Dak gets another Top 5 ranking


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You really are confused by this game we call football. I am sorry.

Please explain it to me genius. Please explain to me how the offense can help out the defense by giving them good field position.


Put your foot in your mouth much?


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I am unable to explain the basic concepts of football to donkeys.


Ask the donkey to explain what he says and he folds!!!

Why does a defense need good field position donkey? :muttley::muttley:

You want the offense to fumble on the 1 so the defense can get a safety easier? :lmao::lmao::lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:


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How do you spin facts? Facts don't need spinning.

All of these are 100% FACT.

Dak is coming off a bad injury. We hope it doesn't affect his play. FACT.
Lost 3 of 4 games last year. FACT.
Offense was bad in redzone. FACT.
Offense was bad in first half of games against base Defenses. FACT.
Your first fact was wrong . He was 2-3 officially. And you failed to mention the 3 losses were all against playoff teams.

You obviously were not interested in providing the truth. Only spinning to bash our QB. In two of those losses put up over 30 points a game and the other was against #1 defense. All facts you failed to mention because they don’t support your spin.


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That is colossally stupid logic.
It's really not. That's why averages exists.

It's like Lebron in basketball. The running joke is that he averages 27/7/7 for his career, but has NEVER had a 27/7/7 game in his career. That's where the "around" thing comes from. Lebron will give you "around" 27/7/7 every night, but maybe not ever that exact number.


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Yep, actually got a monster extension. Those that thought the offense would be great without Dak found out different. Daks absence made it obvious how much the offense needed him.
Are you going to keep this same energy if Dak comes out and doesn't at all live up to the expectations?


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It's really not. That's why averages exists.

It's like Lebron in basketball. The running joke is that he averages 27/7/7 for his career, but has NEVER had a 27/7/7 game in his career. That's where the "around" thing comes from. Lebron will give you "around" 27/7/7 every night, but maybe not ever that exact number.
That’s not an about. That’s an average.


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Whats fun is kicking you all over the board with your laughable ideas and opinions. Maybe if they made sense it would be more of a debate.
You've set the bar so high for Dak that he has to win an MVP and a Super Bowl to reach it.

Everyone knows your feelings on Dak. You won't be able to back peddle if he fails.

I have a feeling you're not the type that would ever admit you're wrong or change your opinions.


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That’s not an about. That’s an average.
The only people that try and circumcise the mosquito are the ones that know their arguments and points are based in false narratives and are weak.

If you say you can pencil Lebron in for "around" 27/7/7 every night everyone knows what you mean by that. Unless, of course, you're combative and want to push a false narrative. Then you try and argue logistics.

There's always two tell tell signs that you have won an argument. The other person starts to name call or argue logistics.


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The only people that try and circumcise the mosquito are the ones that know their arguments and points are based in false narratives and are weak.

If you say you can pencil Lebron in for "around" 27/7/7 every night everyone knows what you mean by that. Unless, of course, you're combative and want to push a false narrative. Then you try and argue logistics.

There's always two tell tell signs that you have won an argument. The other person starts to name call or argue logistics.
The attempt to declare or achieve a victory in an argument is a sign of trolling.


Intramural Legend
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It's really not. That's why averages exists.

It's like Lebron in basketball. The running joke is that he averages 27/7/7 for his career, but has NEVER had a 27/7/7 game in his career. That's where the "around" thing comes from. Lebron will give you "around" 27/7/7 every night, but maybe not ever that exact number.
You're ignoring his average lol

You're creating a false narrative that Cousins is better than Dak because of "numbers." I think that's your point anyway.

You've also moved way, way away from your original point which is that he's going to give you 4,300, 30 and 10 INTs every year. That's something that' he's "achieved" once, and your positioning it as an expectation. A complete falsehood. It's no different than saying Dak is going to give you 5,000 yards.


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Everything I said was based on the last 5 years. I understand it's not about who I would take today.

I gave you my reasons as to why I pick Cousins over those guys and my reasons haven't changed. You don't have to like it, but you asked me, so I answered.
so based on past 5 years you wouldn't take Roth, but take cousins...and then given you are pushing stats, shouldn't you take Cousins over Brady? I mean cousins has better stats than Brady....see, you changing your standards again, wishy washy......moving the target as you please because you just can't stand to say you were wrong. it will kill you to say it. so you rather go down dying than admit you got cornered and proven wrong.


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Are you going to keep this same energy if Dak comes out and doesn't at all live up to the expectations?

If the offense isnt scoring and its Dak's fault, then that will be the discussion. Unlike you, I dont have an agenda. If Dak plays like $h!t, then he gets hammered like everyone else.

Big question is ..............what are you going to do if the defense shows up this year? You are going to look even more foolish.


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Yes, ask an NFL team if they would rather have a retired Manning or an active Cousins the past 5 years lol

Let me know what they tell ya.
OMG...you are totally lost.... I mean at one point I point out to you about exact stats and you got mad. at one point you round up because it looks better on the eye, now everyone knew what I meant, but you stick to your manning line because that's the only winning thing you have going.... every one knew I meant the active players...but go ahead...play coy


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You've set the bar so high for Dak that he has to win an MVP and a Super Bowl to reach it.

Everyone knows your feelings on Dak. You won't be able to back peddle if he fails.

I have a feeling you're not the type that would ever admit you're wrong or change your opinions.

LOL........what bar have I set? Lets hear this one.

If Dak plays QB poorly, he will get hammered from me. Unlike you, I dont have an agenda.

Im simply discrediting all the dumb things you say. If you actually talked about something other than Dak, we could talk about that.

Want to talk about how bad the defense is?


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Kinda hard to get a lead when your defense is the worst in NFL history dont you think? :muttley:

Field position? Hmmm.........what is "field position" going to do for the defense? How does the offense give the defense field position and is that more important then the defense stopping someone?

Go back to your room little boy.
he is of the kind that thinks all wins and losses are on the QB. and in Dak's case, all Wins are the team and losses are Dak. not sure if it was this idiot, but somebody actually said the run defense problems was because of Dak and they argued for several posts... I am still trying to figure that one out.


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So, just for clarity you say : "Fans that dont understand the game credit QB's."

And your very next statement says : "Some certainly deserve more credit than others." which is obviously you (Roy) giving credit to QB's !

Is this an admission on your part that you don't understand the game?

Inquiring minds want to know. And just let me say, as a fan that doesn't understand the game I feel your pain and credit you for your bravery!
and that's the rub....I have said the same thing. if Dak doesn't play well I will criticize him. I have in the past. but these guys when Dak plays well, will say "anyone could play great with those players around them"....then you mention Dalton and they say injuries injuries injuries...and then they say Injuries shouldn't be an excuse for Dak and then when you tell them Dak played pretty much behind same OL and had same players but better results....they spin to Dalton won 4 games, dak 1......and then they go back to top of the circle and start all over again...