Dak "haters"? Seriously, that's the breadth of your word power?


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1st Round Pick
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When the fragile, physically whipped and frustrated walk-on Tony Romo was shoved aside, I was among Dak's biggest fans. I believed in Dak, big time. It just hasn't worked out for me.

But me disappointment has been to see a deep divide among fans. Some strongly believe in Dak. Others want him and his salary demands gone. It happens.That does not make him a bad man.

So I say to you, dear mateys, phone solicitors, licensed contractors and those with warrants, to call anyone here a "hater/hatah" is so wrong.

My guess is that 90% of Dak's skeptics and critics here like the man but don't like his play, prognosis or greed.
But, on the other dominant hand, most of those who criticize Dak would love to hang with him, have beers and enchiladas with him and maybe back him up in a bar brawl, not that Dak is a troublemaker.

So, all you smug and presumptuous chaps who are quick to use the word hate/hater, you need to step back, take a deep breath and reconsider your choice of words.

Hate is too strong a word to use over a QB. It's not personal, it's just business and exuberant fandom.

Hollah, and brings me a dollah!

I like Dak.. I think his play is ok.. The greed is whatever..

My problem is the value vs the contract and he is horrendous value.


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I like Dak.. I think his play is ok.. The greed is whatever..

My problem is the value vs the contract and he is horrendous value.
my entire thing is the years and how it straps the team horrendously from improving.


Junior College Transfer
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So, to be clear because I think it's important, are we talking people here who are serving warrants or those of us who actually have warrants outstanding against them?


Why do you ask? I paid my warrants off in 24 easy installments.


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The phrase says a lot about those who use it - a sign of insecurity.

The vast majority of people on CZ, including those who dont want him signed, dont hate Dak, or anyone else. Very few, if any off us know him personally. I'm fairly sure he hasnt done anything bad to anyone on CZ either. Hate is a very strong word to use for someone you probably dont know giving an opinion on the salary of someone else you probably dont know.

In the end of the day, CZ is supposed to be harmless banter among sports fans.


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I HATE when I feel as though I am not providing enough for my family.
I HATE when my daughter suffers from her contagion based OCD in a pandemic.
I HATE knowing my mother only has very little time left.
I HATE when my wife is hurting.

To be called a HATER over the frivolous nature of an NFL QB being signed or not signed by those on an online social group means about as much to me as having to change the garbage.

So many seem to live for the division of online social media over things that we have no control over and have no impact in our personal lives.....perhaps we would all be better people, husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, friends.....if we would all just stop and put more focus on our own lives than that of the lives of NFL players.


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When the fragile, physically whipped and frustrated walk-on Tony Romo was shoved aside, I was among Dak's biggest fans. I believed in Dak, big time. It just hasn't worked out for me.

But me disappointment has been to see a deep divide among fans. Some strongly believe in Dak. Others want him and his salary demands gone. It happens.That does not make him a bad man.

So I say to you, dear mateys, phone solicitors, licensed contractors and those with warrants, to call anyone here a "hater/hatah" is so wrong.

My guess is that 90% of Dak's skeptics and critics here like the man but don't like his play, prognosis or greed.
But, on the other dominant hand, most of those who criticize Dak would love to hang with him, have beers and enchiladas with him and maybe back him up in a bar brawl, not that Dak is a troublemaker.

So, all you smug and presumptuous chaps who are quick to use the word hate/hater, you need to step back, take a deep breath and reconsider your choice of words.

Hate is too strong a word to use over a QB. It's not personal, it's just business and exuberant fandom.

Hollah, and brings me a dollah!

Haters is too strong, but you've got no problem with Dak tards or, Dak hangers, or whatever. It goes both ways. You are only serving to show which side you lean towards. The polar nature of this topic is an excellent illustration of our society today. People can't simply have a discussion and attempt to find logic, and middle ground. I am thankful for the posters on this board that are able to accomplish exactly that. You aren't one of them.


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I HATE when I feel as though I am not providing enough for my family.
I HATE when my daughter suffers from her contagion based OCD in a pandemic.
I HATE knowing my mother only has very little time left.
I HATE when my wife is hurting.

To be called a HATER over the frivolous nature of an NFL QB being signed or not signed by those on an online social group means about as much to me as having to change the garbage.

So many seem to live for the division of online social media over things that we have no control over and have no impact in our personal lives.....perhaps we would all be better people, husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, friends.....if we would all just stop and put more focus on our own lives than that of the lives of NFL players.

I hate that you'd ever feel that way having served. We need to do better at giving opportunities to our vets and insuring they are able to take advantage. They've earned it.


Junior College Transfer
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Haters is too strong, but you've got no problem with Dak tards or, Dak hangers, or whatever. It goes both ways. You are only serving to show which side you lean towards. The polar nature of this topic is an excellent illustration of our society today. People can't simply have a discussion and attempt to find logic, and middle ground. I am thankful for the posters on this board that are able to accomplish exactly that. You aren't one of them.

Your grammar is terrible. Did you know that?


Junior College Transfer
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I HATE when I feel as though I am not providing enough for my family.
I HATE when my daughter suffers from her contagion based OCD in a pandemic.
I HATE knowing my mother only has very little time left.
I HATE when my wife is hurting.

To be called a HATER over the frivolous nature of an NFL QB being signed or not signed by those on an online social group means about as much to me as having to change the garbage.

So many seem to live for the division of online social media over things that we have no control over and have no impact in our personal lives.....perhaps we would all be better people, husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, friends.....if we would all just stop and put more focus on our own lives than that of the lives of NFL players.

I am hoping for better days ahead for your family, dear lad.


Junior College Transfer
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Cancerous losers!
One got his fat paycheck now they're looking to double up and continue .500 ball at its finest!

However, with the 17-game season, .500 ball will be impossible, unless we tie some weak team.