Video: Dak's deep ball accuracy compared to elite QB's


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We’ve reached the point—a little beyond the point actually—where you’ve completely stopped making sense, so we’re done here. The important takeaway for you though is that it’s obvious that I was right that it’s been a concerted coaching and personnel decision to extend and improve the deep passing game and that’s it’s been going on for a couple of seasons now going back to when they brought Sanjay Lal in and went away from guys like Dez and Whit and Beasley and the QB with the back injury whose deep ball game had trailed off a bit. Clearly something they wanted to add, and clearly something they’re supporting with reps and new players. If you want to pretend that’s all happening despite the head coach, be my guest.

Who is they buddy? Garrett has been in control of this offense for over 10 years. Now, all of a sudden, Moore comes in and they are changing the personnel and all of a sudden spready out the offense and focusing on going deep "at the request of Dak".

And to you this means that Garrett is at the forefront of the change. :lmao2::lmao2::lmao2::lmao2::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You will say anything to absolve your hero.


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The post was funny. Kramer is also one of my favorite TV characters ever. So his avatar gets appreciation from me.

Sorry you’re sensitive about posts other people like, Phil. I personally don’t care what school anyone on this board went to. It doesn’t matter.
I’m not sensitive about post others like at all. I know you’re bias and lying so I called it out. Flip outta here I didn’t mention the other poster that liked it so try again pal.


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We’ve reached the point—a little beyond the point actually—where you’ve completely stopped making sense, so we’re done here. The important takeaway for you though is that it’s obvious that I was right that it’s been a concerted coaching and personnel decision to extend and improve the deep passing game and that’s it’s been going on for a couple of seasons now going back to when they brought Sanjay Lal in and went away from guys like Dez and Whit and Beasley and the QB with the back injury whose deep ball game had trailed off a bit. Clearly something they wanted to add, and clearly something they’re supporting with reps and new players. If you want to pretend that’s all happening despite the head coach, be my guest.

Right so lets go over the history of the changes:

-Sanjay comes in last year because Jones wants more fresh ideas and better route running from his receivers. Obviously its something Dak had requested that he likes about his receivers. Under Garrett previously, it was pathetic as we have seen. Big, plodding, slow, physical receivers that could run block and his now infamous, 7 yard comeback routes every play.

-Wasn't enough obviously as Garrett and his predictable horror show of an offense was still riding strong with Linehan as the OC. So Jones had to take to another level. He fires linehan and brings in Moore. We have all seen where Garrett was quoted that "no major coaching changes will be made". Jones freaks out, slaps down Garrett, and Linehan is fired a few days later.

-Moore is brought it and Jones make it clear that we need modern ideas and unpredictability that he wasn't getting. Jones states publicly to "let me know if your ideas arent being implemented". Now who do you think he was warning to stay out of the way there? Marinelli? Garrett? Its obvious. You can be in denial all you want, but its clear he wasn't getting it from Garrett.

-Moore is working closely with Dak and Dak requests much more of a spread, deep passing attack.

And here we are today. Now you can sit there and say that Garrett is a part of it. Great, he is the HC so he certainly overseeing things. Sanjay and Moore were brought in because Garrett wasn't getting in done. Those are the facts. If all these changes Garrett wanted, he would have simply told Linehan to do it over the past 4 years. Never happened. And of course, to save his reputation, Garrett is going along with it all and his "we" mantra. Which a Garrett apologist like you eats up.


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Nitwit lol. I went to school also and guaranteed it’s better than yours so try again. Look at @DakPresgoat trained seal self liking any post against me keylanto. You in the Philadelphia area you been to a better school than me too? We close enough we can prove that truth for real.

Great. Then learn to spot the difference between someone pointing out a fallacious argument vs "faux twitter babble" as you call it. Or better yet, instead of attempting to put a clever spin on a term that intimidates you, have the self awareness to slow your role and shut your jabroni mouth when you don't even know what you're talking about..


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Great. Then learn to spot the difference between someone pointing out a fallacious argument vs "faux twitter babble" as you call it. Or better yet, instead of attempting to put a clever spin on a term that intimidates you, have the self awareness to slow your role and shut your jabroni mouth when you don't even know what you're talking about..
I already know the difference average guy. It still doesn’t make it any less twitter babble. A term can’t intimidate me average guy. I know what I’m talking about hence why you’re average behind mad trying to fake being smart with your 20k self.


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I already know the difference average guy. It still doesn’t make it any less twitter babble. A term can’t intimidate me average guy. I know what I’m talking about hence why you’re average behind mad trying to fake being smart with your 20k self.

Saying "everyone" believes or agrees with something is an Appeal to the Masses logical fallacy, no matter how you wish to spin it. That definition long precedes your precious twitter.


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I already know the difference average guy. It still doesn’t make it any less twitter babble. A term can’t intimidate me average guy. I know what I’m talking about hence why you’re average behind mad trying to fake being smart with your 20k self.

I'll help you out since you apparently construct your worldview from twitter.

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "argument to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: "If many believe so, it is so."

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, vox populi,[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), fickle crowd syndrome, and consensus gentium


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Saying "everyone" believes or agrees with something is an Appeal to the Masses logical fallacy, no matter how you wish to spin it. That definition long precedes your precious twitter.
I’m not spinning anything wannabe smart guy. My point was your statement is something people on Twitter use a lot. No more no less average guy


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Throwing deep more times per game is the antithesis of a Zeke ball controlled offense. Low percentage completion rate with the greater chance of putting you at the wrong end of down and distance. Timing more of them on 2nd and short would be ideal even if they are expected

Big plays win games IMO, so you gotta have them.


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I'll help you out since you apparently construct your worldview from twitter.

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "argument to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: "If many believe so, it is so."

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, vox populi,[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), fickle crowd syndrome, and consensus gentium
It’s nothing an average guy that googles all their into can tell me. Maybe your boss is impressed by that but not I.


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I’m not spinning anything wannabe smart guy. My point was your statement is something people on Twitter use a lot. No more no less average guy

Whoopdie! And the statement espouses the truth regarding some poster's opinions around here. Deal with it.


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Whoopdie! And the statement espouses the truth regarding some poster's opinions around here. Deal with it.
I did deal with it average poster by posting what I did. It just upset your average faux smart self. Why don’t you deal with it? Anyway you can have the last word if you choose. Have a great day


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Truth hurts. I know.

Google or no Google. Facts are facts.
Yes the fact is you’re average as beep I know that hurts hence why you come online trying to act like you’re smarter than you are. Facts are facts average.


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I did deal with it average poster by posting what I did. It just upset your average faux smart self. Why don’t you deal with it? Anyway you can have the last word if you choose. Have a great day

Why would I be upset? That's ridiculous.


Fattening up
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Sanjay Lal has been with the team one year. Crediting him for the change would mean it was the coaches who didn't want it previously. As you indicated with the Romo comparison. Like you said they finally decided.

This is his second camp, actually, but, yeah. We'd invested--with good reason--in making the offense Romo-friendly. Late in his career, with his back issues and his ability to take advantage of Dez' body positioning and ability to high-point the ball, and with Wit and Beasley able to move the chains, we had a different set of skills. When he went down in 2016, they moved on from Hubbard, brought in Lal, and started moving to more of a deep ball offense with guys like Tavon, Gallup, and eventually Cooper. This year they continued that by bringing in Cobb as a big-play replacement to Bease, on top of the multiple speedy VFA/UDFAs they brought in.

Pretty obviously it was planned and intentional. Just as it's pretty obvious that they're working on it from a coaching perspective with both Dak and the WRs to make this a part of the game.

The idea that that all happened over the last two seasons without buy in from the OC and the HC is just too stupid to take seriously, honestly.


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Yes the fact is you’re average as beep I know that hurts hence why you come online trying to act like you’re smarter than you are. Facts are facts average.

I forgive you, because I know from your projection of that word you look in the mirror everyday and feel the same way.;)