Passing more effectively than our opponent in those 12 games (and in the playoff game against the Lions).
In fact, the team that has passed more effectively has won the past 23 games we have played. We are 15-0 when we have passed more effectively than our opponent and 0-8 when we have not. (The team with the higher yards per rush is 11-12 in those games.)
League-wide, the teams that passed more effectively went 16-0 in Week 1. (The teams with the higher yards per rush went 7-9.)
It's obvious what wins in the NFL.
Well, that begs the question Adam. What made our passing game more "effecive last year"?
And before we go through the entire step by step QNA.....
Do you think it was becuase of the, I dunno.....1800 yards rushing from DM?
becuase if you dont, youre in the minority. Not saying your wrong, but other all time greats in the NFL, would say you are wrong..... I'm Just putting it out there. Not saying if its right or wrong.
I think Romo was a much smarter QB last year and seems to be the same this year; His time and maturity and game awareness is allwoing him to be even better then what we thought Romo could ever be; It played a big role in the 12 last year...
But I think he benefitted a great deal, from a stellar run first identity. I think the whole team, to inlcude Romo , the Defense, etc etc , fed off that Running/Oline engine.