Dak, CeeDee, and Micah need to take note of Jalen Brunson


Cowboys Diehard
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At some point in the future, the Cowboys sorely need to settle their contracts for amounts that might allow them to shine in the regular season and the playoffs, as well. All that, while providing other members outside of the stars, an inspiring salary. That'd be quite an accomplishment, for sure. It will require a GM who's very capable to negotiate with player-clients who are equally as capable.
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You Have an Axe to Grind
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Players have to do what’s best for them and their families. Football is a lot more brutal than basketball. It’s a cutthroat business and you have to get paid while you have the chance. It’s easy for fans to complain about what players are making and that they should take less money. If we were in their shoes, we would want a lot of money too. A football players career can end a lot quicker than a basketball player. Money is the top priority for most players. There’s a lot of players that wouldn’t take a cut in pay to win a championship.

Even in the early days of the NFL there were players that were more interested in money than winning a championship. Don Maynard said in an interview that he was more interested in the $15,000 winners check for winning the Super Bowl than a ring and the pride of winning a championship. It’s becoming more and more about money these days. Players want be paid equal to their peers and the top players want to be the highest paid.


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At this point last summer Jalen Brunson had already achieved more team success in 1 year in NY than our trio of superstars have in years but it was comparable. Over the past year, Although having never been an All Star, his impact on his team’s regular season success made him an MVP candidate. In the playoffs with his team severely banged up he averaged numbers that have only been achieved by 2 players in the history of the NBA playoffs, Michael Jordan and Lebron James. His performance earned him the right to demand a max deal, contrary to the performances that our 3 players displayed while still maintaining the belief that they are owed maxed deals. Yesterday Jalen Brunson took a deal that lost him $113 MILLION for the team’s benefit. He said he studied what champions like Mahomes and Brady and Duncan did and this had to be done. Our 3losers on the field maybe are just that, incapable of winning. Will they not at least try to help the team win via this other avenue?
Backwards mentality. Does Jerry refuse a large portion of his N.F. L. revenue sharing? Are tickets discounted at the stadium? Large price cuts on merchandise? Typical uneducated, backwater line of thinking.
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Why would they not we're not talking about that big pay cut? I mean we're talking about two different sports 1 doesn't have a cap and one does it's completely different sport so we shouldn't even be having this discussion...

so thank the OP for putting this nonsense up ,

however the way I look at it though they don't need to set new market money I don't get why they need to be the highest paid non quarterback in the league they should take some kind of top five money just like diggs, did why could diggs do it he was four when he signed now he's 5... you're still a millionaire, you're still making a lot of money ,and you're helping your team just enough where they might be able to add 1 extra player that's why would you want to be on a team that if you take maximum amount of money you could end up being on a worse team...

I think that's the problem here the egos of some of our players with the star on their helmets they want to be the top player the top money the new market setting record setting trend setting bragging rights contract i can't even list enough descriptive words, it's an ego problem..

We're not asking them to take a discount we're saying don't be super greedy just take a top five deal like say you were third in money..

I don't get why that's a problem like Prescott it'd be nice if he would take 54 instead of 60 and see lamb he doesn't need to be looking for 38 or whatever it is 35 for JJ why can't he take 33, more than AJ brown less than JJ and let's just move on, he would be 2nd in WR money but 3rd in NFL money. that not enough?
Of course the NBA has a cap. Why do you think Brunson left $113 Million on the table in team’s favor if the NBA has no cap I wonder haha. Seriously? Anyway, besides that bit of ignorant gibberish I see the rest of your post agrees with me. Smart take.


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Brunson, at over $39 million per season, makes significantly more than Parsons and Lamb. And he’ll always make more than they do. Look at what he did sign for, not at what he didn’t sign for.
Did Brady or Mahomes make $39 Million? They took a pay cut as the OP spells out quite clearly. Will need you to go ahead and generate another nonsensical excuse unfortunately.


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Yup while bruns9n is and will still make more than them while they play the more brutal sport and make less.....lmao sure
Did Brady or Mahomes make $39 Million? They took a pay cut as the OP spells out qui… nevermind you wont understand


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Backwards mentality. Does Jerry refuse a large portion of his N.F. L. revenue sharing? Are tickets discounted at the stadium? Large price cuts on merchandise? Typical uneducated, backwater line of thinking.
Thats a lot of halfwitted questions that won’t help you sound coherent nor have nothing to do with what would help the team win


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I appreciate the sentiments, old boy, but Jalen is truly naive and reckless with family money.
On the other hand, Brunson is honorable, selfless and giving.
What if, Mr. Brunson, you gave less money and the team follow your lead? Blimey, pie in the sty, if you ask me, and why wouldn't you?

But we comparing maples to orchards. Game culture is different between the 2 leagues.
I don’t know what this says but it’s easily the smartest direct reply to my OP, well done brother


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OP obviously does not understand the tax money Billionaire owners use when constructing massive stadiums along with the large tax loopholes they take advantage on a yearly basis.

Along with the salary cap they created to control and suppress salaries. And the revenue sharing plan via the contract agreed to between owners and the players union.

And after all that you want NFL players to further take a cut based on a self imposed crab in a bucket mentality culture created by ownership. Add to that that this is one of the most dangerous games on earth for which their career and life can end at any time.

And you want them to take a pay cut for a $20 trophy. Twenty years from now when they're in the hospital for shoulder bursitis, brain fog, arthritis, bone on bone in both knees, and a host of other issuess stated will you be there to help them with their medical bills?

Do you think the medical billing insurance agent will care that they won a $20 trophy twenty years ago. Will glory pay a $30,000 medical bill?

As stated before OP has a limited backwoods mentality.
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Did Brady or Mahomes make $39 Million? They took a pay cut as the OP spells out qui… nevermind you wont understand
Mahomes is on a 450m contract and Brady was conveniently getting paid extra by having his brand have a multi million dollar deal at Patriots stadium (funny how that sponsorship ended as he retired). That’s ignoring having a wife also making 40m per year which takes the edge off.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Why would these guys help Jerry screw things up more?

Here is a quote explaining what Brunson did…..

From that perspective, this extension comes off as more of a partnership decision. Brunson is helping the Knicks during their peak championship window. Down the line, he has a chance to be well-compensated for doing so. He's trusting the Knicks to take care of him as he has done for them.

I’d never trust the Knicks but aye….
Winning a chip in a starved NY basketball market is like getting handed a blank check


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I'm a Knicks fan, and it's been rough. I tuned out for a long time, because Dolan was terrible forever.

This team is drastically different from most modern day athletes. These are sweat pants and hoodie guys who play as much for each other as themselves. It's rare. Brunson mentality is rare. Good luck getting the Cowboys to buy in.
They all also played on the same college team lol

Pretty crazy actually. Im a Celtics fan and in 100% not discounting the Knicks as a threat
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People are lead astray by a goofy media.

JB is a heck of a player, but he didn't REALLY leave 116M on the table as reported and leaked by his agent and team.
He signed a year early to a 3-year extension which leaves about 37M over those 3 years on the table.
The other option was wait a year, force NYK to clear cap space and then give him that max.

BUT he likely gains that 37M back in years 4 and 5 when he opts out and can supermax as an All-NBA type player.
And he can now extend on the NEXT deal 2 years earlier at the bananas rate we haven't even seen yet because the salary cap will increase again.
Given his age (28) he was likely only getting one mega-max deal. Noe eh has locke din another 100M fully GTD and set himself up for a 500M payday at age 31 he if stays healthy and playing at this level.

That Nova college team beat my Texas Tech Red Raiders and was a heck of a squad.
This Knicks group is very, very salty. But how they mix in Randle and get Center coverage may the final telling on this season.

I am glad the East got a lot stronger. I can very much attest that an unchallenged, rested Celts were zero fun to face in the finals.