton to end the season? Exact same as last year. Did he “forget”? This formula makes the ratings as high as ever, the world goes all in on Dallas in December and they collapse, and Vegas makes huge bank. Have you watched his podcast? That guy has mastered playbooks and outsmarted 11 guys on the other side? Think about it. Why would he let this happen, unless he’s letting this happen? Hes sure good at ACTING like he knows football.


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That "culture" thing has been in existence long before McCarthy got here. So since you brought up McCarthy running disciplined teams (which Cowboys fans claimed was just pro-Green Bay bias when he was there, lol) it is the most logical explanation. But yet here again you purport to see inside refs' heads while they were growing up with white, picket fences, but became unstable, emotionally unfit messes who cried in their rooms when the Cowboys beat their teams and grew up to hate them, lol. Maybe they occasionally kick the dog too as a result, lol. Do you not see how all these stories are just made up ish after made up ish? Come on, bro. If you aren't claiming conspiracy, you're certainly using the same cloudy, never-to-be-proven haze they do to come up with equally inane stories. My favorite are the ones that involve the Maras and Goodell clinking glasses to conspire against the Cowboys while that crappy NYG team continues to do nothing. Why aren't the favored Giants riding high? Lol. When I can pick out inconsistency like this, it's clear that it's just plain scattershooting for excuses to soothe a bruised ego supporting a team that can't push others around like they used to. Change happens.

As I mentioned, Bobhaze highlighted those penalties so consult him if you need direction. I lumped them all together as I think he did in a thread. You cherry-picked one and said, "Ah-ha, they're not leading the league here!" when I believe they're meant to be grouped into a category like pre-snap penalties.
"Made up"?

You're the one making crap up, like 1) THE CULTURE!!! and 2) your false start claim that I proved to be FAKE.

I love the "culture" theory. Too funny.

So the "culture" is pure POISON when it comes to penalties....... but somehow the coaches and players can overcome this POISON CULTURE to still win 10+ games 3 years in a row while being among the NFL's leaders in points and takeaways!!!

You ALSO said something to the effect of "if you're undisciplined presnap, you'll be undisciplined post-snap!"

So the Cowboys OL (with multiple HOFers, mind you) is NOT undisciplined presnap like YOU CLAIMED they were.

And yet.... they're tied for the 2nd-most offensive holding calls in the NFL.

Oops!!! That means your theory was just sent straight to hell.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Again: I never said it's a planned-out conspiracy.

You keep jumping back to that as a way to dismiss my stance. Putting words in my mouth is not going to work.

Oh, and as for the "they hated the Cowboys" theory being made up?

There is literally proof that the Cowboys are the most hated NFL team by a mile.

So no, that theory is not "made up." I don't make things up like YOU try to do.

Nice try though!!!

Take another L, Ref Boy.

Kiss your Hochuli poster extra tonight for having failed him.


"Dallas, “America’s Team,” is identified as the team that most fans both love and hate.

It identified the Cowboys as the most popular team in the South at 15% but the “most hated” in every geographic region except for the Midwest. The Green Bay Packers hold that distinction.

“America’s Team” is also its most divisive. When asked which NFL team they most like or hate, Americans most often named the Dallas Cowboys for both.
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