Video: Dak in his own words on Dez


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Weird answer there. I'd have gone with something like, "Dez is a great player and I'll miss him, but I'm a player. I don't cut other players -- that isn't my job. My job is to play QB to the best of my ability for this team. Other people in this organization make those decisions."

This almost makes me think he was lobbying against Dez. Which I would understand. But I don't think he gave a very good answer here.

Either that or maybe he’s just not good at speaking on the spot. It’s not like he has a teleprompter in front of him.


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Did you want him to tell the truth? "I'm glad I don't have to have him chirping in my ear every play." "My stress level just dropped 400%."

Leaders hold their tongue when necessary. Children avoid their own responsibility and run to Twitter to throw everyone else under the bus.

No way.

Dak knows how much of the fan base blames him for Dez’s drop in production. He knows he has to produce lest he be on the chopping block himself. That’s a lot of added pressure and stress.


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Weird answer there. I'd have gone with something like, "Dez is a great player and I'll miss him, but I'm a player. I don't cut other players -- that isn't my job. My job is to play QB to the best of my ability for this team. Other people in this organization make those decisions."

This almost makes me think he was lobbying against Dez. Which I would understand. But I don't think he gave a very good answer here.

You said essentially what he said. He said he’s a second year player, and the people who get paid to make the decisions made their choice. He’s reminded that it’s just a business so he has to do his best next season, etc.


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Weird answer there. I'd have gone with something like, "Dez is a great player and I'll miss him, but I'm a player. I don't cut other players -- that isn't my job. My job is to play QB to the best of my ability for this team. Other people in this organization make those decisions."

This almost makes me think he was lobbying against Dez. Which I would understand. But I don't think he gave a very good answer here.

I don't really care one way or another, but that's literally almost ver batim what he said

oops, didn't see the clarification.


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Did you want him to tell the truth? "I'm glad I don't have to have him chirping in my ear every play." "My stress level just dropped 400%."

Leaders hold their tongue when necessary. Children avoid their own responsibility and run to Twitter to throw everyone else under the bus.

I took a much different interpretation. "I make 800k and have only been here two years. I want to get paid and not make any waves after seeing how they move"

PA Cowboy Fan

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Basically, he said Dez was talented and will be missed. Hard to replace. He indicated he wasn’t informed until it was announced and, as a second year guy, he doesn’t have much input. Says it puts things in perspective that it’s iust a business. Called Dez a brother and said they’d texted.
I don't know why he doesn't have any input when the whole idea is to make the offense Dak friendly.


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Did you want him to tell the truth? "I'm glad I don't have to have him chirping in my ear every play." "My stress level just dropped 400%."

Leaders hold their tongue when necessary. Children avoid their own responsibility and run to Twitter to throw everyone else under the bus.

Jason Garrett must be one hell of a "leader" then...