Dak Named most valuable player in NFC East over last five years!


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Dak probably saved the Cowboys several years of futility trying to replace Romo. We all know Romo‘s body wasn’t going to hold up much longer. The last three times he hit the turf hard something broke. Had it not been for Dak we could still be looking for a QB.


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He looked a lot better the first season than he was, because people did not know how to game plan against him. He looked like he would be a lot better than he is now. I'm not putting him down here actually, because I think he is a good quarterback. He worked hard and improved and overcame a lot of his flaws. I thought the quarterback class from that 2016 season was going to be one of the top ones. Dak has proven himself to be the guy here, but he isn't anywhere near as good as I thought he was going to be before some of his flaws came out. Like I said, Dak is the new Romo, and the wheels have fallen off at the worst times for him too, rams playoff game, not beating winning teams last season, people can say he choked when he needed to be clutch, like I said the new romo.

The problem with your argument in saying Dak is the new Romo and he can't win big games is factually false. He went toe to toe with Aaron Rogers, and should of won that playoff game. He has also has won numerous other big games with many 4th quarter comebacks. The problem with what your thought process is putting too much stock in last season! You do realize that even Drew Brees has lost of ton of games to good teams right? He had like three years in a row where you didn't play 500 ball bro! What you're doing by spouting things about last year is just showing that you really don't like Dak or you're football IQ needs work. Are you really going to put that much stock in Dak's 2019 performance against winning teams when the whole coaching staff including the players were basically in chaos? Look at his whole body of work, he is on a historic pace, and even with his flaws last year he was one of the best deep passers in the NFL! This is one area that many of you guys said he sucked at but now he proved you wrong. But, now it's he can't beat winning teams? Give me a break man, your true colors are showing.

Dak has already been a part of 2 nfc east titles in his short time here while Romo squeaked out one. Romo was absolutely known for always making crucial and boneheaded mistakes in big moments and as much as you want to push the narrative that Dak is the same way he has proved he is not. In fact, Dak is one of the best protectors of the football in the NFL. Dak has played poorly at times, but always remember it's a total team effort, and it takes the team firing on all cylinders to actually get to the super bowl.

I know you say you support Dak, but when you say things like he played badly in the rams playoff game it just shows how biased you are. Watch the game again man, our defense was horrnedous, Dak didn't play that poorly. There was zero effort in our ground game and we got incredibly out coached. Dak actually outplayed Goff in that game if you want to go back and look it up... Once again though, you put it all on Dak. Sure it would of been great if he and the receivers just threw it all over the ram's defense but that is hard to do when the other team knows you can't run against them. The Ram's took our running game away and we didn't know how to adjust for it.. It was just another example of how ill prepared we were with the freckled puppet as our coach.


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The problem with your argument in saying Dak is the new Romo and he can't win big games is factually false. He went toe to toe with Aaron Rogers, and should of won that playoff game. He has also has won numerous other big games with many 4th quarter comebacks. The problem with what your thought process is putting too much stock in last season! You do realize that even Drew Brees has lost of ton of games to good teams right? He had like three years in a row where you didn't play 500 ball bro! What you're doing by spouting things about last year is just showing that you really don't like Dak or you're football IQ needs work. Are you really going to put that much stock in Dak's 2019 performance against winning teams when the whole coaching staff including the players were basically in chaos? Look at his whole body of work, he is on a historic pace, and even with his flaws last year he was one of the best deep passers in the NFL! This is one area that many of you guys said he sucked at but now he proved you wrong. But, now it's he can't beat winning teams? Give me a break man, your true colors are showing.

Dak has already been a part of 2 nfc east titles in his short time here while Romo squeaked out one. Romo was absolutely known for always making crucial and boneheaded mistakes in big moments and as much as you want to push the narrative that Dak is the same way he has proved he is not. In fact, Dak is one of the best protectors of the football in the NFL. Dak has played poorly at times, but always remember it's a total team effort, and it takes the team firing on all cylinders to actually get to the super bowl.

I know you say you support Dak, but when you say things like he played badly in the rams playoff game it just shows how biased you are. Watch the game again man, our defense was horrnedous, Dak didn't play that poorly. There was zero effort in our ground game and we got incredibly out coached. Dak actually outplayed Goff in that game if you want to go back and look it up... Once again though, you put it all on Dak. Sure it would of been great if he and the receivers just threw it all over the ram's defense but that is hard to do when the other team knows you can't run against them. The Ram's took our running game away and we didn't know how to adjust for it.. It was just another example of how ill prepared we were with the freckled puppet as our coach.
Don’t pay Dak.

Gangsta Spanksta

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The problem with your argument in saying Dak is the new Romo and he can't win big games is factually false. He went toe to toe with Aaron Rogers, and should of won that playoff game.

And the insinuation here is by you: That Romo couldn't win big games, when he actually did. And ironically enough you are using the logical fallacy that that dak should've, could've, would've won a game that he didn't. Remember the closest we've have come to an NFC Championship game is still 2014 since the Aikman era.

He has also has won numerous other big games with many 4th quarter comebacks.

And you are saying that Romo hasn't won numerous games with 4th quarter comebacks? Again, you are trying to prove that Dak is not the new Romo, or was at least before Garret was fired. Like I said, he has something that romo didn't have, and that is a supposedly decent coach later on in his career versus at the beginning of it. Also many of the things the Dak Crowd accuses people of doing to Dak they are guilty of doing to Romo. They'll call Romo a Choker, whereas it is just as easy to say Dak has choked at this point.

The problem with what your thought process is putting too much stock in last season! You do realize that even Drew Brees has lost of ton of games to good teams right? He had like three years in a row where you didn't play 500 ball bro!

The problem really is you presume what I am putting stock in or not. As part of the whole Dak is the whole Romo narrative, the fact that the syndrome of having one good season followed by one bad season hasn't changed under Dak. I know you all will come up with excuses, that it was Garrett's fault, Dak could've, would've, should've... But then those were all true under Romo too. Hopefully the new head coach will change how things have been in the past. But the biggest problem here never was garret; it was Jerrah. It still remains to be seen if the cowboys can break out of the cycle.

Dak has already been a part of 2 nfc east titles in his short time here while Romo squeaked out one. Romo was absolutely known for always making crucial and boneheaded mistakes in big moments and as much as you want to push the narrative that Dak is the same way he has proved he is not. In fact, Dak is one of the best protectors of the football in the NFL. Dak has played poorly at times, but always remember it's a total team effort, and it takes the team firing on all cylinders to actually get to the super bowl.

You might disagree, but many of us believe that the RAMS were able to game plan against Dak. Romo had his flaws, but you couldn't really game plan against him. To Dak's credit, he has improved his game and I don't think teams can Game Plan against him the way they did.

I know you say you support Dak, but when you say things like he played badly in the rams playoff game it just shows how biased you are. Watch the game again man, our defense was horrnedous, Dak didn't play that poorly. There was zero effort in our ground game and we got incredibly out coached. Dak actually outplayed Goff in that game if you want to go back and look it up... Once again though, you put it all on Dak. Sure it would of been great if he and the receivers just threw it all over the ram's defense but that is hard to do when the other team knows you can't run against them. The Ram's took our running game away and we didn't know how to adjust for it.. It was just another example of how ill prepared we were with the freckled puppet as our coach.

No it is people who jock sniff and the haters that are bias. This board has both. I call things how I see them, which may or may not be right. I could admit Romo's flaws as I can admit Dak's flaws. Like I said both were good quarterbacks, but certainly not elite. I also don't like excuses which a lot of the jock sniffers use, waah waah waah it was the defense, waah waah waah it was Zeke, and so on and so on, except for their man crush. Yes the Rams took away our running game, because they were betting that Dak couldn't beat them, because of his flaws, and they were right. To his credit Dak worked hard the following off season, and teams couldn't do that to him anymore. Who is more bias? The guy who can say good and bad things about a player, or the guy who only can say positive things about a player and seems to have an excuse for every loss. Personally, I'd prefer it if people didn't make excuses and wouldn't brag about how great someone is after a loss. Bragging rights are meant to be earned. Like Jimmy says, if you going to talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk...


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Dak playing for the top OL , Running game and elite WRs has a lot to do with that .


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These things are often a major factor here and elsewhere? I mean you make it sound like these things only have happened to Dak, when they've been true with Romo too and are true with many other quarterbacks. As is typical in Dallas, individual accomplishments are not bragged about after a failure of another season. When Romo set the record that Dak almost broke last year, It was a bad season, and I don't remember people singing praises all season about Romo and how he set a record, as some dak fan boys are doing now. Praise Dak when he gets us deep into the playoffs.

It is no troll logic, to scoff at things like when people say NFC East MVP, when many of us pity the the NFC for how low it has sunk. Some of us, expect our great players and leaders to produce, get the team to finally to an NFC Championship and beyond.

interesting how you talk about the team and I’m talking about Dak. But then you says it’s daks fault we did get further.

As a team we failed. Dak as a qb had a great season individually. He was the best player on an average team. Maybe that’s too complicated for you.

Gangsta Spanksta

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interesting how you talk about the team and I’m talking about Dak. But then you says it’s daks fault we did get further.

As a team we failed. Dak as a qb had a great season individually. He was the best player on an average team. Maybe that’s too complicated for you.

Before the new coaching hire, I think it is fair to say that Dak was the new Romo, or would've been, I hope things will change. As for the whole Player and team thing, I think there is a fair amount of hypocrisy involved too by some on both sides. For instance there are those who will call Romo a Choker and then say Dak hasn't been, and bring up player versus team, when defending Dak, but neglect to use the same logic for Romo. Me I believe this franchise has been sick because it has been badly run, has had the wrong culture, and a bad head coach for many years. Even if all that is true, in a zero sums world, at the end of the day, people will say the quarterback and the team choked if they don't produce in the playoffs more than one win.


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I knew Dak was incredibly valuable and an overall amazing player, so it's good to see more evidence backing this up! Of course Dak isn't considered Elite, but if he lights it up this season and does some damage in the playoffs I believe he will erase all doubts.

Look away if you're looking for stats that suggest Dak shouldn't be paid top dollar...

Read all about it






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No big Dak hater and also not big on stats....but until he wins big games that mean something. I’m on the fence. But also I’m willing to give him the chance. I like how the team is set up this year. Barring injury and having some ballers bang out....I’m looking for a great season.
Cowboys forever vattos


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Romo's ceiling was MVP candidate? That's not your ceiling if you only have one year out of your career where you are a MVP candidate lol....usually MVP candidates have more than one year of playing like a MVP.
Logic and the meaning of words is not your strong suit. Just an FYI. Try to play to your strengths (I am not personally aware of what those are).


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Logic and the meaning of words is not your strong suit. Just an FYI. Try to play to your strengths (I am not personally aware of what those are).
Let's be honest. You have issues with anyone who supports Dak and who calls Romo exactly what he is. So you replying to me telling me what you think is kind of odd to me. I find it laughable you thought I cared about what you think.


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Before the new coaching hire, I think it is fair to say that Dak was the new Romo, or would've been, I hope things will change. As for the whole Player and team thing, I think there is a fair amount of hypocrisy involved too by some on both sides. For instance there are those who will call Romo a Choker and then say Dak hasn't been, and bring up player versus team, when defending Dak, but neglect to use the same logic for Romo. Me I believe this franchise has been sick because it has been badly run, has had the wrong culture, and a bad head coach for many years. Even if all that is true, in a zero sums world, at the end of the day, people will say the quarterback and the team choked if they don't produce in the playoffs more than one win.

casual fans that don’t understand the game will say that. Fans where it suits their agenda say that.

And you never responded to one of my comments. You used to be a blatant Dak hater. What changed your tune?


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And the insinuation here is by you: That Romo couldn't win big games, when he actually did. And ironically enough you are using the logical fallacy that that dak should've, could've, would've won a game that he didn't. Remember the closest we've have come to an NFC Championship game is still 2014 since the Aikman era.

And you are saying that Romo hasn't won numerous games with 4th quarter comebacks? Again, you are trying to prove that Dak is not the new Romo, or was at least before Garret was fired. Like I said, he has something that romo didn't have, and that is a supposedly decent coach later on in his career versus at the beginning of it. Also many of the things the Dak Crowd accuses people of doing to Dak they are guilty of doing to Romo. They'll call Romo a Choker, whereas it is just as easy to say Dak has choked at this point.

The problem really is you presume what I am putting stock in or not. As part of the whole Dak is the whole Romo narrative, the fact that the syndrome of having one good season followed by one bad season hasn't changed under Dak. I know you all will come up with excuses, that it was Garrett's fault, Dak could've, would've, should've... But then those were all true under Romo too. Hopefully the new head coach will change how things have been in the past. But the biggest problem here never was garret; it was Jerrah. It still remains to be seen if the cowboys can break out of the cycle.

You might disagree, but many of us believe that the RAMS were able to game plan against Dak. Romo had his flaws, but you couldn't really game plan against him. To Dak's credit, he has improved his game and I don't think teams can Game Plan against him the way they did.

No it is people who jock sniff and the haters that are bias. This board has both. I call things how I see them, which may or may not be right. I could admit Romo's flaws as I can admit Dak's flaws. Like I said both were good quarterbacks, but certainly not elite. I also don't like excuses which a lot of the jock sniffers use, waah waah waah it was the defense, waah waah waah it was Zeke, and so on and so on, except for their man crush. Yes the Rams took away our running game, because they were betting that Dak couldn't beat them, because of his flaws, and they were right. To his credit Dak worked hard the following off season, and teams couldn't do that to him anymore. Who is more bias? The guy who can say good and bad things about a player, or the guy who only can say positive things about a player and seems to have an excuse for every loss. Personally, I'd prefer it if people didn't make excuses and wouldn't brag about how great someone is after a loss. Bragging rights are meant to be earned. Like Jimmy says, if you going to talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk...
2016 was closer to being in the NFC championship game compared to 2014. Dak in 2016 made a game tying drive with a minute left in the game. Rodgers made a deep sideline pass that was caught and out of bounds to stop the clock in which Cosby kicked a long FG to win it.

Romo in 2014 didn't have the lead or tie and with under a few minutes left had an incomplete pass on 4th down. 2016 with Dak was closer than 2014 with Romo........ facts


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No big Dak hater and also not big on stats....but until he wins big games that mean something. I’m on the fence. But also I’m willing to give him the chance. I like how the team is set up this year. Barring injury and having some ballers bang out....I’m looking for a great season.
Cowboys forever vattos
Dak has won big games that mean something including the playoffs unless you are trying to only look at 2019 season as the only season...... in which the entire team quit on Garrett.


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The problem with your argument in saying Dak is the new Romo and he can't win big games is factually false. He went toe to toe with Aaron Rogers, and should of won that playoff game. He has also has won numerous other big games with many 4th quarter comebacks. The problem with what your thought process is putting too much stock in last season! You do realize that even Drew Brees has lost of ton of games to good teams right? He had like three years in a row where you didn't play 500 ball bro! What you're doing by spouting things about last year is just showing that you really don't like Dak or you're football IQ needs work. Are you really going to put that much stock in Dak's 2019 performance against winning teams when the whole coaching staff including the players were basically in chaos? Look at his whole body of work, he is on a historic pace, and even with his flaws last year he was one of the best deep passers in the NFL! This is one area that many of you guys said he sucked at but now he proved you wrong. But, now it's he can't beat winning teams? Give me a break man, your true colors are showing.

Dak has already been a part of 2 nfc east titles in his short time here while Romo squeaked out one. Romo was absolutely known for always making crucial and boneheaded mistakes in big moments and as much as you want to push the narrative that Dak is the same way he has proved he is not. In fact, Dak is one of the best protectors of the football in the NFL. Dak has played poorly at times, but always remember it's a total team effort, and it takes the team firing on all cylinders to actually get to the super bowl.

I know you say you support Dak, but when you say things like he played badly in the rams playoff game it just shows how biased you are. Watch the game again man, our defense was horrnedous, Dak didn't play that poorly. There was zero effort in our ground game and we got incredibly out coached. Dak actually outplayed Goff in that game if you want to go back and look it up... Once again though, you put it all on Dak. Sure it would of been great if he and the receivers just threw it all over the ram's defense but that is hard to do when the other team knows you can't run against them. The Ram's took our running game away and we didn't know how to adjust for it.. It was just another example of how ill prepared we were with the freckled puppet as our coach.
is rogers a DE or CB? Dak went toe to toe with a weak GB defense and AR beat our even weaker defense...I hate analogy's where somehow QBs are dueling each other, NOT TRUE..

Dak didnt win the game, period..Rogers did,

rogers MADE THE PLAYS needed at the end which elite QBs find ways to do a few times a year.. Dak did not as of yet have that signature playoff game and rally the last few years has had less moments in regular season games.. He a good QB that sometimes lays great but never great enough to be the reason we won a game we should have lost..

we live in the now and last year he didnt do it once , he actually failed to win close games or even overcome being down by 1 score at the half, not once, our offense was also way to high on the list of going into the 4th with lead and losing..

its not daks fault, true thats the argument , however hes also never the guy who steps up and makes the play wall on his own to take a loss and turn it into a win.. down the stretch dak was just ANOTHER PLAYER IE A JAG AGAINST THE BEST OPPONENTS WHEN WE NEEDED HIM MOST.

i know coaching , ST, and Defense aided in losses but Dak in 2019 regardless of stats was just an average qb when it mattered most..thats my opinion and im sorry ive seen the 500posts with all the supporters trying hard to make comps on his stats vs others, doesnt matter being 9-7, starting 3-5 , and being 8-8 last 3 years is all I need to see.. Hes the leader hes the player trying to demand being paid like the best player in the nfl and hasn't played like the best..

2016 is over he was a rookie 3rd on the depth chart that had zero pressure on him because there was NO expectations what so ever..im seeing the more pressure, the higher the expectations, Dak has not stepped up.. case in point he plays loose and looks great in games we are supposed to win, early in the year when games dont matter as much, deeper we get into the tougher part of the schedule, have some unexpected losses in some games and then we find ourselves hovering around 500 and the better teams the last part of the schedule , Dak simply played tight, stopped being aggressive, just looked afraid to lose..thats not a good trait in your Qb who wants to be the highest paid player in NFL history IMHO..

I lie Dak I would have liked him even more taken 30 last season he was offered and let him arrive someday at being close to elite and then demanding 40mil..Hes losing me as a fan because if his demands to be paid like the best when his worst football in my eyes was just paid out late last season..


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Let's be honest. You have issues with anyone who supports Dak and who calls Romo exactly what he is. So you replying to me telling me what you think is kind of odd to me. I find it laughable you thought I cared about what you think.

First, let me apologize for my last post. It wasn't much more than a snipe. I should be better than that. I'm sorry.

Secondly, I don't have issues with anyone who supports Dak, I disagree with them. I disagree with most people who are harsh on Romo, but do have an issue with a few who go beyond that. I'm not sure what you mean by calling Romo "exactly what he is."

To the point that was being made earlier (though not referenced in the post I quoted), PFF is either a good source, or it's not. So if someone uses PFF to prop up Dak, while at the same time they are highly critical of Romo, then logically, pointing out that PFF lists Romo above Dak hurts their argument quite a bit.

And I don't understand your logic with the MVP comment. Clearly, if someone was a top contender for MVP, then their ceiling can be no lower than that. Cam Newton won MVP, so his ceiling is MVP level. He may never reach it again, but it is (or at least was) his ceiling. A player's peak/ceiling is not defined by what level they stay at the longest, it's simply the very top end they are capable of, even if only fleeting.