Dak last 3 games- 2 Passing TD 4 INT 82 Rating


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm with you that he's not going to make a 6-10 team a 10-6 team, because there is only 2-4 of those in the league, but he is the solution as out franchise QB rhat helps us win games.

We have so many issues:
1. Coaching
2. Defensive tackle
3. Defensive play calling
4. The drop in play by Awuzie, LVE, Jaylon, and somewhat DLaw
5. Tops in the league in penalties
6. Worst special teams in league
7. Oline's downfall

Dak-Zoids gotta love it.....(you forgot the no 1 play-maker on any offense)..... 1A. QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB ......


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
dood has the vision of ray Charles stop denying

No, i don't ....lol



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Dak-Zoids gotta love it.....(you forgot the no 1 play-maker on any offense)..... 1A. QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB QB ......

I mentioned QB in the post you quoted....

Come on Mommy, keep up little buddy!
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Dak 69.7% completions thru 6 games. But that isn't good enough. You guys will complain no matter who suits up.
You can complete passes all day but you know what's really important? Scoring. He racked up the points against some of the worst teams in the league but we have found ourselves in large holes against the better (and worse) teams we have played here recently. He isn't getting it done. He wants to be paid like a guy who can put the team on his back and will them to a win. He obviously can't though so why should he get a top-QB contract?


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I think it’s absolutely disgusting how the Cowboys keep letting Dak down.

I don’t know about you guys but I’m not putting this on Dak’s official “W/L record.”


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No he was never worth $40 mil.

At this point. Just let him play out the season.

Fire Garrett’s useless behind and let the new coach decide what direction to to at QB.
Dak got hammered Sunday, he made some good throws,some bad ones, I believe he will be signed at some point this season simply to divert attention if the season tanks, that said the coaching and more important GM leadership has wasted some quality players the last 10-12 years and Jerry will not admit that. I am with you on your feelings and that has been my view, problem is if Jerry actually admits his failure who would be the next yes man coach? Jerry believes and will prove to the world he is a great football mind, and that ugly mind is what is the main problem the last 23 years, sad part is Jr. doesn't seem any better.


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The receivers dropping passes that hit them in the hands were drive killers. The Oline playing like crap and allowing Dak to get hit on almost every pass attempt were drive killers. Some of the terrible playcalling was drive killers. The Defense getting hammered and driven/scored on was a game killer once again. About the only ones that played well were Dak and Zeke. Everyone else played terrible. Throw in the crooked officials evidently helping the Jets, it's very clear what I've been saying for years that the league office and their officials have it in for our Cowboys. Goodell and the other owners must truly hate or despise Jerry that much. Then we have to deal with cutthroat supposed fans (not you bro). It becomes tiring.
You need to read what you wrote , you can not honestly believe it. If you do believe it you need to rethink your position as it just isn't tenable.


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Dak was the only reason we were even in this game. Gallup, who I normally love, dropped several passes today. Both our tackles were out. 2 of our top 3 receivers were out. And the refs let the Jets just tee off on Dak with late hits all day.

Blaming this loss on Dak is simply looking for self-validation..
And don’t forget the TD pass taken off the board by a marginal offensive PI call. But remember, on here these aren’t facts. They’re excuses. If it was Romo, or Aikman then the excuses would be valid. But not with Dak.


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ur a tool that would get laughed at my local sports bar blaming a running back cause the qb sux ballz

See how they are shifting the blame to the RB to defend their chosen one... Lets blame Zeke for a second... Zeke’s three year career has been carrying this bum, so it’s about time Dak returns the favor, since he’s supposedly ‘learned the game’...

They are the ones that say a RB and guys like Zeke aren’t worth the contract in this era, but apparently Zeke is worth all the blame when Dak can’t complete a pass without ten seconds to throw..


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Dak was the only reason we were even in this game. Gallup, who I normally love, dropped several passes today. Both our tackles were out. 2 of our top 3 receivers were out. And the refs let the Jets just tee off on Dak with late hits all day.

Blaming this loss on Dak is simply looking for self-validation..

nonsense.. 9 of the 12 plays on our most successful drive, to start the third, that ate up 7 minutes of the clock and wore out the Saints front decent, was run plays to Zeke. Dak hardly got touched in the whole second half when Dallas started emphasizing the run via Zeke.

you guys and your “Dak was the reason we were in the game” are snake-oil salesmen..


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D-line pressure vs. no D-line pressure

Dak was not fantastic, he's not worth "40mil". However, Darnold was sipping piña coladas, browsing Home and Garden and getting a pedicure done while picking out a receiver to throw to.

So basically Dak homers in these losses confirm what Josh Norman was saying. That any Qb can make plays when they have ten seconds to throw.

We might as well start Rush then...

Dak homers need to make up thrust minds as to who is at fault and who gets the credit..