This is such a fallacy......this is one of those statements a sportscaster made somewhere and rather do their on research, they take it as gospel.
I just googled NFL QB armstrength and looked up the first three sports entities that popped up and in less than two minutes of research here's what I found:
1. particular article was 2014, so it was no help.
2. Next was Bleacher report: They just listed the top 10 in armstrength..........Dak was #9 on the list.
3. The third one was USA today: They did a 1-10 rating...........Dak was at 8.5 guess who else had an 8.5 rating? Carson Wentz.... of which we hear has a "cannon", yet Dak has a Noodle" arm with the same rating.
My point is, these sports talk shows have favorite teams just like we do and will pump up their favorites downplay their hated teams, so instead of buying into so quickly search it out before taking their opinion as absolute truth, check it out yourself.