Dak is a trip

Gangsta Spanksta

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He was worried about meeting angry Cowboys fans in the parking lot



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Chicken is a compliment. Where I'm from, cowards didn't step off the porch.
Where I'm from, cowards didn't eat!!

All the Cowboy "Fans" whining need to pull a Tom Landry congregation....just leave!!

Real Cowboy Fans will support and criticize all QBs equally!!

Dak Hate is NOT about Football!

Who are the loudest in the Off-season or after a loss? :lmao2: :lmao2:

Gangsta Spanksta

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Where I'm from, cowards didn't eat!!

All the Cowboy "Fans" whining need to pull a Tom Landry congregation....just leave!!

Real Cowboy Fans will support and criticize all QBs equally!!

Dak Hate is NOT about Football!

Who are the loudest in the Off-season or after a loss? :lmao2: :lmao2:
Some people care more about a QB being criticized than the the local Dallas news paper proclaiming this to being one of our most embarrassing loses in history.


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Some people care more about a QB being criticized than the the local Dallas news paper proclaiming this to being one of our most embarrassing loses in history.
Dak Haters and some gullible fans are skewering Dakota's awful performance at QB but ignore the game conditions that forced Dak to go dumb.....

Have you ever played football on a team that can't stop the run or run the football?

It's called Volleyball team!!

Dak Haters are worse than I ever thought....any other Team and Dan Quinn would need protection in public :laugh: :laugh:

Gangsta Spanksta

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Dak Haters and some gullible fans are skewering Dakota's awful performance at QB but ignore the game conditions that forced Dak to go dumb.....

Have you ever played football on a team that can't stop the run or run the football?

It's called Volleyball team!!

Dak Haters are worse than I ever thought....any other Team and Dan Quinn would need protection in public :laugh: :laugh:
Where is the on the field leadership, where the quarterback gets mad and tells his team mates to get their acts together? Isn't the leader of the team supposed to rally the troops. I mean, if people are going to proclaim the guy a great leader, then doesn't the buck stop at leader for not getting angry and doing something to get everyone on the same page?

America's Cowboy

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Where is the on the field leadership, where the quarterback gets mad and tells his team mates to get their acts together? Isn't the leader of the team supposed to rally the troops. I mean, if people are going to proclaim the guy a great leader, then doesn't the buck stop at leader for not getting angry and doing something to get everyone on the same page?
Dak was trying to get after CeeDee, but CeeDee started pouting.


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What am I missing? What was he supposed to be doing? Is it the helmet on? Should he have been walking slower and smiling? We lost. What are ya'll looking for? Lol


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Where is the on the field leadership, where the quarterback gets mad and tells his team mates to get their acts together? Isn't the leader of the team supposed to rally the troops. I mean, if people are going to proclaim the guy a great leader, then doesn't the buck stop at leader for not getting angry and doing something to get everyone on the same page?
Do you also want a soda pop for a nickel or whale oil for your lamps?

That ERA is OVER!!! Do you see any of these successful young coaches with Jimmy Johnson’s style or top WRs in this era acting like Michael Irvins on the sideline???

Dirty little secret…..45% of the players don’t give crap about a Super Bowl.

The days of get off my lawn are over!! That is my generation. :lmao: These players are motivated differently.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Do you also want a soda pop for a nickel or whale oil for your lamps?

That ERA is OVER!!! Do you see any of these successful young coaches with Jimmy Johnson’s style or top WRs in this era acting like Michael Irvins on the sideline???

Dirty little secret…..45% of the players don’t give crap about a Super Bowl.

The days of get off my lawn are over!! That is my generation. :lmao: These players are motivated differently.
So you are saying Dak is not a leader on the field? Or that he isn't expect to lead on the field. The quarterback is not supposed to say something, do something, when he notices that his team mates didn't come out to play and our unmotivated because they are from a different generation from the days when players were motivated to win a championship. What is the motivation now, to get paid?


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So you are saying Dak is not a leader on the field? Or that he isn't expect to lead on the field. The quarterback is not supposed to say something, do something, when he notices that his team mates didn't come out to play and our unmotivated because they are from a different generation from the days when players were motivated to win a championship. What is the motivation now, to get paid?
I am saying….expecting a QB to execute the style of leadership YOU think works that is not prevalent in today’s sport screams of hubris! Capiche??


Junior College Transfer
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The losers are in this thread...what did he do that was wrong? I know he layed an egg, but calling him out for this! LOL! Damn, you all need to get a flipping life.
No, Ruben, me forum dudes are not calling him out for this.

The underlying reasons for wholesale disgust are pick 6s, and not leading his team until he was 27 points behind.
His cowardly tunnel run is symptomatic of a larger problem with Deek: his sad sack performances in the playoffs for FOUR consecutive years.
If you missed tha, then the mesquite roots re getting into your septic tank to further cloud your football sense with fumes.
(Wow. What eloquence I spring forth)
Good luck with Dak Louis Vuitton Prescott next year when he will further embarrass you as you wish. Count on it.


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Dak, with his helmet still on, runs to the locker room. Why? I have always been told a QB should play as hard as they can, and leave it all on the field. This shows Dak certainly did not do that. It seems to me he got paid to mail in our season.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I am saying….expecting a QB to execute the style of leadership YOU think works that is not prevalent in today’s sport screams of hubris! Capiche??
Explain then what the Quarterback should do then to motivate an unmotivated and unprepared team in the playoffs, if he is a leader. I asked before, is Dak a leader because he tells players things that they want to hear in the locker room or is a leader because he tells people what they don't want to hear on the field. What is leadership to you? You said these players aren't motivated the same way they used to be. Explain. What motivates them? Some how I don't think you have experience in management from what you are saying. I mean you say, modern players aren't motivated like the players were when dallas was a successful team. Then you don't provide examples how they are motivated these days and what a leader like Dak would do to motivate them. You are on the side that says Dak is a great leader. On the side that says he is a better leader than Romo was, based on what people in the locker room have said. I have seen Romo get on Dez and other players. So that was a different generation of players too, according to you, since I don't see Dak get on anyone on the field ever. I mean are you saying something because it just sounds good to you, or do you have actual proof that leadership has changed, where you shouldn't talk to your team mates that you are leading, and tell them to get their act together. If you don't do that, then how do you motivate them, to get them back into the right state of mind to play the game. I mean, you made the claim, so please explain it to me.


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Explain then what the Quarterback should do then to motivate an unmotivated and unprepared team in the playoffs, if he is a leader.
It is the Coaching Staffs job to motivate the team, but why would a playoff team need motivation?

Prescott’s Job is to lead by example! Nobody questions Prescotts preparation, in fact D4KYard is responsible for Lamb and Ferguson…
I asked before, is Dak a leader because he tells players things that they want to hear in the locker room or is a leader because he tells people what they don't want to hear on the field.
Who told you that is what Prescott is doing or not doing? Why would I answer a question that is based on your opinion? Who told you that was Prescott leadership style? Dak Haters make up stuff and then argue against It???
What is leadership to you?
Tell me the make up of my team or organization? Then I’ll give you my leadership style. It’s definitely NOT Purdy screaming at the Special Teams and Oline for poor play
You said these players aren't motivated the same way they used to be. Explain. What motivates them?
I don’t know I don’t claim to be psychic like Dak Haters!! I
Some how I don't think you have experience in management from what you are saying. I mean you say, modern players aren't motivated like the players were when dallas was a successful team. Then you don't provide examples how they are motivated these days and what a leader like Dak would do to motivate them.
I have, but any Manager worth their salt wouldn’t use Madmen leadership style in today’s workforce.
You are on the side that says Dak is a great leader. On the side that says he is a better leader than Romo was, based on what people in the locker room have said. I have seen Romo get on Dez and other players. So that was a different generation of players too, according to you, since I don't see Dak get on anyone on the field ever.
Difference……Romo’s leadership lost his Lockerroom in his Prime!! Dak has lost CeeDee‘s Mother :lmao: :muttley:
I mean are you saying something because it just sounds good to you, or do you have actual proof that leadership has changed, where you shouldn't talk to your team mates that you are leading, and tell them to get their act together. If you don't do that, then how do you motivate them, to get them back into the right state of mind to play the game. I mean, you made the claim, so please explain it to me.
Project much?? You are saying screaming on the sideline is good for YOU!! I haven’t posited any leadership style other than Dak leads by example. It’s not my fault Cowboy fans are entitled and think they deserve their style of archaic leadership!!

If Troy Aikman played today. He’d lose a 1/3rd of his team to free agency and would deal with Parity!!

Michael Irvin’s Great On field leadership wouldn’t make it to the field for half the season games because social media would have destroyed Irvin in the 90s

Reboot your Server!!
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