Dak permanently has quieted the doubters

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roycey getting rile up on the internet


I like Rock and I know he posted this to piss off people, but you're too dumb to see it.

can you find one post where I blamed or bad-mouth dak about this game? you're just a whiner crying in every thread, nothing new about you. same weakminded loser

How do you prove that your upset despite you saying otherwise?

Rule #1
Accuse someone else of being upset.

Rule #2

Post gifs and memes to get across your message that you aren't capable of putting into words.

Rule #3

Resort to name calling because your brain isn't capable of functioning without being able to do so.

Rule #4

Have to be a 50 year old man leaving in his mothers basement.

Follow these rules/steps and you too can be a loser like @Captain-Crash.
Sorry I need some wins. 6-10 in his last 16 and we never win vs teams with winning records. If he wants to be considered a top notch QB this has to change.
Dak had a good game - but he wasn’t great. Great is when you don’t miss open endzone receivers in the fourth quarter. I don’t begrudge Dak for this last outing- he was good enough to beat most teams. But he has to be his best to beat the elite in the NFL - he can do better. And I expect he will going forward. The guy had zero preseason, so he is just warming up. Not a bad ‘cold start.’
Good question.

The trolls contribute to the financial directly and indirectly. Several of them are our leading “ zone supporters”. And their inciting reactions creates additional traffic which brings in more advertising dollars for the site.

But as far as general knowledge and insight contributions they add very little overall. Pretty much one trick ponies.
That's the irony of it.....they pay money to troll....I don't know if I should admire the dedication or be embarrassed for them.
that's the problem with Jarwin, he is just ok as an inline blocker, but in motion he is awful.....Brown in fact is a very good blocker and was used often on saftey and even LBs and had had some success. and yes, Jarwin's main role is as a recieving TE.
If Noah was healthy I'd hope he'd be their option in goal line situations.
Sorry I need some wins. 6-10 in his last 16 and we never win vs teams with winning records. If he wants to be considered a top notch QB this has to change.

Actually no if your just going by position and not the team you use what that position stats are......This TEAM yes they need to start winning to be considered good because they do not have a good team stats as of late.
Dak looked great. That said just remember people still doubted Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. One poster recently saying give me stats over wins and the colts owner saying give me rings over star wars numbers. I doesn't matter who it is you never permanently quiet doubters.
How do you prove that your upset despite you saying otherwise?

Rule #1
Accuse someone else of being upset.

Rule #2

Post gifs and memes to get across your message that you aren't capable of putting into words.

Rule #3

Resort to name calling because your brain isn't capable of functioning without being able to do so.

Rule #4

Have to be a 50 year old man leaving in his mothers basement.

Follow these rules/steps and you too can be a loser like @Captain-Crash.

girl, shut up!!

you're the reason this site has gone downhill. you must be related to cowboys_bragger or Casper.

I guess I was wrong, you are that stupid. sorry

you can't act that stupid, and I know you're not an actress.

you bring down every thread with your bs crying. sheesh.
Ooh! Are you done kind of a tough guy or something?

How stupid do you have to be to think that wins and losses are the result of one player? This is football honey, not tennis.

I’m not wasting a second of time to ‘show’ you anything. I already have the answers. I know he’s an elite quarterback, just like the rest of the world. If you can’t figure it out by now, that’s on you. I’ll just address you as the football dunce you continue to show yourself to be.
And there it is

Its always on somebody else. Its never Dak’s fault :laugh::laugh:


6-12 in his last 18 starts. You fools paraded his W/L record for years now, but since it doesnt work in his favor, its a “team game”:laugh::laugh:

This is to be expected though. You are the same genius that compared Dak’s stats to Aikman’s and didnt even try to adjust for era. :laugh::laugh:
girl, shut up!!

you're the reason this site has gone downhill. you must be related to cowboys_bragger or Casper.

I guess I was wrong, you are that stupid. sorry

you can't act that stupid, and I know you're not an actress.

Another quality post from the resident mouth breather @Captain-Crash.......How much longer will you embarrass yourself today?

If Noah was healthy I'd hope he'd be their option in goal line situations.
I always thought Brown should put on another 15 pounds and be a TE....he is above average in blocking and given his speed he would be matched up against LBs instead of safties and CBs and may have more success....he would be on the short side though....
I always thought Brown should put on another 15 pounds and be a TE....he is above average in blocking and given his speed he would be matched up against LBs instead of safties and CBs and may have more success....he would be on the short side though....
Yeah I was hoping he would too....maybe he's considered too short to play? I don't know but I wish he had to. But instead, I think he's been losing weight and he's becoming a better receiver but I think had he gained the weight he may be starting for us.

what's next? I set down while I pee or mama jokes.

smh, tiny brain. I expect to see you on the news in Mcdonald's crying and starting a fight about the shake machine being broken.
it's always somebody else's fault with you. smh.
what's next? I set down while I pee or mama jokes.

smh, tiny brain. I expect to see you on the news in Mcdonald's crying and starting a fight about the shake machine being broken.
it's always somebody else's fault with you. smh.
Careful....you're showing your age and intellect. SHHHHhhh......
Anyone that thinks Prescott lost that game and the lack of a pass rush and a mediocre secondary didn't, just wants to argue about the QB.
Yes but as you know it’s about much more than that. Dak trolls are only interested in targeting the QB. Note they aren’t targeting our owners or coaching. No other aspect of our disappointing franchise. Red Flags galore.

Most likely as in most social media outlets infiltrated by opposing fans intent on inciting and tormenting for sheer entertainment. They aren’t here to interact , discuss and enjoy the camaraderie of being a Cowboy fan.

What real Cowboy fans thinks our QB is our core cause for lack of success this era. And keeping this roster from winning more. It’s so obvious and absurd.

This performance Thursday night is another beautiful example of the intent of their agenda. It really needs to be placed in a playpen of its own. And called out until it’s smothered out.
Rocky getting another one of his Dak threads moved into the Overtime Zone right above his Dak thread from yesterday that's literally saying the same thing as this one.

Maybe the next one will stick for ya. 3rd times a charm.
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