News: Dak finally makes it to TMZ for partying

Without question. TMZ is the worst of the worst. I refuse to click their links, because I don't want them to get ANY clicks at all from me. Trash, complete trash.

I'm right there with you, Drama. Won't click. If someone posts a pic, like the one TMZ had of Zeke at the dispensary then I'll look, of course.

But they won't get my click, either, broham. And I eat up everything sports media.
I'm right there with you, Drama. Won't click. If someone posts a pic, like the one TMZ had of Zeke at the dispensary then I'll look, of course.

But they won't get my click, either, broham. And I eat up everything sports media.

You don't click on those Kendall Jenner lingerie links or is that just me?? :flagwave:
Dak has already been on TMZ for the spring break fight.

TMZ is everywhere. They buy all the photos that the paparazzi take. They offer the most money, so dudes go out and take a pic, then they know they can dial up TMZ and get $500/$1k for some "edgy" pic.

Watch Nightcrawler, it's basically TMZ's M.O.
I wouldn't stop at identifying TMZ, etc., as exploiters. They get material to air or publish from professional and amateur sources. Regardless of their chosen job, celebrities deserve their personal anonymity outside their professional lives--just like anyone else deserves. The fact that camera phones are everywhere doesn't justify anyone having the ability to capture private moments in celebrities' lives and profit from it.
What is TMZ and where is it?
They had enough time to get back to DFW and get there last night?

They're a multimedia juggernaut that pays paparazzi for their photos of celebrities (and now sports figures) that offer any amount of edginess or scandal.

When they stick to just celebs, they're at times fine, as celebs actually use them as a way to stay relevant (i.e. interviews on Rodeo Drive, at LAX -- keeps them in the spotlight). They have a show every night that airs these interviews and shows these celeb pics.

Only now, with their sports branch, it's all exploitation with very little (if any) substance. They are out to make money on the shockiest of shock value pics (as it pertains to sports). Taking photos of dudes at clubs (like this thread for example) or marijuana shops (Zeke) etc.

Levin is smart for expanding his company, I'll give him that, but it's disturbing how much sports media is running with their (TMZ's) content.

@WoodysGirl again, I appreciate all you do, this is just my take on the subject of TMZ.

As far as Dak and Zeke partying, good for them. As others have said, as long as they're not breaking laws, or missing team functions (they won't), have at it!
They did nothing wrong. As long as we're winning and they aren't breaking any laws, have fun.

Heck, most of our championship teams from the 70's (remember "North Dallas 40"?) and, of course, the 90's were littered with dudes that love to cut loose and have fun...and many of them BROKE THE LAW doing it!!! LOL. Obviously those past stories were way overstepping the limits of appropriateness to say the least, but that doesn't mean NFL players need to act like monks either.

That life comes with being a Dallas Cowboy. Let them have their good fun as young bachelors and leave it at that. They will be in their 40's and "washed up" in no time ;) so let's cut them some slack. Shoot...if I was back in my 20's on top of the NFL world you can best believe I would be out there enjoying it! That said...just keep it clean fellas! ;)

On a side note, I recall as a kid being outside of Texas Stadium after a playoff game waiting for autographs. We had just beat the Packers (Glen Dickey was the GB QB, so that tells you the era for my fellow "old timers"...LOL). Here comes Harvey Martin after the game (he played well as I recall), followed by James Lofton strolling out to the parking lot. These dudes literally had THREE women on each arm and one trailing that knowing look. Not sharing this story to condone or justify this behavior, just stating reality...this is an NFL way of life and always has been. Difference is now we have a 24-hour, multi-channel media cycle that amplifies it and blows it out of proportion.
As long as guys are taking care of their business and keeping out of trouble I have no problem with them going out and having a good time. They just have to remember as star athletes they will always have a target on their back for leeches who are looking to cash in on them. Be careful out there guys and enjoy
I know these guys are young, so I can't hate on them going out and having fun. I'll have a problem with it if we start seeing pics and video of them out every week. The more they go out, the more likely it is that trouble will find them. Have a good time, but be smart, and be safe. Especially with the ladies ;)
I'd personally like them to stay away from the party scene.

But they are both adults. Partying doesn't automatically mean up to no good, just a lot of trouble is often drawn to parties.
Dez has made his own bed. You can already tell that a kid like Dak is worlds different that Dez. Two different human beings. One has class and the other has none.
Not sure if that's everything or not everything. Regardless, Bryant has been overcriticised. Certainly he deserves some backlash but everything is too inclusive. For example, the guy was blamed for an incident that was never caught on video--even though Florio reported it as true.

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