Dak now has a worse playoff record than Tony Romo


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NFL should just dismiss the other 21 positions and have two QB’s play against ea h othe Ron Sundays?
I know what you are trying to say but in actual fact.. NFL has made so many changes to create this scenario in reality. This league is now 100% about your QB and its only getting worse. The protection given to QBs, the limitations on how you can stop receivers, the near removal of any special team open field plays.

The NFL wants shoot outs.. it wants big throws and splashy catches.

I realise it isn't popular to talk about but the NFL has made no secret of the fact that defence = injury in their opinion and they have changed rules to ensure that injuries are prevented. This now means that an NFL QB is the most important position in ANY team sport in the world.. there is simply nothing else like it in the world. The QB can almost solely predict the success of an entire franchise and it is only get more so with each passing year.

Cowboys seems slow to understand that. The days of 'making do' and hoping you get lucky in the late rounds is closing.. yes you will get teams like SF who catch lightning in a bottle with a guy like Purdy but read the room.. it is NOT the average experience. The rest of the 'live' teams in the playoffs all have a first round QB. We need to go and find one for ourselves.


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The comparison to Romo is unfair and always has been. It is true that Romo didn't have playoff success but far out he tried.

So yep.. if you only care about wins and losses then sure Romo lost to GB in 2014.. and Dak lost to them in 2024.. so its the same right?

Romo loses despite being nearly perfect.. after getting an era defining bad call that has since been denounced even by the league as a bad call. And that was playing a GB team in their prime, paying away at their home turf.. in the snow.

Dak loses after going 1 for 4 for 0 yards and an interception in the first quarter.. showing no heart when the game was on the line and then padding his stats in garbage time against the third string in prevent D.. and that was playing the youngest team in playoff history coming of a '500' season, with a rookie QB in his first play off.. in his home stadium in perfect conditions.

Don't ever compare Dak to Romo.. I get it.. the both didn't get a win but far out Romo had to battle a lot harder than Dak ever had to. Romo's body failed in part because he stood behind a turnstile for the first four years.. taking an absolute beating. He was the ONLY reason we won games.. when we did. Then we built the OLine but had nothing on defence and he needed to score 45-50 points on a regular basis to stay in the game. I think the stats came out once that he should have an extra 11 'game winning TD drives' except our D had given up scores with UNDER a minute left on the clock. Then he gets healthy and gets a squad in 2014 and the refs absolutely screw him and us. Then injury in 2015 and then Dak steals his job in 2016. Plus he had to contend with clapper (a really bad coach.. didn't even last a season outside of Dallas).

I was never a huge Romo fan.. but credit has to be given. That dude had a much better arm, could read a defence and has a true football IQ. Dak nowhere near his league.

Dak walked into a ready made squad with a stud RB and has managed to do exactly nothing with it in 8 years.
This is a truth about Romo that alot of people don't want to admit too..Great post!!


NFL Historian
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Romo: 2-4
Dak: 2-5

In b4 someone says "but, team game" QBs usually get the majority of credit when they win. They should also get the lionshare when they lose. They're the highest paid player on the field and it's not even close.
Yeah those guys pale in comparison to Mark Sanchez, who went 4-2 in the playoffs.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
WillieBeamen.......C'mon! TRomo lost to the Giants, Eagles and Commanders (at the time) for 3 years in Win & Get in games......

No argument on Dak's failures.........but C'mon Man!
Romo didn't even play against the Eagles. It was Orton. This back and forth has gotten so bad people are blaming loses on players for games they weren't even playing in. I mean to me both QB are basically the same (and I root/rooted for them both) but at least get your facts right if you are going to use them to bash one or the other.


Nope......just the facts.
See above.
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NFL Historian
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“Romo always came to ball in the playoffs”

What are some of you smoking. The offense averaged 15 points per game in the losses when Romo started!


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Romo didn't even play against the Eagles. It was Orton. This back and forth has gotten so bad people are blaming loses on players for games they weren't even playing in. I mean to me both QB are basically the same (and I root/rooted for them both) but at least get your facts right if you are going to use them to bash one or the other.


See above.
Now I've heard of slanting the playing field but there is a new length to keep TRomo's legacy and lovefest. Well done. As for the Eagles....he did play against them in the Vet in a win or go home game and We got blasted. 2 Romo fumbles and Int. Go check it. During the 8-8 Garrett era. And I like and pulled for Romo......it's just the selective memory that amazes me to anoint him.


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We need Romo to come out retirement and lose one more playoff game so he doesn’t make Dak look so bad!


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Romo: 2-4
Dak: 2-5

In b4 someone says "but, team game" QBs usually get the majority of credit when they win. They should also get the lionshare when they lose. They're the highest paid player on the field and it's not even close.
and Mayfield of the. bucs is now 2-1 all time in the postseason


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We need Romo to come out retirement and lose one more playoff game so he doesn’t make Dak look so bad!
There's "Win & Move on Games" and there's been "Win & Get in Games". The slate for Romo comparison is excluding the "Win & Get in Games" like a set of mere trivial momenta. Yes Dak has been bad leading this team to greener pasttures.....but gosh.....there are portions of Romo legacy becoming like CRT, erasable.


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Very lazy take.

Oh they both failed thats it we're done.

That might not even be true. The deep dive you avoid might show it.
So you want to have a 45 page argument of Dak vs Romo and which one sucked less and was less of a failure?

What's the point?

Sounds like you just want to have an argument for the sake having an argument


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You didn't say anything about having a problem with QBs getting credit when the win, and they definitely do. So you want them to get all the credit and none of the blame?
They're one of the players, so they get credit and blame.

But they often get too much of either.


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Given that only 2 QBs in NFL history have more playoff wins than Manning, your "point" makes no sense whatsoever. "Hey it's tough to win in the playoffs! Just look at Peyton Manning. He only won 14 playoff games! He only won 2 super bowls, everybody does that."
He also lost 13 playoff games., meaning he lost very nearly as many as he won. And I've already noted his second SB "win" he was awful, the defense gave up only 8 pts in that game, Manning just went along for the ride, he hardly "won" the second SB.

But I wonder why you're on this site, Manning didn't play for the Cowboys, you'd be better off on the Peyton Manning fan site, lol....


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Romo missed 36 games during his career. That's over 2 full seasons. Dak definitely has him beat on fitness and health.

To me they're more or less the same QB overall on a scale from 1 to 100.
I'll disagree, Romo had no defense when he was playing, the pressure was on him to score on every drive... Dak at least had a good defense for most of his time here... they got him many scoring opportunities with all the take aways... I'd take Romo on this team any day.


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He also lost 13 playoff games., meaning he lost very nearly as many as he won. And I've already noted his second SB "win" he was awful, the defense gave up only 8 pts in that game, Manning just went along for the ride, he hardly "won" the second SB.

But I wonder why you're on this site, Manning didn't play for the Cowboys, you'd be better off on the Peyton Manning fan site, lol....
I agree, this is no Manning fan site... but, please tell me that in no way are we trying to compare Dak to Manning... please tell me that's not the point?


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2-5 is a better playoff record than 2-4. If your team doesn't make the playoffs, that's as good as a loss anyway.
that makes no sense, so 0-11 is better than 2-0??? that's some of that "new" math, kind of like 1x1 is 2...


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How many times did that happen? At denver against peyton....a good example. Think dak would have the fortitude for THAT game?
QB's, he should have left so much time on the clock... :)
I know what you are trying to say but in actual fact.. NFL has made so many changes to create this scenario in reality. This league is now 100% about your QB and its only getting worse. The protection given to QBs, the limitations on how you can stop receivers, the near removal of any special team open field plays.

The NFL wants shoot outs.. it wants big throws and splashy catches.

I realise it isn't popular to talk about but the NFL has made no secret of the fact that defence = injury in their opinion and they have changed rules to ensure that injuries are prevented. This now means that an NFL QB is the most important position in ANY team sport in the world.. there is simply nothing else like it in the world. The QB can almost solely predict the success of an entire franchise and it is only get more so with each passing year.

Cowboys seems slow to understand that. The days of 'making do' and hoping you get lucky in the late rounds is closing.. yes you will get teams like SF who catch lightning in a bottle with a guy like Purdy but read the room.. it is NOT the average experience. The rest of the 'live' teams in the playoffs all have a first round QB. We need to go and find one for ourselves.
the problem is that Jerry thinks he is smarter than all the other teams, the he will catch lighting in a bottle and ride it to glory... that's why he can't give up on Dak, he thinks he pulled a slick one on the league and stole him in the 4th round... now he can't admit that it was not the coup he thinks it was.


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Romo: 2-4
Dak: 2-5

In b4 someone says "but, team game" QBs usually get the majority of credit when they win. They should also get the lionshare when they lose. They're the highest paid player on the field and it's not even close.
Its even worse than that really since Romo got a bye (or was it 2 byes). A first round bye is as good as a playoff win, better because you get to rest. In my book Romo is 3-4 (or is it 4-4)


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I disagree it’s worse. Romo couldn’t even get to the playoffs 5 times

I get your logic on this. It would piss me off when people said a team 5-0 in super bowls was better than Dallas' 5-3. I would say but in our 6th, 7th and 8th best years we won a conference championship, thats better than not winning a conference championship. I see your point