Dak’s dog could receive death penalty

They can be, especially a reef tank. I used to have a 200 gal. saltwater fish only tank and starting it took some work and money, but after it was established it didn't take much more effort than a freshwater tank. I went to college on the coast and had a saltwater tank and cost next to nothing, all the rocks, water, fish and critters, I scavenged, caught or collected myself.

You got to be dedicated for sure.
I was once walking my German Shepherd along a trail, with a friend and his pit bull. Every time my dog would pick up a stick, the pit bull would attack him, going for the throat. My dog wasn't a confrontational boy, so he'd just turn and walk away each time, and let the pit have the stick. After about the 8th or 9th time, the pit came up out of the blue and started sniffing my dog's face. It was obviously an aggressive move, and my dog bared his teeth. The pit attacked him again, but this time my dog grabbed her by the head and opened her up in 5 places.

That stopped the attacks.......for about 10 minutes.
Yeah right.

10 minutes..yikes.
Well you said there was none .... I was just proving you wrong , as you said no 4 year old. Why should I waste my time more when thats all it took? We can go for all ages not just 4 , we can do States, countries which ever please. But I will tell you this now, maybe save you embarrassment a 3rd time. I have facts to back what I am saying. You can hate them, disagree, cry, yell but it wont change there FACTS. Do you believe everything you see on the news or read newspapers? You can read right , I don't mean to assume I forget these days all you have to do these days is talk into your phone.

It's funny on your little tirades you make things worse for yourself. Cocker Spaniels are one of the meanest dogs and aggressive. Lucky they really are not big enough to hurt HUMANS although there is one case. Poodles, there sadly is a few cases , plus they are another very aggressive breed because of how territorial they are. Smaller dogs are actually the worse ..... just ask the family that lost there 6 week old baby to a 4 lb Pomeranian. I really dont think you get it , or even my stance on the subject ....

Ive stated it it ones of the threads ..... You realize how broad a statement Pitbulls is ? SOOOOO many dogs lumped into. TO the point some vets even argue when these dogs are brought in. Check out DNA testing and True American Pitbull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bullys and Bull Terriers compared to dogs brought in for attacks. Ive already listed the dogs that people lump in , its over 30 .

Dogs and certain breeds are just like any other thing in the world. Some people are fine owning them and responsible, while others are not and shopuld not. Just like Driving a car .... Do we ban cars ? Ban booze ? Same goes for construction, painting, military, fry cook .... ect ect Its not different then other controversial things in the world or things that media loves to feed to sheep. Here is another one for you , 1970s came along and the media teamed up with the people to try and quelch dog fighting. SO this attack started way back then and failed. Other dogs were targets prior .... it was a backfire the media and groups involved never came out to fix.
Wow that was a whole lot of word diarrhea that went in weird circles and said nothing interesting at all.
Your argument is so disjointed and nonsensical that it’s not even close to clear what you are even trying to argue.

Some mumble jumble word salad about the 70s and cars?

If you are trying to argue that there are no dog breeds any more aggressive or dangerous than others then you are a dullard.

I’m assuming by your awkward rant the picture on your sig is an actual picture of you. If not you are doing a good job of sounding as dumb as you look.

Wow that was a whole lot of word diarrhea that went in weird circles and said nothing interesting at all.
Your argument is so disjointed and nonsensical that it’s not even close to clear what you are even trying to argue.

Some mumble jumble word salad about the 70s and cars?

If you are trying to argue that there are no dog breeds any more aggressive or dangerous than others then you are a dullard.

I’m assuming by your awkward rant the picture on your sig is an actual picture of you. If not you are doing a good job of sounding as dumb as you look.


Ahh thank you, So again no facts and obviously, you do not have very good reading comprehension. Because unlike you, ive addressed every question you had with facts. I give my opinion on one thing when you asked. But yes Im the dumb *** for sure ..... I forget you dont need an IQ test to use the internet. The jumbling is about site rules as I am unable to use the examples I wanted. I see I need to spell it out like I do my younger children.

Since you already proved to be a Man ? of simple thoughts ... I tried to use things maybe you could relate to.Certain types of people should not own dogs. Some dogs require a lot more than others. Just because you want to buy that type of dog does not mean you should. Some Dogs are not even good for a semi-experienced person. Just like would you give a 16 year old a Lamborgini or a 60s classic for a first car ? Would you pay a blind guy or maybe a person in wheel chair to paint your house? Should a pacifist join the Marine Corps ?

Im glad you like my picture :D, Sorry but I dont think we are related ... that would count me out no? But Super Rony I appreciate how hard you take fail to the limit, cant say you don't have heart. Ill tell you what, I bet anything you want If I post a picture of me not making a goofy face having fun , even as a birds fan would get more likes then one of you.

You and I get into some great conversations for a football site, huh?

I am unfamiliar with Horton..I will research.

Me..I know longer fear death.

4 years ago when I was in the hospital for 6 months with a brain stroke..

they had me on so much med they could not get it balenced.

I knew none of this at the time..I was pretty out of it.

So one day I have this dream in the hospital bed.

I dream I am going down this long corridor..white light..white walls white floor.

I get to the end and there is this set of double swinging doors.

I go thru and enter a huge room with about 100 people in it and they all start talking to me at once.

I hold up my hand and ask them to stop talking as I can'not understand them.

They do and my grandmother comes out of the group and she says to me..

"Tim you can not stay here...you must go back. It's not your time."

And I say " Grandmom..But I do not want to go back. Everybody is here. I want to stay here."

I see my mom and dad there, my older brother..other people who know me but I do not recognize them.

With that..I wake back up in my bed in the hospital.

A few days later I remember the dream.

I think about what my grandmother said..

You must go back it's not your time.

I had to think this out.

I came to the conclusion that my mind was grappling with my situation and I must have been giving up with the situation.

But I recovered when my grandmother confronted me with not offering me a choice.

I then began to recover and eventually got out of the hospital and restarted my life.

So death does not trouble me.

I know there is a place where I will go but I had to improve who I was and earn the right to go there.

So now I am a way better person than I ever was before.

I do not let stuff bother me anymore. There are just bigger and more important things to be concerned with than day to day BS.


,,,:eek:,,, Er,,, Sorry I can't hang out with you right now, Brother, as I've gotta turn in my 2nd shift time card from the " better person& personal improvement " workshop:thumbup:

* that's an mind expanding seed of contemplation you've planted on me by sharing that Red ball Express, THANKS:starspin:
Well you said there was none .... I was just proving you wrong , as you said no 4 year old. Why should I waste my time more when thats all it took? We can go for all ages not just 4 , we can do States, countries which ever please. But I will tell you this now, maybe save you embarrassment a 3rd time. I have facts to back what I am saying. You can hate them, disagree, cry, yell but it wont change there FACTS. Do you believe everything you see on the news or read newspapers? You can read right , I don't mean to assume I forget these days all you have to do these days is talk into your phone.

It's funny on your little tirades you make things worse for yourself. Cocker Spaniels are one of the meanest dogs and aggressive. Lucky they really are not big enough to hurt HUMANS although there is one case. Poodles, there sadly is a few cases , plus they are another very aggressive breed because of how territorial they are. Smaller dogs are actually the worse ..... just ask the family that lost there 6 week old baby to a 4 lb Pomeranian. I really dont think you get it , or even my stance on the subject ....

Ive stated it it ones of the threads ..... You realize how broad a statement Pitbulls is ? SOOOOO many dogs lumped into. TO the point some vets even argue when these dogs are brought in. Check out DNA testing and True American Pitbull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bullys and Bull Terriers compared to dogs brought in for attacks. Ive already listed the dogs that people lump in , its over 30 .

Dogs and certain breeds are just like any other thing in the world. Some people are fine owning them and responsible, while others are not and shopuld not. Just like Driving a car .... Do we ban cars ? Ban booze ? Same goes for construction, painting, military, fry cook .... ect ect Its not different then other controversial things in the world or things that media loves to feed to sheep. Here is another one for you , 1970s came along and the media teamed up with the people to try and quelch dog fighting. SO this attack started way back then and failed. Other dogs were targets prior .... it was a backfire the media and groups involved never came out to fix.
Actually the French bred& trained Poodles for war& attack,,,believe it or noto_O
,,,:eek:,,, Er,,, Sorry I can't hang out with you right now, Brother, as I've gotta turn in my 2nd shift time card from the " better person& personal improvement " workshop:thumbup:

* that's an mind expanding seed of contemplation you've planted on me by sharing that Red ball Express, THANKS:starspin:
You are funny as heck, bro.

You go get improved.

It will do you good.

And take Jerrah with you.

He thinks he is running out of time, too..

My favorite John Wayne movie of all time.
Rooster Cogburn/True Grit
Sgt. Striker/Sands of Iwo Jima

* rank at the top, then that one with Katherine Hepburn & a Gatling gun= "well, first I'm gonna git' a little drunk" then when he falls of his horse& pats the ground " we'll camp right here":lmao:
give um the chair,is there such a thing as a electric couch?
My favorite John Wayne movie of all time.
Big Jake is in my all-time top 5 John Wayne movies but it does contain his best line in my opinion:

Richard Boone: "I thought you were dead?"
John Wayne: "Not hardly."

Maybe it is just that specific scene, with Boone and him especially, and how he delivers it but I have always loved that line.
poor dog, but that's the penalty he has to pay for living with someone too busy to take care and train him.

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