Dak vs. other options


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"earn" something. Everything that kid has done in life has been "earned". You would have cried in a corner going through what he's been through in life. Played 4 years for 2.3 million. Is a top 10 QB now you want him to give the cowboys a deal. LOL. just for comparison wentz and goff contracts were 18 million in comparison. He's already made 16 million less than them lol. while playing better

When I started out I made $208 a month wearing green, carrying a weapon in the jungle with my life on the line. But by all means let's have pity on some some poor kid making $2.3 million playing in comfy stadium!

Crying in a corner would do him good. He needs to earn the position. If he's as good as you think, what's the problem?


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Anyone who thinks the Cowboys were 8-8 this year because of Dak is just wrong. I will admit, Dak had a few games that cost the Cowboys. He is probably the single biggest reason they lost to the Eagles in December. But Dak is not the biggest problem with this team. I love these fans who talk about signing Brady to a 1 year deal. Did you watch him play in 2019? Brady is old and its starting to show. Why signed a guy who is more than likely over the hill, ruining your good young QB in the process? Then when Brady can't get this team to the SB these same people will blame the Cowboys for letting Dak go. And what do you do after 2020 when Brady retires? Chasing these 1 year miracles is what got Jerry into a 25 year funk. This team is not one QB away from a Superbowl.

During the course of 2019 there was not a single area of the Cowboys that did not falter in some way. Special teams were a disappointment. The pass rush disappeared at times. The LBs looked like the Keystone Cops. The secondary created no turnovers. The offensive line could not run block. The receivers dropped passes. The RB looked slow and indecisive. They all showed flashes in some games and all put it together in a couple of games. Putting it all on Dak is just dumb.
It's not a matter on not liking Dak or blaming him for the entire season. It's the fact of locking up a non elite QB to top 3 money. That diminishes the rest of the team.

If Dak was willing to take a cap friendly mid tier QB deal - then I'm all down for him locking him up and still keeping the talent around him. Dak however taking a huge chunk of the cap and lesser talent around him is a recipe for disaster.


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I'm not going to talk about stats, because although Dak's season stats were huge, stats alone don't tell the story. For example, he was really somewhat below what his statistical ranking in yardage reflects. I want to consider championship capability - a much more difficult thing to rank than stats, but ultimately that's the goal.

As for championship level QB's, the proven guys are Brady, Brees, Rodgers and Wilson. And Brady had a down year and both he and Brees are in their 40's. Then there is Mahomes, who hasn't yet won, but has talent above possibly any other QB, and who most feel is capable of winning the Super Bowl. Obviously most Cowboy fans would take him over Dak.

That's a grand total of 5 guys that are considered championship level QB's, and it took 20 years worth of drafts to have those guys at this point in time. They don't grow on trees.

Then what? Watson? Wentz? Cousins? Garoppolo? Ryan? You could make an argument for those guys over Dak, but you could make an argument for Dak too. When it comes to it, Dak falls somewhere in that group, and reasonable people can disagree on exactly where.

Which, at the end of the day, is pretty good company in terms of the hierarchy of NFL QB's. It's not Wilson or Rodgers level, but neither is it Mayfield or Winston level, and nowhere near Dalton and Darnold level.

My conclusion is that while I agree Dak still has questions to answer, and the decision on what the Cowboys should be willing to pay is a tough one, I think fans are unreasonably thinking in terms of the team absolutely having to have a Brady/Brees/Rodgers/Wilson/Mahomes level QB, and that's not realistic. You shoot for it, but do you shoot yourself in the foot blindly hoping for it?
If we look at the majority of qb's who won SB aren't most of them top level qb's drafted in the first 3 rds with a few outliers thrown in? Seems you rather go for the outlier than whats been proven the most likely similarity between winning qb's for the most part.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We could very well see Ryan Tannehill and Jimmy Garrapolo in the Super Bowl.

Why pay Dak $175 million?

The # 1 Sports franchise in the WORLD to be held hostage in mediocrity status for a young inept QB named Dak Prescott.

Amazing stuff here simply amazing!
By this spring some of you here will understand that only TALENT gets paid!
R.I.P. Prescott your 15 minutes are almost up....


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We could very well see Ryan Tannehill and Jimmy Garrapolo in the Super Bowl.

Why pay Dak $175 million?

You realize that Garrapolo's contract earns him $27.5 million a year, right? Every year QB salaries go up. Paying Dak 30m+ AAV is nothing. It's simply what QBs cost now.

Tannehill is going to get PAID this offseason too after what he did for the Titans in the regular season. QBs are expensive, even non-elite ones.


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It's not a matter on not liking Dak or blaming him for the entire season. It's the fact of locking up a non elite QB to top 3 money. That diminishes the rest of the team.

If Dak was willing to take a cap friendly mid tier QB deal - then I'm all down for him locking him up and still keeping the talent around him. Dak however taking a huge chunk of the cap and lesser talent around him is a recipe for disaster.

You mean like what they did with Romo? I totally get that. Romo's contract eventually blew up this team. Romo was never worth the contract he got from Dallas. But Dallas would be stupid to walk away from Dak at this point and so far, its clear they have been unwilling to give away the bank to sign him.

Dak is not worth top 5 salary at QB at least not yet. But this talk about casually letting him go is even more ridiculous than paying him more money than he is worth.


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You realize that Garrapolo's contract earns him $27.5 million a year, right? Every year QB salaries go up. Paying Dak 30m+ AAV is nothing. It's simply what QBs cost now.

Tannehill is going to get PAID this offseason too after what he did for the Titans in the regular season. QBs are expensive, even non-elite ones.

yep......if Tannehill takes them to the sb......he will get paid.

and actually guys like tann and G making the sb only bolsters the case to pay dak.


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Tennehill and Bridgewater are options if they come at a 30-40% discount from Dak. I think they are good options for the Cowboys in that scenario. The $ you save on Dak you could use to replace the player you were going to take in the first round where you are going to now take QB

Burrow and Tua are probably going to go in the top 5. Then you have Herbert and Fromm that are possibilities....

Jones' are not doing that. They have their trailer hitched to Dak and I understand, but he is not worth 35 million to their team no matter how you slice it!


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They should have put rush in vs the eagles to see if he could have gotten something going.

Other options would be a few free agents or a rookie should we draft one. Mariota hasn't looked great this year. Bridgewater would be intriguing but at what cost? Surely he won't command nearly 30+. What about that dude in Miami? Or is his contract up next year?


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Here's my post from another thread to what we should do:

Tl;dr: Tag Dak and draft a rookie. Use 2020 for Dak like the Chiefs used Smith in 2017. If he fails to step up to the plate, go with the rookie and let Dak walk or see if he's willing to take a discount once he realizes the market for him isn't high.

If we go with the rookie, honestly, tell me, what's the worst that could happen? Some will say "We will waste the careers of Zeke or Amari or Gallup!" Is Dak not doing that right now? He hasn't lead this team to a Superbowl either. So, at worst, the rookie will do the same.
Others will say "We could go 0-16 with the rookie!"
Truly, what's the difference between 0-16 and 8-8 if you miss the playoffs with 8-8? Ultimately with both records, you miss the ultimate goal (The Superbowl). Only difference is draft pick number. There is no difference. Honestly, right now, tell me, would you rather miss the playoffs at 0-16 with a higher draft pick or miss the playoffs at 8-8 with the #17 draft pick? I understand you can still draft a bust a #1, but the entire draft is literally in your hands. You can pick ANYONE. Can't do that at 17.

Sure sounds good. Let's hope that an all time great QB falls in the draft far enough for us to reasonably trade up for him. Then let's pay Dak 30 million guaranteed to run this all back again next year while our first round pick sits on the bench. Awesome.


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I find it funny money is brought into the equation when talking about Dak. Most of the people hating on Dak hated him at $475K per year. Money has nothing to do with their hatred.


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Tennehill and Bridgewater are options if they come at a 30-40% discount from Dak. I think they are good options for the Cowboys in that scenario. The $ you save on Dak you could use to replace the player you were going to take in the first round where you are going to now take QB

Burrow and Tua are probably going to go in the top 5. Then you have Herbert and Fromm that are possibilities....

Jones' are not doing that. They have their trailer hitched to Dak and I understand, but he is not worth 35 million to their team no matter how you slice it!

Who determines "worth"? The only way to determine that is the market. The market is paying QBs like this 25-30m or more a year.


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....at the Fan level I guess the questions will never end...so actually I'm glad the Cowboys FO and the new Head Coach have already made their decision. Either franchise or contract...Dak will be the QB...Go Cowboys 2020.:thumbup:

nate dizzle

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We could very well see Ryan Tannehill and Jimmy Garrapolo in the Super Bowl.

Why pay Dak $175 million?
I said in another thread to build around the run game and defense, which is what those teams did. I do think Dak can get the job done if we have the resources to spend on the other side of the ball and offensive line. Not sure we will have those resources if Dak is making 40 mil

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I find it funny money is brought into the equation when talking about Dak. Most of the people hating on Dak hated him at $475K per year. Money has nothing to do with their hatred.
It's brought into the equation when talking about any player. Zeke, Dlaw, Byron, Amari...


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It's brought into the equation when talking about any player. Zeke, Dlaw, Byron, Amari...
I get that, but money isn't the primary reason Dak was hated. He was hated at half a million dollars so really he could sign for vet minimum and it would still not make most of these guys any happier. They just don't want Dak regardless of how much he makes. On the flip side, pay Zeke and DLaw vet minimum and the complaints would dry up.