Dak - Panther game vids and clips


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Look what Dak homer #1 called me yesterday because I called him out for still thinking Dak is better than Wentz :lmao:

I'm still waiting for Ken or AC to tell me what was wrong with my list of unforced errors Dak made. I was told it was 90% wrong, but no one has specifically said which play I was wrong about.

Well, I take that back. Supposedly Dak had two guys on him who hit his arm and Thompson came down without the ball but in bounds on that 4th & 10. Except both guys got there late, he stepped into the throw, his arm wasn't touched, and Thompson came down with his whole right foot out of bounds. So AC was going to show us the video evidence of how wrong I am... but then couldn't because it was too late. So I expect their rebuttals today, per AC. Should be good.


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maybe they can show that preseason throw, you know the one that put Dak in the HOF.... if needed I can find it. "35 yards in the air with no pressure, HOF"...lmao nobody, I mean nobody is scared of Dak beating them with his arm. He better start running the ball.


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Look what Dak homer #1 called me yesterday because I called him out for still thinking Dak is better than Wentz :lmao:

Damn, that's embarrassing.

But if I recall correctly, that poster would not admit there was ever any evidence that the ball touched the ground on the Dez catch in GB. This despite numerous people posting a clear photo of the ball touching the ground.


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How so? Part of having a command of the offense is knowing the routes your receivers are running. Dak should know instinctively that if the MLB (#54) is carrying the receiver (Swaim) that's crossing immediately in front of him that it leaves the middle of the field open, precisely where Beasley is taking his route. Instead, Dak feels the pressure and looks off Beasley prematurely before he breaks his route inside in front of the DB and in the clear.

People can't have it both ways............ they can't complain he holds the ball too long, can't complain he doesn't go through his progressions then turn around and complain they he needed to wait longer and essentially stare down Beasley there.

The ball is snapped, Prescott watches Beasley. What he sees is two defenders there guarding Beasley (there is no other WR on that side of the field) and the one is basically standing right where Beasley is going to run his route. The only reason Beasley is open at the end is because the LB or S bites as if he thinks Beasley is going to run to the sidelines.......... if that defender just stands there, Beasley will be easily covered.

So are we now supposed to get on Dak for not knowing that inside defender was going to bite and think Beasley was going to run an out route?

There's plenty to rip Prescott for but this play isn't one of them IMO.


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Unless Wentz's leg is worse than people know and it affects him immensely, it's likely going to be pretty obvious this season who the better QB is. It will be interesting to see how many still won't be able to come to grips with that reality.


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I tend to think Mosher has an agenda at times.

This being one of them. Watch the video. Beasley hasn’t even gotten to the point of the field where he makes his break and Dak is looking at him at sees two Panthers there essentially in double coverage.

He then progresses to the next WR. By the time Beasley makes his break, Dak is looking elsewhere.

Dak stunk but I can’t get on him for that play.

Your first 2 points are spot on. However, the problem with this play and many others is he pulled the ball down and immediately started looking to run. That's what young QBs do. But had he simply slid a step in the pocket and kept his eyes upfield, there's a good chance to see Beasley come open or Hurns sitting in the zone. I expected Dak to be better in his 3rd year than that and maybe he will be. It is just one game, but certainly is concerning.


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I went through it at DC.com during his rookie campaign. It got to the point that I literally stopped talking about Dak. Was called all kinds of things.
I had one thread on
I went through it at DC.com during his rookie campaign. It got to the point that I literally stopped talking about Dak. Was called all kinds of things.
sorry to hear that. People can get vicious when someone critiques their favorite players.


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He looks terrified to me.... Not sure when this happened but he almost acts shell-shocked still. Definitely not comfortable or confident. Frustrating thing is we've seen him make all the plays before but he suddenly can't? It doesn't make sense but he might ruined at this point. You have to have good coaching to get past these things and he has Garrett and the old Detroit Lions coaching staff.... pitiful.


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Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but it looked interesting.

Collins made the mistake but even if he did block Kuechly Zeke may not have scored due to the safeties? But it would have been a much better run for sure.