Twitter: Dak working hard on technique & passing for 3rd year in a row


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Dak has hit his ceiling. Working on stuff still, jesus

Dak did things this season he hadn't done before. Im aware he also inspired moments of doubt, but at least try to be honest.

Dak was making reads and going through progressions far better than in past years. His footwork and mechanics were also improved at points this season. He most definitely fizzled out to finish the year, and he was not part of the solution. Still, you dont do everything wrong and throw for 5k, not even in todays nfl. You want to argue hes not worth 35 plus I can understand, but dont exaggerate to attempt at making a point.


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I am the biggest Dak supporter in all of Cowboys nation, but he simply isn't nimble enough in the pocket with his feet. Do you want some reality tissues? Relative to the better QB's he has heavy feet. He is a big guy. Stepping up in the pocket is his biggest weakness and knowing when to take off through the pocket. Maybe his feet are a part of that, maybe they aren't. Part of the lack of running is Dak's fault as he doesn't step through the pocket and pick up yards when the play is covered like he should. A lack or true running plays for the QB is the other.

Heavy feet??? No way. Dak has good balance, quick feet, and is light on them for his size. His problem of feeling pressure and adjusting to that is an awareness issue. It’s all cerebral. His pocket problems, holding the ball too long, and failing to step into a safe zone are not due to physical ability.


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Im not going to debate this. We all saw Romo looking sloppy in his uniform. Brady never has. Keep lying to yourselves though.
He looked sloppy in his uniform because of the protection he needed to wear to protect his brittle bones. Dude was Rice Krispies...snap, crackle and pop.


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man, you hit a pathetic low. Trying to compare game tape where you have defenses to throw against with Dak missing 10 yards throws with nobody in front of him and no game pressure. You’ve taken your Dak butt love to a scary


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Dak has hit his ceiling. Working on stuff still, jesus

Romo above and beyond required practice or training, kept working on passing, footwork and opposition knowledge right up to his last season. We can see that even paid off for him in his commentator career. Most quarterbacks to remain successful or improve have to keep working at their trade. It's really a constant state of doing and learning; this game forces you to adjust to the opposition, your own teammates and to meet the demands of your coaches. Those that strive to be the best, work very hard each season to be assets rather than liabilities on the field.

The ceiling isn't set at one height of competency or achievement - it's infinitely adjustable.

The desire and will to self-improve is a powerful and noble thing!

America's Cowboy

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man, you hit a pathetic low. Trying to compare game tape where you have defenses to throw against with Dak missing 10 yards throws with nobody in front of him and no game pressure. You’ve taken your Dak butt love to a scary
Aww, need a tissue? Doesn't feel good does it?


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I don’t think he’s too heavy footed to step up, he loves the spin out move which takes more fleet footedness to pull off anyways. I think the stepping up is more of a mental thing, we saw him do it more this year but he def needs get into the mental habit of going forwards not backwards in the pocket. To be too slow physically to step up would be a retireable offense lol, even 42/43 year old brees and Brady can step up and they are as slow as it gets

I agree. Its a mental thing. And he isn't very adept at feeling the pressure and moving around within the pocket. His spin move or running to the outside seems to be his only move. Which at times gets him into trouble. When the outside pressure comes at him, many times all he really needs to do is step up and through.


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Not sure what your point is in posting this reply as it has nothing to do with how piss poor accurate Dak is either on the field or throwing at targets no more than 10 yards away. I guess you just wish to deflect and deny the fact that Dak will not lead this team anywhere but is only looking to pad his bank account while screwing the team's salary cap up.


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Wait, So Jason Garrett and all those other QB coaches we've had have an eye for talent?

Why did we fire them?!

Did you firget that poll of anonymous NFL executives where they had Dak ranked as a bottom third QB ?

Oh.. that's right, what do they know right?

Garrett fired and as well as every other NFL coach that have seen him did so under live conditions not from their couches. Please provide a link from your gee NFL executives ranked Prescott ranked in the bottom third. That just somehow doesn't jive with Prescott ranked as the #1 free agent this season. The #1 ranked free agent isn't a player ranked in the bottom 1/3 of the league. Oh and newly sign head coach McCarthy thinks Prescott is their franchise QB but I'll guess that went right past you.


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I agree. Its a mental thing. And he isn't very adept at feeling the pressure and moving around within the pocket. His spin move or running to the outside seems to be his only move. Which at times gets him into trouble. When the outside pressure comes at him, many times all he really needs to do is step up and through.
Yup, as soon as that happens he’s gonna unlock a whole new level of playmaking. Think of all the extra throws and yards he could have when the play breaks down.

Also, maybe it was a facet of him playing for a contract but sometimes he has 5-8 yards of easy running room in front of him and he wants to make a pass. If he can start being more judicious with those then he can extend drives even more