Dak is a trip

Gangsta Spanksta

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Gangsta Spanksta said:
Explain then what the Quarterback should do then to motivate an unmotivated and unprepared team in the playoffs, if he is a leader.
It is the Coaching Staffs job to motivate the team, but why would a playoff team need motivation?
So people say he is a great QB, because he leads by example, for example he himself not being prepared to play in the playoffs? I said before, it is my opinion that Dak is an average leader, like Romo was. Coaching hasn't been motivating the team for years. This team needs a Quarterback that can be a true leader and lead the team where the coaches fail to lead the team. Coaches are setup to fail here because of the Culture Jerry has installed. And I have said several times I believe this team can win in the regular season but lacks the leadership on and off the field to be a true competitor in the playoffs.

Prescott’s Job is to lead by example! Nobody questions Prescotts preparation, in fact D4KYard is responsible for Lamb and Ferguson…
I don't know if nobody question his preparation for the playoffs, considering he keeps failing at them. Dak has been one of the main reasons why we lost those San Francisco games for example. So how is he leading by example if he is part of the problem? The version of Dak that had the best chance to win a playoff game IMHO was the 2016 version that had good instincts and didn't know better. I thought that, that version of Dak was going to be the next Big Ben and thought he would surpass Romo. I'm not sure what the D4KYard thing is supposed to mean, so I can't comment on that...

Gangsta Spanksta said:
I asked before, is Dak a leader because he tells players things that they want to hear in the locker room or is a leader because he tells people what they don't want to hear on the field.
Who told you that is what Prescott is doing or not doing? Why would I answer a question that is based on your opinion? Who told you that was Prescott leadership style? Dak Haters make up stuff and then argue against It???
The whole Dak is a great leader is based on hearsay of what people said they heard from his team mates. When the whole thing first came out, I said that is a general response people get from players when asked about their Quarterback. "Uh he's a great leader" because no direct quote was given. Furthermore, people can think others are great leaders when they say a lot of things that they like to hear. Some people think their boss is a great boss because they are nice. But sometimes, someone is a great leader when he tells people things that they don't want to hear, and then those people think that they are a horrible boss, but in reality even though they are disliked for the moment they are a good leader. Leadership isn't always telling people what they want to hear and making friends. What examples do you have of Dak being a great leader, besides hearsay, without knowing if the team is saying he is a great leader because he tells them what they want to hear in the locker room versus he also tells them what they need to hear but don't want to hear?

Gangsta Spanskta said:
You are on the side that says Dak is a great leader. On the side that says he is a better leader than Romo was, based on what people in the locker room have said. I have seen Romo get on Dez and other players. So that was a different generation of players too, according to you, since I don't see Dak get on anyone on the field ever.
Difference……Romo’s leadership lost his Lockerroom in his Prime!! Dak has lost CeeDee‘s Mother :lmao: :muttley:
You have the link to the news article about Romo losing his lockerroom in his prime? Or is that all made up? The main thing I remember, which you might be refering to, was when TO was part of the team and TO was a known lockerroom cancer. The guy threw every single Quarterback he was receiver for under the bus. He called Jeff Garcia gay. Had a big explosion with McNabb on the Eagles, where they had to get rid off him. He then tried to turn his juniors against Garrett because he felt that Romo was throwing too much to Jason Witten, something that was disproven when they showed during a game the stats that TO actually had more passes thrown to him, but like 49er fans had previously said, TO had a tendancy of dropping balls. But is that really Romo's fault, Jerry bringing in a locker room cancer that set out to divide the team? Or are you perhaps talking about something else? Out of curiosity, you think Dak would've gotten along with TO, and TO wouldn't have thrown him under the bus as well like he did to every quarterback?

Project much?? You are saying screaming on the sideline is good for YOU!! I haven’t posited any leadership style other than Dak leads by example. It’s not my fault Cowboy fans are entitled and think they deserve their style of archaic leadership!!

If Troy Aikman played today. He’d lose a 1/3rd of his team to free agency and would deal with Parity!!

Michael Irvin’s Great On field leadership wouldn’t make it to the field for half the season games because social media would have destroyed Irvin in the 90s

Reboot your Server!!
You are the one who was saying that leadership has changed, and motivation of players has changed, and what worked in yester's NFL doesn't work in today's NFL. If you make such claims, you should have substance to back them up. Besides the 90's cowboys, I've seen Romo talk to Dak after Dak didn't run a route right, when he was still green. Who said anything about screaming? Who's projecting. It doesn't matter how you tell those you are leading, when they are doing something wrong, even if they don't want to hear it, as long as you do it. Leadership is not about making people like you, it is about making sure everyone is one the same page and people don't make mistakes. The cowboys don't have much on the field leadership, and I don't quite understand why you are saying that on the field leadership is outdated, or what it has to do with yelling. Also leading by example, to me, means that you can't be one of the biggest reason your team consistantly loses playoff games. I'm not saying that Dak is an bad leader. I think he is an average leader like Romo was. But I think you guys overhype his leadership abilities, when I don't see a well disciplined team.


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So people say he is a great QB, because he leads by example, for example he himself not being prepared to play in the playoffs? I said before, it is my opinion that Dak is an average leader, like Romo was. Coaching hasn't been motivating the team for years. This team needs a Quarterback that can be a true leader and lead the team where the coaches fail to lead the team. Coaches are setup to fail here because of the Culture Jerry has installed. And I have said several times I believe this team can win in the regular season but lacks the leadership on and off the field to be a true competitor in the playoffs.

I don't know if nobody question his preparation for the playoffs, considering he keeps failing at them. Dak has been one of the main reasons why we lost those San Francisco games for example. So how is he leading by example if he is part of the problem? The version of Dak that had the best chance to win a playoff game IMHO was the 2016 version that had good instincts and didn't know better. I thought that, that version of Dak was going to be the next Big Ben and thought he would surpass Romo. I'm not sure what the D4KYard thing is supposed to mean, so I can't comment on that...

The whole Dak is a great leader is based on hearsay of what people said they heard from his team mates. When the whole thing first came out, I said that is a general response people get from players when asked about their Quarterback. "Uh he's a great leader" because no direct quote was given. Furthermore, people can think others are great leaders when they say a lot of things that they like to hear. Some people think their boss is a great boss because they are nice. But sometimes, someone is a great leader when he tells people things that they don't want to hear, and then those people think that they are a horrible boss, but in reality even though they are disliked for the moment they are a good leader. Leadership isn't always telling people what they want to hear and making friends. What examples do you have of Dak being a great leader, besides hearsay, without knowing if the team is saying he is a great leader because he tells them what they want to hear in the locker room versus he also tells them what they need to hear but don't want to hear?

You have the link to the news article about Romo losing his lockerroom in his prime? Or is that all made up? The main thing I remember, which you might be refering to, was when TO was part of the team and TO was a known lockerroom cancer. The guy threw every single Quarterback he was receiver for under the bus. He called Jeff Garcia gay. Had a big explosion with McNabb on the Eagles, where they had to get rid off him. He then tried to turn his juniors against Garrett because he felt that Romo was throwing too much to Jason Witten, something that was disproven when they showed during a game the stats that TO actually had more passes thrown to him, but like 49er fans had previously said, TO had a tendancy of dropping balls. But is that really Romo's fault, Jerry bringing in a locker room cancer that set out to divide the team? Or are you perhaps talking about something else? Out of curiosity, you think Dak would've gotten along with TO, and TO wouldn't have thrown him under the bus as well like he did to every quarterback?

You are the one who was saying that leadership has changed, and motivation of players has changed, and what worked in yester's NFL doesn't work in today's NFL. If you make such claims, you should have substance to back them up. Besides the 90's cowboys, I've seen Romo talk to Dak after Dak didn't run a route right, when he was still green. Who said anything about screaming? Who's projecting. It doesn't matter how you tell those you are leading, when they are doing something wrong, even if they don't want to hear it, as long as you do it. Leadership is not about making people like you, it is about making sure everyone is one the same page and people don't make mistakes. The cowboys don't have much on the field leadership, and I don't quite understand why you are saying that on the field leadership is outdated, or what it has to do with yelling. Also leading by example, to me, means that you can't be one of the biggest reason your team consistantly loses playoff games. I'm not saying that Dak is an bad leader. I think he is an average leader like Romo was. But I think you guys overhype his leadership abilities, when I don't see a well disciplined team.

Gangsta Spanksta

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He's sounds disgruntled sure, and talks about Dak elevating people around him and Romo doesn't. In the end, is that true? Who has Dak Elevated? Romo has a rep for elevating receivers. Dak doesn't seem to have that reputation. Cooper was seen as saving Dak and elevating him, and he called Dak insultingly the Black Kirk Cousins. So you perhaps also have someone who was disgruntled with Dak and maybe CeeDee told his mom something and is disgruntled himself. But really, who has Dak elevated? It is not something I hear often except from maybe some of his biggest homers.
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He's sounds disgruntled sure, and talks about Dak elevating people around him and Romo doesn't. In the end, is that true? Who has Dak Elevated? Romo has a rep for elevating receivers. Dak doesn't seem to have that reputation. Cooper was seen as saving Dak and elevating him, and he called Dak insultingly the Black Kirk Cousins. So you perhaps also have someone who was disgruntled with Dak and maybe CeeDee told his mom something and is disgruntled himself. But really, who has Dak elevated? It is not something I hear often except for maybe some of his biggest homers.
I could bring Black Jesus on the stand and you'll still deny the truth :lmao: :lmao:

Gangsta Spanksta

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I could bring Black Jesus on the stand and you'll still deny the truth :lmao: :lmao:
Is it the truth though? In any position of leadership, you will have disgruntled people, who through their view, because they view you negatively, think you were bad. But that doesn't always mean it is so. I mean you, yourself have said you worked in management, so you should know this. Being a leader is not about making friends or getting people to like your or even think you are a good leader, it is about getting results. I think Dak and Romo are average leaders. I haven't seen anything to think that they are bad. I think the Daksters overhype Dak's leadership abilities, based on some locker room hearsay where someone said he was a good leader, but no examples about how he was a good leader were given. I have more example of Romo doing on the field leadership than I have of Dak. In the end, the results are the same, neither Quarterback could make up for a lack of bad leadership due to coaches being hamstrung by Jerry and lead the team when the coaches didn't. We need a far better leader at QB than either Dak or Romo to make up for that. When homers say that Dak is a great leader, the can not provide anything of substance and instead always use the hearsay. Hearsay doesn't prove anything, unfortunately. So what is the truth? Do you think that Dak is going to get any better at his age? Since we will take a huge cap hit because of him, will we be able to keep the talent level compareable around him as it is now? If the talent level around him falls, then what makes you think we can win playoff games with him going forward. Dak and Romo are good QBs, that could win on a well run organization, but this organization is a joke. I don't think we can get anything better out of Dak at this point.


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Lol maybe he was finally embarrassed about his level of play. Getting outplayed and out-poised by a what’s basically a rookie on your home turf? Love was out there looking like Aikman and Dak once again had the cocaine eyes. Looks like greenbay and the 49’ers will be beating us for years to come once again.


Texas Ranger
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Dak was running to the bank because he almost had 400 yards in garbage time so he is now going to ask for a few extra million.


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Where I'm from, cowards didn't eat!!

All the Cowboy "Fans" whining need to pull a Tom Landry congregation....just leave!!

Real Cowboy Fans will support and criticize all QBs equally!!

Dak Hate is NOT about Football!

Who are the loudest in the Off-season or after a loss? :lmao2: :lmao2:
The old R card when you have nothing. The Dak criticism is a direct result of his inability to play at a high level against good competition in crucial games. All those critics of Dak would take Mahomes, Stroud in a minute over Dak so much for your pathetic attempt for attention with hate.


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The old R card when you have nothing. The Dak criticism is a direct result of his inability to play at a high level against good competition in crucial games. All those critics of Dak would take Mahomes, Stroud in a minute over Dak so much for your pathetic attempt for attention with hate.
Yes, they also wouldn't call Mahomes or Strouds significant other a Thot.....agreed!!

Dak Haters....I don't give a f about your 17th Century word definitions:laugh: :lmao:


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(Edited for clarity: So people say he is a great QB, because he leads by example, for example he himself not being prepared to play in the playoffs? I said before, it is my opinion that Dak is an average leader, like Romo was.
For the record, I don't believe anyone touted Romo as some grandiose leader, like people feel forced to do with Dak.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yes, they also wouldn't call Mahomes or Strouds significant other a Thot.....agreed!!

Dak Haters....I don't give a f about your 17th Century word definitions:laugh: :lmao:
You live in a very strange world of hate and lies.


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The game is still going too fast for him even after it's over and he lost! Still running to get out his yips! LOL

Gangsta Spanksta

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For the record, I don't believe anyone touted Romo as some grandiose leader, like people feel forced to do with Dak.
I don't think Dak nor Romo are/were bad leaders. It is just a claim people keep making for Dak that he is a great leader, but at the end of the day they don't have any examples of how he is a great leader and why. They are just using a bit of hearsay to prove their points, but there is a reason why hearsay is inadmissible in court, and at the end of the day whenever someone posts that, it is an unproven statement.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I don't think Dak nor Romo are/were bad leaders. It is just a claim people keep making for Dak that he is a great leader, but at the end of the day they don't have any examples of how he is a great leader and why. They are just using a bit of hearsay to prove their points, but there is a reason why hearsay is inadmissible in court, and at the end of the day whenever someone posts that, it is an unproven statement.
I think the people who refer to his leadership do so because they hear his teammates call him a leader. But what QB 's team doesn't say that?