Dak winner, Wentz loser


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LOL Dak is still garbage. We dont have to compare QB's here to know that Dak is a below average QB. Yah he will have his good days but so does every QB.
And today wasn't even "good" by any reasonable NFL standard.


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It is a team sport. That's the point. And we could be much better as a team with a good QB.

And those "good qb's" are found everywhere like sand on the sea? Is it ever possible for a QB to develop into a good QB or is it that we find them good and they are good?


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Evidently Dak didn't win it in the style and flourish these men have come to expect. Perhaps he should have done the pirouette a few times before tossing the ball.
Dak didn't win it. The TEAM did. Thankfully, we had Zeke and a good defense, because the QB play wasn't too helpful.


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Dak is a really meadiocre passing QB with some good running skills. It’s hard to see him winning in the post season even with a decent defense and the first or second best RB in the game.


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Evidently Dak didn't win it in the style and flourish these men have come to expect. Perhaps he should have done the pirouette a few times before tossing the ball.

I'm saying lol It's like people dont watch other NFL games lol


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Sure, because everything that the Bears did from their coaching staff hires on down was due to Jay Cutler. In your world is the QB always the guy twisting his mustache and trying to take over the world?

Jay Cutler was ALWAYS a guy who hit his peak very early in his career. He was never improving and always made poor mistakes and had brain farts....

Yet he was given years with them. Go watch the YouTuber schleggdaddytv and how he talked about Cutler through the years.

Your arguments are seriously so bad, and you add a lot to it. I explained clearly the problem with sticking with a QB like Cutler or Prescott - you will always be in mediocrity, you will ALWAYS need greatness around them to play at an acceptable level....

I'd much rather bust out on first round QBs than sticking with a known bust or some 4th round project in hopes they catch magic.

Prescott is a QB you will always want to upgrade from and will always be searching. He's just like Cutler, he's just like tyrod taylor, he's just like Alex Smith. There is a reason Smith has been on 3 teams in his career. You find someone better as soon as you can and move on.


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And those "good qb's" are found everywhere like sand on the sea? Is it ever possible for a QB to develop into a good QB or is it that we find them good and they are good?
Some can develop. Some can not. Dak is one of the latter.

Good QBs being hard to find doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to ackowledge when a guy is not one of them. It's imperative for the team to be able to acknowledge that.


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Some can develop. Some can not. Dak is one of the latter.

Good QBs being hard to find doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to ackowledge when a guy is not one of them. It's imperative for the team to be able to acknowledge that.

How do you know? You a QB whisperer? What are the numbers for the next Powerball? Fact is you don't know anything about it. Whether he develops or not is going to be entire up to him and who he has around him to coach him up.


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It's a question worth posing since I don't recall any of this when Romo was a fledgling young QB. People would tear their hair out over his untimely backbreaking INTS. Every year folks would wonder when Romo would get over tossing his interceptions that would sink the team. Don't recall anyone claiming he was trash or couldn't be fixed. Now here we have a guy in his 3rd year as a QB, didn't have the opportunity to sit behind a seasoned guy like Romo. Fate pushed him into the fray and we have him flaws and all. Fail to see where referring to him as trash or garbage doesn't seep into the racial aspect of this. The fact that you deem it worthy to call out my statement where I stated that I hoped it wasn't about race does say a lot about you.

What the hell are you TALKING ABOUT? Romo was one of THE most criticized QBs in the league for years....

He was considered a choker JUST BECAUSE a ball slipped from his hands in the playoffs. The media branded him early on and people STILL criticize him for a mistake he made in his first year....while out of position.


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What the hell are you TALKING ABOUT? Romo was one of THE most criticized QBs in the league for years....

He was considered a choker JUST BECAUSE a ball slipped from his hands in the playoffs.

Right and how many people were ready to jettison him? How many where referring to him as trash and garbage? See the point here is that words do mean things and in this case it is quite telling the amount of hate leveled a Dak the person.


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How do you know? You a QB whisperer? What are the numbers for the next Powerball? Fact is you don't know anything about it. Whether he develops or not is going to be entire up to him and who he has around him to coach him up.

It has nothing to do with coaching. His biggest issues relate to innate abilities he just doesn't have.


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You've whined about the qb, coach, owner. The team in general.
No, II have not. I have criticized the QB and coach. Barely said anything about Jerry, and certainly haven't whined about the team in general. What fantasy are you living in?