Dak Prescott "Garbage time stats" Question


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Call it what you want...Garbage, game was over, whatever....but then call the 50 yard reverse i saw the browns score on after our GARBAGE TIME offense erase a 3 td deficit.....its funny no one brings up the fact that the defense only stops teams when they are trying to run the clock out...as soon as it was a game again POOF score at will...

Denim Chicken

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Garbage time stats is the new "He's dink and dunk". ITs stupid and inaccurate and LAZY.

First it was dink & dunk Dak - then he started leading in deep passing stats
Then it was "he can't throw over 200 yards" - now hold franchise records
Then QB winz - (he's #2 since 2016)
Can't attack the middle of the field - routinely hit receivers down the middle
Now it's garbage time stats. He'll destroy this one too.
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He was only padding his stats though. How is it a game ending pick if the game is over? Thats my question.
Simple, dak isnt padding his stats, lol he is trying to win the game. People say that because he is padding his stats in the comebacks,
when playing against a prevent defense. But he is trying to win the game.
The seattle game int at end was a bad decision by dak, and he just threw it down there, not smart.
The one in clev game, was more amari's fault, and just a great play by defender.
Dak has looked great in the comebacks, but that does not make him a great qb.

If he and the team played like that from start of game, and they were ahead 41-14, then he would be great if he did that in most games.
Dak this year is not being helped or put in a position to succeed, by kellen and MM. It isnt just the defense, it is our game plans,
play calling and play designs.
Being the comeback kid is not a good position to be in.

Dak is playing good most of the time, not great, but good, but the coaching is just so bad it makes it hard.
I think the defense problem has to do with poor coaching and schemes too, and players are just not buying into it.
MM needs to fire his buddy, and hire a better dc or promote someone on the staff.


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I don't have an issue with Prescott.

But my point is I would draft a first round QB on a rookie contract (I wanted Herbert this season) and use the money saved on Prescott to be used on a pass rusher in free agency like Za'darius Smith, a top Safety and a coverage corner.

In hindsight would I want the Lawrence contract on the books...of course not, nobody would but that's been and gone. We can't really change that now as realistically who is going to trade for him on that contract with his shoulder history?

We need to stop the bleeding at some point to improve the roster, especially on the defensive side and it either starts with Prescott or...it's rinse and repeat.

Herbert has a top defense and top running game...let me check whats his record again?....its the same thing with Burrows or anyone else..the answer to this isn't to save money by getting worse QB play....other teams pay their QB AND build a compentant defense our FO just missed on every defensive thing they have done over almost 10 years...


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Herbert has a top defense and top running game...let me check whats his record again?....its the same thing with Burrows or anyone else..the answer to this isn't to save money by getting worse QB play....other teams pay their QB AND build a compentant defense our FO just missed on every defensive thing they have done over almost 10 years...
Other teams build talent around a competent rookie QB. That has been the blueprint to reach the Superbowl in recent years. Not paying veteran quarterbacks a truck load of money and struggling to put together has beens around them.

The Bengals are in rebuild mode and the Chargers will win the majority of their next 6 games. I wouldn't write off Herbert and Burrows after playing well in their first few games.


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Other teams build talent around a competent rookie QB. That has been the blueprint to reach the Superbowl in recent years. Not paying veteran quarterbacks a truck load of money and struggling to put together has beens around them.

The Bengals are in rebuild mode and the Chargers will win the majority of their next 6 games. I wouldn't write off Herbert and Burrows after playing well in their first few games.

its been the formula exactly one year and that was last year........and that team paid him a truck load of money...........as a matter of fact the Seahawks just paid their guy his second truckload of money.....and I'm betting you think they shouldve...Again not saying it wouldn't work but literally no GM who can have and keep a job in the NFL is letting Dak off his team NOT ONE..well except ours maybe but hey tell me how much you agree with our GM's desicions?


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No...I don't think the offense is as bad. Questionable playcalling, a few turnovers, inconsistent o-line, bad runs, bad throws, bad drops. That's part of football. Those things will happen. Just like on defense, there will be dropped ints, missed fumbles, bad reads etc. What I'm talking about is the defense is CONSISTENTLY bad. If our offense was so bad we wouldn't be coming back to make a game of it. You're not going to get ANY offense that is going to score EVERY TIME you get the ball. It's not realistic of ANY football team.

Agreed, and a lot of the offense's problems is controllable to a large degree by the players and coaches. Ball security can be stressed, plays that the players don't execute well can not be used, reads can be improved with film study and so on.

And if the offense reduces their mistakes the defense won't be on the field so much and get put in so many poor field positions...


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Ah yes, questionable play calling. Funny how that doesn’t seem to be an issue when the teams back off and start coasting to the finish line. I get that bad throws and drops are part of football, however only bad and undisciplined teams lose the turnover battle. Only bad teams lose the penalty battle. The whole team sucks - yes there are pockets of good players like the WR group, but for every one of those there are quite a few that are subpar to terrible.
Not saying I disagree that the team is undisciplined. But even a disciplined team will have tunovers. But you're right....it's a bad team. It's a team sport.


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Agreed, and a lot of the offense's problems is controllable to a large degree by the players and coaches. Ball security can be stressed, plays that the players don't execute well can not be used, reads can be improved with film study and so on.

And if the offense reduces their mistakes the defense won't be on the field so much and get put in so many poor field positions...
I agree with you but that defense was allowing long drives. Can't stop the run consistently. Can't stop the pass. It's an undisciplined team. Hopefully they get their ish together.


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You mean to tell me that this offense that was chewing up yards and wracking up scores cannot get us a first down or get us in fg range?
This team is just so much better in hurry up offense. Why do you think that is......... cause Moore doesn't have the chance to "get cute" plus the defense doesn't get a chance to figure out the play Dallas is going to run.

Not only that but with the way the defense gives up TDs, Dallas can't afford to play for a FG. They are almost forced to go for it to keep up.

I'm starting to really think you guys haven't a clue about football if y'all can't put the blame on the defense. Offense is scoring plenty of points to win but the defense isn't doing their job.


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I'm seeing Dak haters say that he needs to play better in the 2nd and 3rd quarter but last year when he was doing that y'all was saying he needs to play better in the 1st and 4th quarters which he is doing this year.

Plus Dandy Don wrote Dak didn't look great against Cleveland but had the score been 41-14 then Dak would have looked great....... Dak doesn't play defense and who cares when the points are scored as long as they are scoring. What the defense gives up should have no effect on how Dak looks.

Y'all haters can stop the bs and just be honest. You don't like Dak because it's a personal issue and has nothing to do with his play. Anybody that says Dak isn't a top 5- top 10 QB in the league had an agenda or no idea what they are talking about. At this moment, only 3 QBs are clearly better then Dak. I'm willing to accept Jackson because of his rushing ability but not as a passer....... those 3 QBs are Mahomes, Wilson and Rodgers


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Call it what you want...Garbage, game was over, whatever....but then call the 50 yard reverse i saw the browns score on after our GARBAGE TIME offense erase a 3 td deficit.....its funny no one brings up the fact that the defense only stops teams when they are trying to run the clock out...as soon as it was a game again POOF score at will...
I brought it up. I asked if the D shutting out Cleveland for 17 game minutes once they amassed a 4 TD lead meant our D was ok and had “figured it out.” Both sides of the ball contributed to the 34-0 run by Cleveland. And if we want to fall all over ourselves patting the offense on the back for scoring 24 points after getting in a hole too big to come back from, why aren’t we doing the same for the defense that shut Cleveland down completely for more than a quarter? And we know the answer. Our D is garbage and Cleveland took their foot off of the gas.


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Because defenses are concerned with burning time keeping everything underneath and not giving up quick scores, allowing teams to ‘catch up’. And defenders are not robots, but humans, and when they build three TD leads, they often get complacent.

And when teams actually play good defenses and bums that even when playing prevent, don’t necessarily sit on their laurels, there is no comeback.


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I brought it up. I asked if the D shutting out Cleveland for 17 game minutes once they amassed a 4 TD lead meant our D was ok and had “figured it out.” Both sides of the ball contributed to the 34-0 run by Cleveland. And if we want to fall all over ourselves patting the offense on the back for scoring 24 points after getting in a hole too big to come back from, why aren’t we doing the same for the defense that shut Cleveland down completely for more than a quarter? And we know the answer. Our D is garbage and Cleveland took their foot off of the gas.

Exactly.. No one mentions the fact that our defense tends to ‘shut down’ opponents during these comebacks. But apparently our defense sucks, while Dak is the “comeback king” and it’s not all garbage yardage. It’s not like the opposing offense doesn’t just rest on their laurels and are more concerned with just protecting the ball and burning time. But Dak-stans don’t afford that argument if the opposition.

also, they tend to then blame refs. Well, maybe the NFL and the refs, while we are at it with conspiracy theories and tin foil hats, the opposition is told to back-off because now gambling is ‘legalized’ for the NFL and unpredicted blow outs against Dallas totally screw up the “Vegas margins”...


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If anyone knows football, stats are not garbage time stats when you comeback and put your team in position to win. Each of the losses in 2020, Dak Prescott led his team back to win or took the lead with less than 3 minutes (approx.) left in the game.

When your Head Coach makes calls that jeopardizes the comeback victory, or your defense flat out snatches defeat out of the jaws of victory, your QB is not getting garbage time stats. Your QB is showing he is a franchise QB that will one year tag himself to a large dollar long term contract with another team.

Last year vs. the Packers, Vikings, Bills, and Bears game where garbage time stats as the Cowboys offense and defense were out of those games.

Roger Staubach had all those comeback victories because he was a franchise QB that had a Hall of Fame Head Coach that kept him with a defense that gave opportunities to win. That is not the case with the 2020 Dallas Cowboys. They have a franchise QB on a one year franchise tag, and a defense that is non-existing setting records ALL TIME for AWFUL with Coaches that have no hope at all for Hall of Fame consideration (McCarthy the big Blue M&M is running his bleak and slight hope).


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I brought it up. I asked if the D shutting out Cleveland for 17 game minutes once they amassed a 4 TD lead meant our D was ok and had “figured it out.” Both sides of the ball contributed to the 34-0 run by Cleveland. And if we want to fall all over ourselves patting the offense on the back for scoring 24 points after getting in a hole too big to come back from, why aren’t we doing the same for the defense that shut Cleveland down completely for more than a quarter? And we know the answer. Our D is garbage and Cleveland took their foot off of the gas.

I dont think any offense could win with this defense....anyone who says other wise doesn't understand football....the other offense literally has any game plan they want available to win a game against us....TOP, Deep balls, screens, counters, TE's all of it is a good game plan on this defense.