Dak’s the sole reason we lost this game, his worst as a Pro


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the line gave him plenty of time and there were wide open receivers he flat missed for BIG plays.. some could have easily been tds on those 9go routes missed them by 2 yards ..it was ugly.. sure a lot of the game not much going on on offense but the 4th qtr the coaches found plays and wrs got big time open and Dak just flat missed them and he had time to throw.. last 3 drives he was simply BAD..thats where you separate tier one from 2 and dak has slipped back to 12-16 for me..the last 4 games have been a digression that stopped at the bottom of the hill last night..
Dak’s accuracy has been missing the last few weeks, I agree. There is a difference though between never having seen been accurate versus this year. We know he can do it.

Hard to tell if new mechanics fell away at times or bad shoulder or both. 10,000 reps to perfect something so while no one wants to hear it, another off season working on his mechanics will help solidify his accuracy.

Would be different for me if we never saw him do it, but for chunks of games he did.


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I have no argument .So freaking frustrated The usual heaters will come out. But it holds more substance from people that actually supported him.

Just curious, why?

Why does the opinion of someone who just arrived at reality matter more, than someone who appears to have been right all along?


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Aww yea. The good Ol' "just throw the 2nd QB in. "..

Gotta love it when the most popular player is the back up QB.

Sure, Dak wasn't good. He was also injured. Ya think maybe you don't want him throwing so much? Possibly lean on that 90 million guy that is 5-0 when against the eagles when over a hundred yards? And, Yes, the running game was working.

The nerve of Dak wanting to throw all the time. The nerve of Cooper and Cobb, Zeke going out of the game..

Oh wait.....

The coaching staff coached scared again. Coach and the players should've all done a better job. Starting with realizing, yes, they are the better team. Eagles are beat up. Go match their emotion. Dictate to them how the game is going to go.

Defense held up as long as they good. No help from the offense.

Course, one player doesn't win or lose a game for you. But, the blind haters can't see that. Hate away, He's your QB next year, and the year after. Soak on that.


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horrible outing by dak. most pass were either too high or behind receivers. the wr's were open. dak couldn't put the ball on target.


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Aww yea. The good Ol' "just throw the 2nd QB in. "..

Gotta love it when the most popular player is the back up QB.

Sure, Dak wasn't good. He was also injured. Ya think maybe you don't want him throwing so much? Possibly lean on that 90 million guy that is 5-0 when against the eagles when over a hundred yards? And, Yes, the running game was working.

The nerve of Dak wanting to throw all the time. The nerve of Cooper and Cobb, Zeke going out of the game..

Oh wait.....

The coaching staff coached scared again. Coach and the players should've all done a better job. Starting with realizing, yes, they are the better team. Eagles are beat up. Go match their emotion. Dictate to them how the game is going to go.

Defense held up as long as they good. No help from the offense.

Course, one player doesn't win or lose a game for you. But, the blind haters can't see that. Hate away, He's your QB next year, and the year after. Soak on that.
LOL, you hope. You guys have been making this claim and yet he's still unsigned....we'll see if you get your wish for Dak to sink this franchise for the next five years...the rest of us are hoping the way this season has gone will open Jerry and Stephen's eyes.


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LOL, you hope. You guys have been making this claim and yet he's still unsigned....we'll see if you get your wish for Dak to sink this franchise for the next five years...the rest of us are hoping the way this season has gone will open Jerry and Stephen's eyes.

Yep. Cooper Rush to the rescue!!!

I don't care if Dak stays or goes. I don't care what player stays.

And, Dak is going to solely sink this franchise? LOL> Lay off the drama juice. I know the loss yesterday stung, but come on already.

This ship has been sinking for years. And the drunk sailor guiding this ship will still be here. THAT is worse than Dak still being here.

Jerry and Stephen finally open their eyes? LOL. yeah, who is wishing now.


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Yeah yeah yeah..

Dak dropped the passes the stalled the drives..

Dak fumbled the ball..

Dak called the plays on 3rd&1s..

Dak used the timeouts improperly..

Dak didn't adjust when they made 6 (SIX) consequtive passes to Goedert.

Dak didn't adjust when they made 3 consecutive TE screen passes.

Dak opted to punt when the team was two scores behind.

Dak took Elliot out on 3rd&1.

Dak took the recievers out on 4th down play.

Dak didn't take a timeout to design a freaking play at such a crunch time.

All Dak, all bloody Dak.

But but but he missed wide open Cooper and Gallup, as if no other elite QB does not ever miss anything.

Those Dallas coaches survived so many years thanks to this kind of fans. It was Romo back then, now it is Dak. So, I don't really blame Jerry for this utter garbage.

Spot on, if the original poster said I put 50% of the blame on Dak I would say he's closer to an accurate analysis. Loss was a lot more than Dak making some bad throws. QBs always get the blame, but the receivers, dbs, dline, and coaching staff were the heart of the team's failure.


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Dak is getting his money in Dallas. This topic is mute. JJ has already made his mind up.

Yup. That's why you didn't see Rush out there. Dak was stinking it up worse than the players who got benched, but Jerry isn't risking letting a backup QB save the day, not when he's about to break the bank for Dak.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Just curious, why?

Why does the opinion of someone who just arrived at reality matter more, than someone who appears to have been right all along?
It’s your opinion. Just like mine and there’s nothing factual about it. The fact of the thing is. When someone has an opinion that’s balanced. And they disagree with something It holds more substance than the haters .Cause haters hate no matter what Really that difficult you got understand that


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It’s your opinion. Just like mine and there’s nothing factual about it. The fact of the thing is. When someone has an opinion that’s balanced. And they disagree with something in the halls more substance than the haters .

The problem with this is, someone who never takes a strong stand one way or the other is probably not going to be right about much of anything in the end.

I put more stock in a guy who stakes his claim and withstands the verbal assaults and the ridicule, but ends up being right in the end.

It takes literally no conviction to wake up today and say "Dak looked awful yesterday".
Heck, even a few of his most ardent defenders are criticizing his play from yesterday, or at the very least not showing up to do their usual excuse parade.

I'll put my stock in the guy who said all along "This guy doesn't have it" than someone who verbally slaughtered such "haters" up til 2 days ago, then suddenly "saw the light". Just my $.02


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It is not about supporting Dak at all. I am not saying he had a good game but it is utterly ridiculous to put the loss on his shoulder. There were a lot of poor coaching preparation, poor in-game management and lack of motivation out there. How can you not see it?

In any sport in the world you fire the coach at the spot when the same play occurs consecutively 6 TIMES right in front of your eyes and you just stare.

For God's sake, when is the last time Garrett called a timeout before an important down to design a play? Remember the Vikings game???

Guess who wants 35million + a year...?????


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Game was lost as soon as they stepped from the plane. Dak hadn't practiced for a whole week. Big mouth Jones tells all Dak is hurt well before the game. Philly just loaded the box and dared Dallas to throw. Brilliant on Philly part. Stupid on Dallas part. Dak has lit Philly up earlier in the year. Maybe his shoulder was worse then we thought. Either way the Dallas coaches were not prepared for what Philly had schemed. Offense or defense


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Dak didn't have a good game and played awfully. But, I don't think the other players should escape accountability or fault for last night's game and how this whole season went.


To The Moon
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Im sorry you wont convice me other wise, ive supported resigning dak all year and I thought I saw progress this year.. Only to see the last 5 games hes regressed back to 2017 bad stretch Dak..

The defense starte doff shaky but then held Philly scoreless for a VERY LONG time , ST showed up enough, and stop blamig the coaxhes and gameplan etc

I say this is is on Dak 100% , in the second half he had so many WQRs running wide open and were missing big plays all over the field..

His misses were high, short, behind and overthrows… His completions were even ugly, he never gave the receivers a chance for YAC at all because they had to practically stop to catch it , so off was the catch zone it threw the play off, gave the defender a chance to close the gaps etc etc

we could have easily took over this game in the second Half but Bad Dak missed opportunity's to move the chains and instead go 3 and out, missed THREE 9 routes with 3 yard opening as the WR beat the DBs and these could have been TDS or 1st and goals.. I cant remember lal of them I was so upset but Austin's was an easy throw , I believe 2 to Gallup that he missed and one that was so short Gallup had to stop let the defender run into him to make a spectacular catch..these could have been huge completeions or TDs. The eagles DBs in the 2nd half were who we thought they were and we had them beat, DAK missed them..

theres were so many bad passes I cant remember them all..

why do I say worst game of his career, its because this time he had time to throw on most of these, had WRs open, and the play calls obviously got players open and he either missed them or threw a off target ball that was caught short of a 1st down or that one before the half that could have lead a WR out of bounds to save a Timeout.
the injury could not have been an excuse.. hes had 4 bad games in row and this was the worse IMO

I thought I was watching Quincy carter or a backup out there.. I cant see how Rush couldn't not have played better or the same.. Noones perfect and hits everything but this was bad, real ugly..

the FO or Coaches not having the cahones to pull dak late in the third after he consistently left yards and points on the field..

we could have won this game by 10+ points had Dak played better..

Daks had excuses before like WRs not getting open, too many drops, or line not blocking and him getting sacked or rushed a lot..

This game in the 2nd half was ours to take , none of these excuses could hold, sure a drop here and there , wentz had the same issues but made more plays to no names, HOWEVER Dak left too many opportunity's to win on the field and should have been pulled..

I would have yanked him said you are too injured to lay and put rush in , save face tell players Daks shoulder reinjured and played rush..

Im off the Dak Bandwagon and even BillB or JimmyJ would not been able to overcome a starting QB being that bad.. the plays were called, executed by everyone but DAK..the next coached is doomed if they pay dak 34mil and stick him with him for long term..

hes third tier back to around 16th in the league after a hot start and this was the biggest game of the year he mentality and physically BLEW.. its on him IMO him alone..

if you cant see it make excuses like I said I supported him all year but hes been bad since NE and I saw nothing but bad football from him..

Im steamed!!
Eeeehhhhhhhhh! (I don’t like this post. Not a very good post!)

Discount porous D? Discount bad special teams yet again? Discount 6 drops (not all on the intended WR), but still crucial drops? Discount bad O-line play? And no, you don’t get a discount on not blaming coaches without an agenda!! Discount horrible play calling at the end? Discount an injury to Dak’s shoulder (impossible!)?

Go and pound sand. Dak wasn’t great, but geesh, even a half knowledgeable fink can come to the conclusion we came out flat and unprepared yet again. But blame it all on Dak. :rolleyes: